This has to be the worst Blizzard comment I've ever seen


First of all. Show me where they said “absolutely no form of a timer”.

They didn’t add a timer like m+ has. Its not a hard failure timer.

Even in what you linked to me, it didn’t say that.

Ok I’m done. Not with a timer. Not hard to see,.

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They said “BY AND LARGE” that your failures will be measured in deaths. Not with a timer.

That does not mean “We are not adding a timer at all, anywhere, in any form, even if its a soft timer mechanic that doesn’t really time you”.

Why is reading comprehension this difficult.

“By and Large” means “on the whole”. Which means there will still be the occasional time that the opposite will happen. They are saying that your failures will mostly be due to deaths, and rarely from any timer. Because the timer is extremely lax and doesn’t have a hard failure point like something similar to m+ or visions.

And it starts again. Put in those ear plugs blizzard and stop listening to your player base.

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There actually isn’t anything false about that even now. There is no timer to fail -you will fail by deaths.

Apparently I should just take Blizzard’s advice and stop trying to argue with a stubborn mule; I don’t intend to be on the hook when things blow up in their faces again like Azerite gear. ESO is looking like much friendlier waters to set up shop in permanently.

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Sounds about right for Blizzard. This philosophy should apply to the specific feel of the gameplay for sure. But being timed isn’t something that requires specific alpha experience.

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This is the truth. Nor beta testers. Everyone told them Azerite gear didn’t have enough time to test, but they released it anyway. They released I think less than a week before release of the expac.

If you play enough Rogue-lites, you can easily compare what has been shown of Torghast to it. It’s not like they locked people out of streaming it. It’s not that complicated to know from gameplay if this something people will enjoy for themselves.

My sales lead says “Customers are the biggest idiots”

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People are people, but it’s generally not a good idea to blow off and mock the people who are keeping the lights on.


I haven’t played this so here’s my feedback. This is a timer. You might as well describe it as island expeditions only in a tower. Nice work, Blizzard. You should really make more money for such flawless thinking.

If participation is really the issue, they could invite the most vocal critics who they would deem to be average participants in Torghast and see what they think, and have them report back.

Well true but sometimes I am conflicted whether Developers should take feed back from players or just follow their own vision that they have for this dungeon.

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that example works for some cases, but i do not think it does works in this case, i honestly believe i need to test this myself ir order to truly knows it feels good or not.
Since the whole package is not yet done + players that didnt experienced first hand, i would not care too much about these kind of feedback either, because thats not different than just judging a book for its first page

It doesn’t matter if they “like” discussion and speculation, it’s that discussion and speculation that isn’t founded in any actual experience of the content is fundamentally not useful for development.

They may be speaking towards interference from Activision to Blizzard, where Blizzard’s goal is to make a good game, and Activision’s goal is to maximize profits.

Just goes to show that instead of correcting their mistake with adding timers, they plan on doubling down.

I’m with blizz I don’t care about you and all the other whiners complaining about content that hasn’t been released or played yet. Your crying means nothing right now.

I wouldn’t say useless, I would less useful.

You don’t have to be in alpha to see damage taken complete from one part of the rotation and dumped into a single ability and go “that doesn’t sound like a positive change”, or see an ability that you enjoyed using removed and be upset, nor do you need to be in alpha to see that ashen hollows is horrible on a 4 minute cd and that the other covenant options are bland because whilst most other classes get new tools Paladin gets stronger hammer of wrath, stronger consecration, and AoE judgement or simply a passive buff, which ironically looks the most fun as at least it can potentially speed up the rotation.

Yup I too have read the feedback from alpha players. The alpha player feedback aligns with what a lot of non alpha testers are saying on these forums as well.

Time will tell if Blizz changes course.

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