This game's community is really selfish

Welcome to the massive downside of cross server and anything LFG. No Fs to give from anyone.

At least he needed for xmog, back in the day they needed out of spite.

He collects mogs.
You want the ilvl.
Both of you are right that you ‘need’ it.
The entitlement it takes to say that HE shouldnt be rewarded for HIS effort in the content, the same effort YOU put in, is seriously off the meter.

that gear upgrade you would have gotten would be replaced in a week.
That mog will be in his collection till the WoW servers go offline.
Mogs are the only part of gear that actually matter.

No…its self righteous entitled sorts who think they deserve something for their effort and someone else who put in the same work shouldnt get something THEY are trying to get who should go play skyrim instead.

While Im not averse to the idea of giving someone a drop I got if I feel to in the moment, PUGS ARENT a raid group where moving gear around is for the benefit of that group.
PUGS are there for ME to get stuff I want and need for MY account.
If I wanted to be required to share, id join a raiding guild.

:point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up:

What’s it going to change?
Your blood pressure, that’s about it.
Stop inspecting the winner, ilvl is temporary, mog is forever, they have the same right to roll as you.

They shouldn’t allow people to roll on an item if they have better one… Period

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As I’ve said in previous threads: If I participate in a run then I am every bit as entitled to the rewards as anyone else whether the gear in question is an “upgrade” or not.

But it is allowed, why should a heroic raider be denied a mog? Like I said, ilvl is temporary, mog is forever…

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I mean “Need” button should be disabled
If you have better item
You can always select transmog button
Gear > Mog
Its common sense

Personal loot would solve any issues. But I think Blizzard is enjoying the drama


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The transmog button is a trap for stupid people; the only way you are ever going to win that is if literally no one rolls need for either onspec or offsepc and then you beat however many people decided to roll for the mog.

Now, if they wanted to fix heigh levels rolling for Mogs, then the solution is actually relatively simple: make it so that when you get an item you get it’s appearance as well as the lower tier versions of it (IE you got a weapon in Heroic you’d get the Normal and LFR appearances).

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You’re kind of people who make the game complicated

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No, I’m the kind of person whose sweat equity makes it so that morons who can’t position properly in a boss fight to avoid one shot mechanics aren’t spending 2 hours progging on a boss by having the skills and/or ILVLs to get the job done.

Because yeah: If I’m not getting gear or Mogs out of the run why the hell am I subjecting myself to LFR?

its a job now huh

I like how you don’t understand idioms.

Well not sure why they haven’t add GEAR as well ( Antique Bronze Bullion NPC) (For mog, not Actual gear)

Your gear last a month or two, transmogs are for life!

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i think you should stop playing, if you’re treating the game as a job

Cool, I’ll wear a worse item for the entirety of the run and swap back into my better gear afterwards.

Problem solved.

Oh wait, except now I’m pulling less numbers to down the boss and now we wipe.

Do you see how absolutely no one with more than two brain cells is going to do that?

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