Something should be done about thieves in LFR

Yea I know. I’m a Rogue talking about theft… Seriously. Something needs to be done. I don’t have the resources or friends to gather people for my own raid. I use LFR because it’s convenient. I’m getting tired of people in LFR stealing the loot drops. “Oh but they can’t steal them because its a loot roll”. Yes. They can. Players go into LFR and roll need on items far below their ilvl. Maybe it’s for disenchanting. Maybe it’s for gold. Maybe it’s for spite. Who knows. What I do know is WW Monks with a 500+ ilvl BIS 2hand should not be rolling on Thorncaller Claw BIS for Outlaw Rogues, winning, then rolling on wrists and winning again. Something needs to be done. These people with superior items should not be winning rolls on lower ilvl or recieving more than one item off the same boss. Especially when its not BIS gear for their spec.


Prepare to be crapped on by the modern era of WoW player in the comments.

No one sees this as “stealing” anymore for some reason.
I’d imagine they’d all be blacklisted as ninjalooters if they played before Cata.

There are legitimate issues with the current systems, especially for those seeking transmog, so I do understand why these rolls happen, but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s wrong and it’s crazy that it’s so widely supported.


Why does your want or need for an item supersede other players?

You want it for X reason. I want it for Z reason.

Why do you feel your reason is greater or more valid than mine?


This is like being mad the old lady next to you at the casino won jackpot in slots and you didn’t.


Why do you roll need on lesser items when others need it more than you? Why are you greedy?



You’re angry about not winning rolls for loot. I get it. But that doesn’t make people thieves.

Starting off aggressive like that isn’t going to help foster any constructive discussion.



Also some items while a strong downgrade in ilvl, are a huge upgrade in performance.

Perfect example is the trinket from nymue. It’s bis for me. I have a mythic and hero trinket but that lfr nymue trinket? massive upgrade.


Cause its not, you can criticize the system they designed all you want, thats fine, but ‘stealing’ isn’t the word for it at all.


No, they cannot. The loot rules allow them to roll. Some items, regardless of ilevel, are BiS. And regardless, once again, the loot rules allow them to roll. Just like in PL they would have gotten it, as well.


How exactly is it theft if you don’t own it? They particapated in the kill, they have just as much right to roll on items too.


Think of it like RNG. You might get a wing where there are ninja, you might not. Its always been a roll of the dice, either way.


When there is a “Need” “Greed” and “Transmog” option, and people are hitting “Need” when they really want Transmog or Gold (see: Greed), it’s blatantly opposing the intent of the system. This behavior didn’t use to be accepted by players. At some point that changed I guess.

Again, I do understand that Transmog, particularly in LFR, is a touchy subject that really requires changes on Blizzard’s end to resolve.

I also understand that if we’re strictly just comparing Personal Loot to what’s happening with Group Loot (which replaced it after many years), it’s effectively the same in terms of the math of it. But that’s not really what’s being discussed here.

Rather than the usual topics of discussion (Returning to Personal Loot or being more restrictive in what players can roll Need for along with auto-collecting lower versions of Transmog appearances), another option here is to go the FFXIV LFR Route.

You roll against other players still, but you aren’t loot-locked until you actually win something. You can run the raid again until you get your loot. But it’s only 1 piece a week from any given wing (in WoW’s case, it might make more sense to be the entire raid, rather than wing-specific).

Note that I’m really only talking about LFR here. Wouldn’t make a lot of sense to stick to that system in organized content.


The game has changed a lot in almost every way, loot is the same (in that it’s changed too.) Thankfully lfr isn’t the only source of loot in this game, nor the most plentiful.


This is what it looks like when somebody can’t see past the end of their own nose.

The absolute irony of people like OP implying others are selfish is over the top.

Baked in bizaare assumption that they would have won those rolls if a lower geared player was there rolling instead of the high geared player. Goofy.

Yes yes, your scrub status makes you more entitled to roll on gear than everybody else. Got it.



I agree, but playing devil’s advocate who’s going to care when the likelihood of ever seeing those people again is slim to none? Yay random grouping! :dracthyr_love_animated:


o.O Ooh another one. Goody Goody!

This should distract me from Laminaria wiping the floor with me.


Interesting the OP already has 2 x 502 weapons but is accusing the OTHER person with the 502 weapon of doing something wrong.


You Going way too hard for a Saturday post wait for Sunday for a bait post like this