This game's community is really selfish

Your 3 month old baby isn’t capable of calling CPS because it’s 3 months old.

OP is not a 3 month old and is capable, albeit utterly lacking, of emotional regulation. Unlike your 3 month old. And yet, they sound exactly the same.

You didn’t prove a point here. You proved how ridiclous it is that a (presumably) grown person is crying over pixels in a video game.


But it proved that you’re close minded

I don’t think you know what proved, nor close minded, mean.

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ok random.

You assume that in this instance the milk is yours to give.

By suggesting your baby is more capable of handling life’s disappointments than a grown up simply because it hasn’t yet learned the ability to tattle?

That’s messed up.

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Also conflating the idea of being responsible for the life of a human being with a pair of bracers in WoW.


Rolling need is not ninja looting. The op has the right to roll need on items for the content they participate in. We are not entitled to efforts of others just because they have better items. This is basically what the OP and people of the same mind are saying.

I can see being peeved at seeing the person so was dead, refused the res and had better gear get the item you need. But a person that queues for LFR for transmog and then wins the transmog is not cheating or doing anything wrong. They are not being selfish for trying to reach their goal.

If people want others to care about their goals, then maybe they should do things like join a guild or make friends that share the same goals instead of depend on the kindness of strangers.


I think I’d like the BBC to do a nature documentary on Honeybunnyyy’s home situation narrated by David Attenborough to explain how this works.

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A nature documentary?

I was thinking more along the lines of a Feed The Children advert.

Maybe we can dupe someone into feeling guilty enough to buy OP a pre-made just for him.

If you call and pledge just 19 cents a month, we’ll make sure to send these poor starving WoW players a full set of Mythic-level raid gear. Hurry, supplies are running out.

Free bottle of mother’s milk with every order, while supplies last.

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Ya know how this issue could be resolved?
Disable Inspect in LFR, problem solved.


Who determines what’s better…you?

Just because an item has a higher ilvl doesn’t mean the lower item isn’t an upgrade.


Transmog is more valuable than Ilvl upgrades.


How to know when you’ve lost, your point is so weak you MUST resort to strawman arguments…


Yet PL actually wouldn’t solve this issue.

If you don’t understand how the systems work it’s best not to comment.

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Honeybunny is a prime example of why I buy stocks in cat food/cat litter

The only Positive of Personal Loot is that if you don’t loot the boss, you will get your drops in the mail and no one will harass you for your new transmog.

I think this argument makes actual strawman arguments slink away in embarrassment. Not even enough straw there to make a man.

  1. ilvl =/= an item is better
  2. Gear is temporary, transmog is forever

Because you might as well pass at that point since you’ll never win a mog roll since someone always needs on the item.


More of a straw-baby really.