Therazal weekly quest interface bug

Ditto for truth

It’s a known bug by this point…kind of a bummer we’re going into Friday with not even a hotfix so this weekly can be done. (And I can’t help but laugh that SO many of us hate Zaralek - I stopped playing while it was the active content, I hated it so much. xD) I’m curious what about the update borked this quest selection, tbh. The bank thing makes sense, as it is SUCH a massive overhaul to a fundamental core system, but this one is kinda baffling.

Same! Been this way since the patch.

yea this sucks i hate zaralek and really dont want to go down there, the dream one is so much easier.

same thing happening to me, all characters.

Im having the same issue.

Same problem with 1 alt, not with the others. Went to Zaralek and due to reputation accreditation after Tuesday’s reset, that alt had a bag and other items to pick up. She was the only alt who hadn’t ended that reputation.

Also having the same issue. Being forced back into ZC makes me want to unistall :nauseated_face:

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Even weirder… I had Amirdrassil weekly quest on a character and just needed to complete a superbloom to complete. I logged in today to get the superbloom done but the quest was replaced with Zaralek Cavern weekly in my quest log??

Post reset today (the 30th), this is still happening and still auto-choosing Zaralek caverns for me for a second week in a row. sigh

Still happening. Even without any addons. All characters. This is insane that it didn’t get addressed at least with the weekly reset.

I have found that if you hold shift when talking to Therazal it sometimes keeps all three options open, but wont let me select which one i want. (took about 20 tries with shift held down) The “Choose Quest” buttons are clickable, but never actually accept. Except for Zaralek… :frowning:

Same bug here:

and here:

Just bumping to say “me too”. Hope this gets a patch.

Still the case for me as well, two weeks now.

Same here, closes down the second I select anything other than accepting the Zaralek Caverns quest.

Yeah this is the worst, since I’d rather eat my own arm with a garnish of razorblades than quest again in Zaralek. At least let it default to the Emerald Dream.

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Yep. same thing and i thought was my ui bugging it but apparently not

just wondering if you got any updates / did you put in a ticket ?

Same problem on all Characters, addons disabled, No change since Pre-patch after several maintenance and hotfix cycles. I’ll do the caverns if I must, but the release of all awakened zones as a choice was advertised as a feature of Pre-patch.