These new forums are... well okay maybe not so bad

Catch me leveling 500 alts to 10 so I can spam like my own posts and feel popular.

Another thing I noticed is that if there’s a link, it’ll have an indicator next to it showing how many times it’s been clicked?

Edit: To clarify, they show how many users have clicked them, not how many times those users have clicked.

Also you can add edit reasons now, but they don’t actually come through. So I guess that’s for the mods?

Edit 2: Oh there it is! You see them when you click the edit pencil. The pencil just doesn’t show up unless you actually edit in the text.

I can see that being fun with nsfw art links

There are 784 replies with an estimated read time of 34 minutes.

is overwhelmed reading this

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There should be a summarize thread button to make it easier

The summarize button picked out 100 posts.

Could be worse. Is an 800 post thread

Apparently there is a limit to how much we can heart stuff and I’ve hit it.

How can I be an emotional support peacock’dorei when I can’t spread love all over? :peacock:


You can just switch to a different character and send the good word

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The summary button should always lead to an audio clip of people screaming.

Otherwise, I think I’m mostly bothered by what feels like compact retail space in my browser if that makes any sense. It’s a minor pet peeve of mine ;v anyway I have no idea what I’m doing :smiley: but H E L L Y A H we got emojis :hamburger::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::sparkles::snowman::cheese::upside_down_face:


Thread Summary: Two people go at it while five other people memepost. Great recipe for cupcakes on post 231.


If it zooms out just a little bit I would like it better. But this is pretty cool to see people replying.

The party’s still going eight hours later. Is it snowing where any of you guys live?

It did yesterday here. More than we expected. Was supposed to be rain but NUPE buncha snow. TOO SOON.

It’s been raining for three days here. I forgot what the sun looks like.

grimsby this is weird

I hope we get snow but I live in IRL Burmecia and it’s looking to be a winter of eternal rain and overcast :umbrella::droplet:

No snow.

Lots of ash in the air here. Schools closed because the air quality is listed on the edge between unhealthy and very unhealthy.

My respirator arrives today. This keeps happening so I bought a washable one with disposable filters.


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S’posed to snow tomorrow! Hope it’s more than a light flurry.