They are ruining marksmanship because of M+ players

Feel free to dismiss your pet if you don’t want to manage Mend Pet. You’ll even deal more damage that way.

Terrible people could do the research and claim ALL of my characters havent done high end pve this expansion, and they would be correct. The highest achievement this expansion I got was Field Marshal in Solo BGs(2300rating). If my game participation isnt high enough to warrent someone else being proud of me or respect my opinion, I could not possibly care less. Opinions can be supported by game experience or actual facts, but they are opinions about a fantasy game, nothing is set in stone. Blizzard will do whatever they want with their IP.

i mean theres a reason, not trying to be a *** or anything but

alot of class tuning and changes are based around end game content and alot of people who dont do said content or research heavily into them, often say very bat**** dumb comments and opinions. like we see with the pet and mm hunter stuff now.

do i think there should be a choice node to allow people to have their pets instead of the eagel? yes. player agency and choice is always good

do i think the spec should be designed around rpers and people who do the bare minimum of content? no. holding back a specs evolution and good changes because LFR larry wants to roleplay with his pet from 20 years ago as marksmen (instead of swapping to bm) during theater trope is just dumb and shouldnt be catered to

incase i wasnt clear btw, have pets as a choice node for the people who want it as a dps loss and continue the revamp of the spec as planned. if anyone disagrees with this post then it was never about pets, it was about being adverse to change and thats a horrible thing to promote in a game thats constantly changing per patch

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A lot of ideas for the pet have been tossed around, I think this is one that would please the bulk of both sides, especially when you consider you can have different load outs for:
Raid ST
Raid Cleave
Raid AoE
Open World/Delve

The thing is, such have either been ignored or treated like it would keep holding MM back. To that, I just have this to add: anyone against talents that enable those that want to keep the pet, especially if it is a trade off of some kind, it is not about the pet, it is about wanting to remove player choice and push all players of the spec to play the same in all content.


That ones been shot down every time as “A dps loss” hilariously.

And the ones that do so are among those that think one needs to maximize DPS in all content, which could mean they only play MM in group content.

If there was an option to have the traditional pet or Eagle, I’d likely always choose Eagle as the utility I want can be accessed without threat of wasting time healing a pet, summoning pets, swapping pets, having a pet in CC so the utility is inoperable, resurrecting pets, ressummoning a pet that went too far from me and despawned.

If there was an actual option, better than an option that is super sub optimal so it wont be used much, it would be always having 11.1s updates in effect with utility being used by the hunter, not traditional pet, but also have the traditional pet for a tiny bit of damage and lots of threat generation. That would allow hunters to use the utility in the actually best way and optionally use the traditional pet in addition to that when desired. Dealing with the traditional pet is like a second job so I don’t think it is smart to add a damage robbing debuff if a traditional pet is active, just nerf pet damage(it is already very low), and buff threat to the moon for the pet.

thats the point

like how bm is gonna have a new talent to make them have one pet at a dps loss? like that

people who wnat to use pet as mm should eat that dps loss it shouldnt matter to them anyways as ive been told.

i still dont see the use of a pet as mm in any content world content included but w/e

Thats because it is a you problem who cant see anything pass your own nose.


Knock that off, at least she is falling into the group that is willing to let those that want a pet to have the option via talents. At worst, she is one that can’t see how others play, but she is at least for giving players options, even if she does not understand them.

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I don’t take anyone who say “they cant see the use of a pet as MM”, this is a disingenuous statement, because even if its not necessary the pet can still be valuable to make things easier, faster or more convenient. If you cant see that well, something is wrong.

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There is no reason to say they can’t see anything past their own nose, and to me, you telling them that means you can’t see beyond your own views.

There is always the ones that can be like “I don’t personally see x, but maybe others do”. And right now, it is looking like you can’t see how some of your comments are throwing gasoline onto a smoldering fire but some like me ARE.

you legit like to make everyone mad at you dont you

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I definitely do not require or rely on my pet to kill players, just because its damage is already so low for MM. But the few cool things it does for me other than utility going to the Eagle are nice. I’m kind of in this weird spot where I’m good either way, but I am excited about 11.1 changes.


Maybe, maybe not, but like quite a few likely suffers from foot-in-mouth disease, or can’t help but put his foot in his mouth whenever he opens it.

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Isn’t you who went to a thread about a completely different subject telling the person who opened to play BM hunter? my point is accurate


id already admitted to my mistake, not m y fault that theres a million hunter threads of the same topic made by the same 2 people and their army of alts

in the spirit of good will tho, i wont further this argument. that is the best compromise for everyone and like i said before, if anyone still complains about having a choice node between eagel or pet at a dps loss then it was never about the pet at all.

Download Nethack or Moria for the melee version.

Dark Ranger (Shadowy Ranged Spec)

  • Theme: Shadow-Wielding Archer with Necromantic Powers
  • Playstyle: A ranged DPS that blends shadow magic, curses, and undead summoning with precise, dark archery. Combines damage over time with crowd control and debuffs.
  • Signature Abilities:
    • Silencing Shot – Interrupts spellcasting and silences the target.
    • Corrupted Arrow – A shadow-based DoT that can summon temporary undead minions.
    • Life Drain Shot – Deals damage and heals the hunter for a portion of the damage dealt.
    • Dark Pact – Sacrifices a portion of health to summon a powerful undead ally.
  • Fantasy: A corrupted ranger who channels dark magic into their archery, spreading shadow and fear across the battlefield.
  • Role: Ranged DPS with shadow-based damage and utility in controlling enemies and summoning minions.

This is Hunter with some flavor of DK

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Dark ranger should of been its on hero spec in shadowlands IMO

But now its a hunter hero spec instead so MM hunter is now a ranger spec.