This game's community is really selfish

I think you should stop posting if you are unable to understand basic phrases.

A lvl 500 is not going to swap down to 460 to get a chance to get a piece of 475 gear for transmog because that will affect their ability to fight the boss effectively.

Again, no one in their right mind is going to do that. Especially when at base ilvl you’ve still got a chance to wipe on the boss and incur a repair bill.

Why would I waste bullion on mogs when I can use it to get BiS gear?

Its by choice, and you’re greedy one
beside the point, your mog is just awful and make me question, is this why you ninja looted someone? just for that awfull look? Nice

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Pfft. Guuuuuurl. You’re using too much eyeshadow. /havingfun

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I’ve been saying the same thing for awhile now. So far I’ve come to realize the people who are against personal loot or being blocked from rolling need when they have superior items are the same people rolling need for Tmog, gold, or disenchantments. Sad thing is Blizzard enables them because they pay for a subscription.


Except when

  • stats are better
  • effect is better
  • replaces a crafting piece I want moved
  • all trinkets, weapon with effect, people dual wielding, etc etc etc.

Plenty of reasons not to put a strict ilvl block on stuff. Causes more issues than it fixes.

And again, why should I do content at all if I don’t have a shot at a reward?!


I love how I can make a solid point that’s rebutted with “lol ur ugly”.

You really had to rub the brain cell hard to drop that gem.

Don’t hurt yourself too hard trying to summon the capacity for the next one.

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Ninja looting someone is not a thing. You cannot ninja loot, all there is is winning a loot roll for items you are eligible to roll on.

And yet you still never understood how the system works, nor managed to explain a better one. Nor do you realize personal loot has no differences in this circumstance from group loot unless you choose not to loot the boss in order to conceal the drop. If that is a plus to the system, then I suppose personal loot is better here, but you and the OP here still lose the loot roll anyway.


Okay let me make a point here
Lets say my 3 months baby wants my milk and my husband need it too
Who would i give it to?

Proceeds to describe a situation entirely divorced from the conversation.

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Where the hell did you came from, you scared me
Its was an example, do you have a hard time understanding it?

It was an example of an unrelated situation.

Well OBVIOUSLY the baby’s going to call CPS if you don’t give it the milk.

Your husband’s selfish for liking milk. Make sure he never drinks it ever again.

This example just proves how stupid this conversation is becoming.

You have an Iq of a chicken XDDDDDDDDDDD

TRUE (which is forums)

Hi, Kiyoko. I can’t see what you replied because I have you on ignore. Maybe you should do the same since you can’t cope with my opinion and feel the need to respond every time.

Anybody looking for the tl;dr: WAAAAAAAH


You mean, the one I haven’t put any real effort into on my alt?

Your 3 month old baby isn’t capable of calling CPS because it’s 3 months old.

OP is not a 3 month old and is capable, albeit utterly lacking, of emotional regulation. Unlike your 3 month old. And yet, they sound exactly the same.

You didn’t prove a point here. You proved how ridiclous it is that a (presumably) grown person is crying over pixels in a video game.


But it proved that you’re close minded