My unpopular opinion as far as here is concerned that militarism and what not in a fantasy setting can and is fun when you delve into it only in the game space. But where WoW and FF14 differ alot is that a lot of the activities both through gameplay and narrative puts players to view nearly everyone around them as competition and cooperation is a begrudging means to an end rather than a willingness to have harmony with your neighbors.
Even the narrative of FF14’s PvP is like “Hey, this is all for training and the spirit of competition. I mean -sometimes- people die and yeah we do have our own self serving interests as autonomous nations but other than that? Go beat each other up for sport!”
Even something as basic as being able to communicate with the opposing side allows you to humanize them which WoW had a long history of going without. So you have a game where half of the playerbase is your enemy coupled already with the growing elitism of practicing min-maxing strategies for even the most casual of content.
All that said people are always going to have different anecdotal experiences it is what it is.
This was one of the least comprehensible activities at the Saucer to me, second only to Mahjong because my brain is small and I’ve never looked up how to play.
It’s like… This weird pseudo mario kart but instead of carts everyone has their own yoshi. I’m still completely unsure what any strategy seems to be but as far as I can see having enough stamina to sprint to first and then coast works nearly as often as not.
Anyways I wasted a couple hours on it one day before remembering there were other grinds I could be doing, it was sort of surreal to get distracted by a game in another game.
Please point out specific posts where FFXIV players were being toxic. I’ve been watching the thread and the old one and have yet to see it. Even when Rhonako came in and expressed trouble getting into the game everyone was polite and said that’s ok. How is that toxic behavior?
Point out what specifically FFXIV players are doing that is toxic because the only toxicity I’m seeing is coming from you.
I still have not caught up with the msq. Took me nearly 2 years to get to Shadowbringers playing on and off. I like to take it slow. Plus that also means I won’t run out of content anytime soon, especially since there is a lot of side stuff as well.
I’ve been doing pretty okay with a high stamina build and just kinda coasting while everyone slowly runs out of energy and then hitting dash just before the finish line.
But there’s also stuff, like, using your chocobo to breed new chocobos with better stats and create chocobo pedigrees, apparently?? And tournaments??? On the surface it just seems like a fun little minigame but there’s all this stuff if you really dig into it and it’s a little boggling.
It really captures that whole “yeah I got halway through the game and found X and forgot the game had a story for a few days but check this out my bird has a pedigree and I completed rainbow road on very hard”
so like… Moon Guard or Emerald Dream or Argent Dawn or Wyrmrest doesn’t matter because it’s all the same community, right? people will hop servers for fresher/different starts like people hop MMOs
so clearly you’re not down with the sickness on WrA, you might find that same community on another WoW RP server, oh FF14 is the same too so watch out for the toxicity but if that’s a contributing factor then it’s like…
good luck in Guild Wars 2 or SWTOR or whatever, if you’re gonna try and make some snarky “lol i pwn u” final comment you should at least keep it consistent and sensible by your own decree
I just discovered this yesterday and I was so taken aback (in a wonderful way). I didn’t know what to really expect flying into a giant cactus casino, but I spent a good amount of time just running around and figuring out the games. But then I spent my free coins on lottery tickets instead of playing anything.
The difference between FF14 and WoW’s communities is that if I went to a Fanfest I wouldn’t worry about whether or not someone might actually harass or literally assault me because I was wearing a blue beanie with a lion on it instead of a red beanie with a horseshoe.
Nothing quite confuses me more than the weird football mentality people have for the Horde and Alliance. I understand why it exists, Blizzard loved to hype up Horde players, but damn does it make little sense.
The 14 community is toxic because it disagrees with you about the state of the community being better than wow’s? Because that’s all anyone did to you in the other thread.
The only thing I’ve really seen regarding 14 community is that it can be a bit too passionate regarding criticisms of the game. Things like admitting to skipping the story will get people angry. But that’s still more preferable than slurs or political or religious “debates” in trade.
Just remember there are people who will accuse the victims of their bad attitude of being “toxic” merely because they couldn’t be spiteful without being told off for it.
like… running a dungeon in WoW vs FFXIV is a night-and-day difference and i’ve yet to find a PvP bro on the same level as WoW since FFXIV’s PvP is el garbage
I guess I’m just a millennial boomer because I too am reluctant to use discords for almost anything.
I don’t really see the benefits compared to using forums and I’m annoyed when I have to tie a single account to a dozen different fandom communities. Like how am I gonna show my face in the Crusader Kings discord if I choose a WoW-themed username like MikoTheFridge? Am I supposed to juggle multiple discord accounts just so I always have a fandom-appropriate profile pic in each discord??
Plus like we joke about WrA having a cabal of cliquish, powerful users who arbitrarily decide who to include and exclude but don’t discords just literally have that all the time