Last Hurrah Forced Choice

So when I went to pick Emerald Dream Last Hurrah, I was given Last Hurrah: Zaralek instead.


Same problem. On one character I was actually able to get to the selection screen to pick one. I was going to pick the one in the Emerald Dream but when I clicked on it, the window closed and I was offered the one for Zaralek


Disabling all my addons allowed me to make a choice.

All Addons disabled. Logged out and back in. STILL being forced to Zaralek as only option.

Big window opens with three choices. Select Amirdrassil(sp?). Instead window to confirm Zaralek pops open.


I am having the same issue on all my chars. Addons are disabled. Even deleted my addon directory and my WTF dir to see if that helped but still the same issue.

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Same. After many, many tries I did get the screen to select but never got the quest. I’ve even removed WTF and Interface folders and set the game to defaults and still can’t select Amirdrassil quest. Do wonder if some coding got missed that this all raids are awakened and thus all 3 quests should be selectable. Even though visually they all appear, if you can get the window to stay open long enough to see them all.

Yeah forget my previous reply, I thought it was working but after further testing on alts it only lets you choose the 2nd one.

I’m also having this issue. Also tried disabling add-ons, and didn’t work.

Glad it’s not just me! :rofl:

If you spam click it after a while and move your mouse around wildly, it lets you pick one.

Bumping, can’t select Amidrassil, it’s forcing me to pick Zaralek. I’ve been waiting months for this change to happen and now that it’s finally in game, it still forces you to pick the quest you don’t want. Please fix this Blizzard.

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Same issue for me as well.

Same issue here. Disabled all addons and relogged and no change.

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Also having this issue.

Tried: disabling addons, reloading, relogging, tested on several alts - nothing worked and the quest is still borked.

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Same issue. Happening on all my alts, nothing seems to let me select anything other than Zaralak Caverns

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It’s definitely not an addon/ interface issue. It just seems like the quest doesn’t “know” that it should be allowing players to pick 1 of the 3, and just defaults to the old weekly rotation.

PRAYING this gets fixed soon as it was actually surprisingly my most wanted update for prepatch.


I’m having this problem, even with all add-ons reset, reloaded and restarted.

Same issue. Disabled all addons, reloaded, held shift down whilst clicking NPC…nothing.

Guys, please make sure you are submitting Bug Reports in game as well. The more people submit, the more likely this gets fixed.

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Trying to report a bug through the in-game menu just points you right back to this forum.

Also having this issue. Tried disabling add-ons, et al, to no effect.

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