I’m just on a tear about everything at this point. You know what else is incredibly sick? Not having limited combat rezzes.
Oh you died? Get up. Oh you died again? Get up again. Did you die after that? Good! We’re all joined in collective suffering, get off the floor. Your healer may hate you, but it’s not like WoW where you die and just… Wait until everyone else does just to start over and do it again.
You live and die and live again until you learn the gods damned mechanic so help me.
I feel like rez sickness is a big enough debuff that it probably comes out about even.
There is high tier content that you’ll be lucky to clear before enrage past a certain number of deaths even with unlimited rezzes, but you still get the opportunity to at least learn the choerography.
Oh in any of the high end content, enrage timers are (to my knowledge) incredibly unforgiving, which I find very interesting.
But for everything else, you just shrug it off. It’s not optimal, but it significantly dulls the edge of making a mistake, and allows you to make multiple mistakes and learn from it without instantly ruining the experience for the three to twenty three other members of the instance.
Or, in my case, allows me to chuckle and watch sprouts kill themselves with my hands on the swiftcast.
Honestly higher tier content tends to be more frustrating not because of deaths (which honestly suck), but because when you get hit by an ability you get a Damage Down.
And nothing is more painful knowing that a run without deaths still failed by like 1-3% because people didn’t respect mechanics.
I love it though. I love the concept of Damage Down so much. It makes you have to respect mechanics or take a hit to your DPS (and pride).
There’s a pretty interesting write-up by a WoW dev from a couple years back about how FFXIV does boss design looking at Thordan EX and the way they structure fights in the game compared to certain common fight design pitfalls like the concept of failing too early via DPS checks and such like that, and stuff like mechanics being telegraphed clearly to a player (idr if they go into stuff like addons). I think they go into how much more forgiving death is to the player who died thanks to combat rezzes but also brings up the DPS check point with the death debuff and something about fights being kept from lasting forever because of it
Woke up, had a coffee and am now ready to give an actual response instead of five letter word and rolling my face on the keyboard as a substitute.
There’s no right way to go about getting accommodated to another MMORPG. And from my perspective your stress and malcontent could be from trying to force yourself to switch, and at a pace that you’re not accustomed and not earnestly willing to do. You’re trying to adapt, understand the intricacies of a system that is inherently different due to the dichotomy between how FFXIV and World of Warcraft treats its playerbase, develops, and just all-around interacts with the game and ergo allows the player to interact.
You should go at your own pace. Sometimes your own pace is trying to work out and figure out something even though it may take an inordinate amount of time. What are prism crystals? What’s the quests for Dragoon or Pugilist? Maybe, how are the societies of Miqo’te are made up? Ecetera. Regardless of whether it’s game mechanics, lore or UI, you should allow yourself to be lost sometimes. Talk to people. Yell at shout chat or in the (returning) sprout chat to ask questions and people will more than likely oblige.
You’re not inherently playing catch-up with the rest of the playerbase who are or have already shifted over, you’re joining them. No one’s going to be angry if you’re inexperienced, and the community is way more active and helpful to strangers than how World of Warcraft operates.
Sometimes transitioning to a new-game after spending years, if not a decade or more, on an old one, is rough. Roleplayers on FFXIV are usually more of a different breed and usually don’t put more stock into the equivalent of T:RPs and are more than likely to walk-up and react. Most of the time they tend to gather in the Waking Sands on Mateus and Balmung. Mateus works a bit better because there’s less people there.
there’s a funny thing i note about raid design in ffxiv compared to wow and it’s actually something i’ve been seeing more often with people who do raid in ffxiv
ther’s a sort of “grass is greener” effect when it comes to raid design, like when you’re going to ffxiv from wow you love the lack of trash and just like, go to boss, kill boss.
but i’ve been seeing more opinions from xiv raiders about having “go to boss, kill boss” for two entire expansions being pretty boring and missing the large explorable setpieces from earlier raids like binding coil and alexander, and praise for more recent things like the baldesion arsenal and delubrum reginae for having a mix of “trash” mechanics and exploration
I just want to say: the previous thread reminds me why the FFXIV community is toxic: it’s you guys. It also reminds me of some of the reason why I left WoW: WRA’s community.
Anyways. I was wondering whether I should resubscribe again. I’m hoping to do so, and i’m thinking of playing a Viera Male when Endwalker comes out. If purely for the novelty of it.
Finished Zadnor. Might actually go back to WoW and finish up some rep grinds I was meaning to since I’m almost certain 9.1 is gonna come out before Endwalker, like Ve’nari’s.
Its still hard to believe they’re actually responding to feedback like this!
Some of my friends had been roleplaying male viera since long before the announcement, using some more androgynous-looking glamours. Needless to say they are very hyped for this.
But by his words and demeanor I’m willing to bet he was a beloved, active pillar of the roleplaying community, always approachable and willing to approach others, friend and confidant to all.
By his initiative to create RP both spontaneous and planned he made the world feel more alive and magical. By his willingness to share the spotlight he made that magical world feel like something we could all be a part of.
It was a huge loss that our toxic positivity scared him away from both games. Alas, we will never know his like again.
Imagine walking into a thread where people are minding their own business and discussing something they love and enjoying the positivity of sharing that
And trying to crap on it
And then wondering why people don’t like that. Surely THEY are the toxic ones, right?!?!
Really though this kind of garbage is why I don’t miss weird aggressive WoW stans, they can’t just let someone else like a different thing. We aren’t sitting around telling them they aren’t allow to keep playing WoW.
I think its worth noting the very different reactions we had to Rhonako’s criticisms of the game.
Half of us tried making suggestions about things Rhonako might try to enjoy the game more, and half of us just told them that its fair and valid to just not like the game and that they don’t have to force themselves.
I think the difference here might that Rhonako showed up with sincere questions and honest criticism.
the hallways would bug me if the dungeons weren’t built the way they were
incredible story set pieces with tons of action and interesting ways to optimize wall pulls
if they were wow dungeons, it’d be a problem, and a lot of current wow dungeons are also hallways but lack the oomph that you get from say… paglth’an and the ghimlyt dark
Video game tribalism continues to fascinate me. I just can’t imagine hating a game so viscerally that you feel compelled to LIE about it either to dissuade people from playing it, or to convince people who are already playing it that they’re wrong about some fundamental aspect of it that they have extensive experience with. I just can’t get into that headspace.
FFXIV’s community simply isn’t as toxic as WoW’s community, nor is it necessarily toxic in the same ways. I don’t attribute this to FFXIV players having more, I don’t know, moral fiber than WoW players*, but to Square’s willingness to actively moderate their game. Banning people who are abusive or who use abusive or bigoted language is literally all it takes, and WoW’s community is the way it is because Blizzard is intent on doing the bare minimum when it comes to moderation. It really is that simple.
*That said, I have always wondered what, if any, effect the difference in themes and morals in FFXIV’s story vs. WoW’s might have on the outlook and attitude of the playerbase. I still think 99% of FFXIV’s overall less toxic atmosphere is due to active moderation, but I can’t ignore that the game with the more wretched community has a story that tends to glorify militarism and nationalism, while all too often treating the concept of a “race war” as some kind of inevitability.
But getting back to the topic of the thread…
I really, really love the concept of the Golden Saucer. The Darkmoon Faire is one of my favorite things in WoW, and I like that FFXIV has a (near) equivalent that’s always open and has a bunch of cool cosmetic rewards attached to it. Speaking of, I need to get back into Jumbo Cactpot and maybe finally dive into Chocobo Racing.