They really ban players for swearing

im waiting for my ticket to get looked at ? then il post it here lol

Yeah something tells me that what you said wasnā€™t as mild as ā€˜goofieā€™.

Your general attitude in this thread tells me that you said something far more severe and youā€™re just claiming you said ā€˜goofieā€™ so you can garner sympathy from forum folk.


You made a thread crying because of a suspension lol.


Iā€™m always going, I never stop stopping.

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So, it is both.

ā€œYou Control The Buttons You Pressā€ - DOOM

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so you are just making up a story to elicit an emotional response?

thatā€™s called trolling, my dear.


Ya know, from a certain perspective, one could also make the case that ā€œbeing politeā€ would include being the bigger person and forgoing extraneous actions like someone seeking a manager at a retail store (figuratively speaking)

Where I come from, having good manners and being polite also means knowing that other people arenā€™t like me and I should just ignore them - not report them to the authorities for not fitting the mould of what I deem correct.

I personally wouldnā€™t care what language was used against me. I was taught to ignore it because it canā€™t hurt me.

Just my opinion though.

I was also taught to follow the rules I agreed to, and not expect someone else to have to be the bigger person to compensate for my actions.


Just curious, but do you call the cops every time you see someone swerve in the road?


no. itā€™s not the same

you know it isnā€™t.


It actually is pretty damn close brother.

Just a guessā€¦ but that Iā€™m 100% sure wasnā€™t the word you used.

see a cop canā€™t give a ticket based on a random person calling in. because they didnā€™t see it.

if you report a person, they can see exactly what happened and make the appropriate response.

thatā€™s a huge fundamental difference.


I love when that happens. :heart_eyes_cat:


ā€œReckless driving should be okay because the other people should drive defensivelyā€


In what world do you live in? I can 100% call a cop that someone is swerving on the road and they will investigate and take action if deemed appropriate

Source: Iā€™ve literally done exactly that because I saw what looked like an obvious drunk driving situation

IDK how you guys are getting suspended for your language. Iā€™ve been trolling people in pvp with political banter for years and never once been hit with any form of punishment.

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Ok. In your situation, could you expand on what happened?

Did a cop drive to the area, and see the person driving drunk?

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Are you talking about impaired drivers swerving out of their lane? Because that is actually one of the times I WOULD call 911. That is how too many people get killed :worried:

Now, if someone is just speeding a bit, that is up to the cops to deal with, not me.

People who do speed though, should not be shocked when they get a ticket eventually. At some point a cop will catch them.