Figures, one that has been toxic to others, or thrown people’s fool switch is getting on my case being toxic.
There is a little thing called post history one can check, before calling out people being toxic, you might want to check that and see how they reply to others, might pick up a pattern, like toxicity breeds toxicity, or the toxicity comes out when certain limits have been reaced.
7059 posts and spamming posts on a class you dont even play gaslighting everybody and being toxic to everybody on the hunter class forum gaslighting them into thinking nobody puts summon pet or revive\heal pet on there action bars LMAO
I’m sure you have a source for this claim, and that it includes details on what Blizzard considers to be a “skill” for counting in that context.
Does Eyes of the Beast count for current MM? How about Eagle Eye? Those are pure flavor. How about Fetch? Do Fetch and EotB count as one skill together, since MM rarely uses a pet?
What about something like Flare? What if you don’t PvP, does it still count?
I remember listening to it in one of the many dragonflight dev\youtube interviews talking about all the class reworks and somebody asked if they have a target spell amount and how many spells is too much.
Highly unlikely, i think it was more around core spells. It was due to all the complaints around too many spells for some classes in the dragonflight rework.
My point is that if they remove pet summon,pet revive, pet follow , pet attack, pet dismiss then it should open up the action bar or gameplay loop for more abilities that would help with surviving without a taunt bot in solo content, and that the devs have said in the past they do review spell count when doing redesigns.
Surely you can link to this, provide a guess as to where the interview was, or with who, or when it came out, something?
Hmm, so it’s about core spells. Makes sense.
Why would Call Pet/Mend Pet/Revive Pet be considered “core spells” for a spec that is explicitly designed around not using a pet? Even if you have access to those abilities, are they really “core” if your base rotation, utility, or survivability in group PvE and PvP (i.e. the content where Blizzard cares about balance) has no interaction with them whatsoever?
I’m not insulting you. You are crying. Weeping even. I’m just pointing out you are doing it. You control the fix for that not me.
Yup, and we get out of it. Every class has tools to do so. There is no end game here where MM hunter can’t solo content just as good as anyone else. Again, you are crying about NOTHING.
The only thing I intend to prove is how wrong you are. I intend to do that with testing on the ptr. You know, that thing that we can all do here soon. You haven’t even tested these changes yet. You’ve just made assumptions, and, of course, weeped on the forums.
It is one thing to not like a change. It is totally another thing to just make things up and doom and gloom before the changes are even final. Grow up.
EDIT: Just looked at your parses on your main. I think I actually get it more now. I apologize. Have a good one.
Oh, sure, if you had really looked at my post history, you might have seen I have posted ideas that would sell the pet less spec for me, but since you prefer to try and degrade the thoughts of others, here:
So sure, claim we are going to kill the rework, maybe if you had asked what it would take to make the changes acceptable to us, we would actually have discussions
and here you have it folks, I posted a quote, from myself, that includes changes that go further into the pet less spec yet this one ignor3es thwat just to try and argue that I am only capable of being toxic.
For those of you interested, I can sum up the points of the quote:
a talent that gives our rotational shots a chance to debuff the mobility of mobs
One who brought the toxicity on themselves and keeps bring up the past when some of us are trying to move on.
My engagement with you does leave something to be desired, but I think it is past time you looked in a mirror and asked your self if you might not have been toxic to me, or posting things that coul dbe taken as such. Far too many blame others, but it always takes 2 to tango, so you are not innocent either.
And my day likley just got better, because a fool that can’t do self reflection and move beyond their biases is now where they belong, on ignore. Just wish it was account wide as I am debating on switching to my hunter for these discussions.
In this case, I would consider it M+ over 10 and mythic raiding, if you want to get more into it, M+ 12 and up and Mythic raiding beyond the “peggable” bosses (or beyond the first wing, max).
In essence, I consider “high end” content to be content beyond what Blizzard thinks the average player should be able to complete with any class, any spec within a season.