These new forums are... well okay maybe not so bad

The situation in SoCal seems to just get worse and worse. There’s gotta be some end to the nightmare. : /

You forget what the sun looks like? Go to dragon shores.

I’m in the San Francisco Bay Area. We are getting all the smoke from the CampFire near Chico. Areas north of me, like Berkley and Oakland have air that’s even worse.

I might be driving to Sacramento for Thanksgiving. The air there is very unhealthy to hazardous.


I’m coming over to your house to play Spyro.

I honestly miss pages. Browsing, whether it’s my phone or desktop feels disorganized. It’ll take some getting used to and some of the features I like, but the lack of pages to consolidate things? Yeah, that feels lame.

Edit: I’m also a bit concerned about the “statistics” in which it shows who most likes your posts/threads etc. Pardon my cynicism, but I can’t help but see folks just using that to see who’s in which clique or dismissing things all together because they’re vouched by X person all the time.


I’m gonna be honest, I was kind of hoping that after Topsail, Zandrae would be inspired to like one of his own posts on his alts.

Imagine noticing 249 likes before reading the post, then thinking, “Wow, this must be something really deep. I wonder what it said.”


Change scares me.

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What is this monstrosity :no_mouth:

Saw this on GD & wanted to tag it for those who might be interested.

Actually I liked a couple posts of my own on the WET forums because I might have found a privacy concern and my testing habits die hard. I’d like your post but 13 hours until I can like again.

You tempt me, I might do it for the memes which says a lot because I don’t really like memes. :peacock:

It snowed last night here in New England. Rain is washing it away but we got a few inches.

I don’t post much here but as someone that browses the realm forums a lot its… interesting. Kind wish they had tried something other than keeping default blizzard blue for some stuff and melded the colors better.

I hope you and others are doing ok out there. :frowning:

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I’m fine, the fumes have had a negative effect on people doing things like driving though.

One area of concern is that we don’t have enough respirator masks to go around, or air filters. Everywhere is sold out. Someone who is poor/disabled/elderly and might actually NEED these supplies might not be able to afford a filter or afford to get one or a respirator masks overnighted to them.


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So when do I get to dump my meme folder onto the forums, anyway?

new day to say this still stinks!!!

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Infinite scrolling definitely not great on mobile. Still waiting for my likes to grow like some kind of facebook game. Not sure this has done much to enhance my usual browsing at work but I guess time will smooth that out.

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Yeah I’m definitely finding that trying to scroll through all of the responses will wig it out and then I’ll be in a spot far off from where I was. Very strange.

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Morally grey.


The lack of an ignore function is really super concerning. It seems the people who developed the software didn’t believe in such a feature.

I facepalm with the force of a thousand exploding suns. :peacock:

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