I will get people used to greeting each other in dungeons one run at a time if I have to
It really is a bit surreal at times how little DF groups interact compared to rouls
I will get people used to greeting each other in dungeons one run at a time if I have to
It really is a bit surreal at times how little DF groups interact compared to rouls
Some fans might harass you for wearing either of those beanies at a fanfest because, like, you’re still playing WoW? lolw /s
Ran my first dungeon and hit 22 yesterday. Angry I can’t use party chat on a trial account lol.
i honestly don’t know what kinda social restrictions there are on trial accounts other than i think they can’t make parties in party finder? but damn that sounds whack
tbf when WoW RP was at its peak discord didn’t exist, but during those days you pretty much HAD to have a tumblr in order to find any RP worth doing
also, warrior’s core fun ability doesn’t come into the toolkit until 76, which is the biggest shame in the universe because going JOHN MADDEN and needing absolutely no healer for expert dungeons is so, so satisfying
It’s the same thing on WoW but at least FFXIV has a bigger open event and walk-up scene with far more players
Honestly it’s not that common for people to be kicked from the bigger, partnered RP discords for 0 reason at all. The only things I’ve ever seen people get kicked from the Mateus RPC for is using slurs and generally being a dingus.
I always found these people so funny. Like, the game’s story just isn’t that good? It has the same generic themepark MMO questing as other big titles. It’s hard to feel engaged when you don’t even have interesting dialogue options or things that require any element of braining. Even RuneScape has a better, more engaging questing experience.
Having done mythic raiding on WoW and puddled around with different tiers of it in FFXIV, FFXIV’s PVE really just doesn’t compare. First, scaling difficulty dungeons is such a cool concept, but it wouldn’t work in FFXIV because the dungeons after ARR are totally linear and it’s impossible to get super sidelined by randomly super hard trash packs.
Also, one of the hardest mechanics in the game is having ping sub 200 for dealing with the constant orbital AOEs, which is such dreary, boring, mentally exhausting “difficulty”. Pair up the constant of ground AOEs with SE’s love for putting orange AOEs on orange floors and you’ve got a pretty subpar PVE experience IMO.
edit: woops I’ve been posting like crazy to catch up, oh well.
Psst… next month we’re making some changes to Third Eye Sushi
-Firstly, we’ve finally refurbished the front lawn just outside our player housing plot into some extra tables!
I think this is great because now anyone who wasn’t aware of us but was just running by can see folks being served and eating, drinking and being merry and they might come in!
-Secondly, we might start opening on Sundays starting at maybe 5 or 6 EST to accomodate people who are just too busy late tuesdays. Thats still a bit in flux but I’ll keep y’all updated!
-Finally, and most importantly, we’re going to be theme-ing Happy Hour as “Pride Hour” on the 1st, 15th, and 29th of June in support of Pride Month!
Yeah this was a massive, crucial reason I stayed subbed to FFXIV after trying it. People are nice to me even when I screw up. I had completely forgotten how that felt.
I keep seeing the argument that the community is just as bad as WoW’s and the only difference is that Squeenix actually takes action. But… like… does that not by definition result in an objectively healthier, friendlier community?
It makes people a bit more colorful with their rude comments, but telling someone they’re the reason milk curdles definitely isn’t on the same level as being called racial slurs because you said hi.
Stuff like this makes me wish that they’d eventually consider expanding the Unreal difficulty content for some sort of broader scaling. It’s so weird at this point to go back to content below 70-80 range
Also Final Steps (Unreal) with a DRG in the party would be pretty funny
I started DRK the other day and ran some LDRs to get started. Got into Brayflox’s and get going. We’re doing ok but my health is going down really quickly despite using my mitigation on cooldown. A few pulls in, the healer just goes “Dude, what even is your gear? Do you have anything else?”
I look and apparently the Recommended Gear button had slotted in a ton of lvl 30 crafting gear. I stop and go “Oh, man, I didn’t even realize. What the heck?!” and put on my starter DRK set.
Healer just laughs and goes “It’s cool, man. I was just really confused. We’ve all done it.”
I think about that interaction a lot and how that same scenario would have played out in WoW, and then I realize I don’t miss WoW at all.
If any of you are interested in getting into crafting, Ishgard Restoration (3.0 completion required though) lets you go from 20-80 in a matter of like, 2-3 hrs (and you can do 1-20 in about 30minutes by quicksynthing something stackable that uses vendor mats). Once you’re a higher level crafter, you can make lost sprouts gear. I find that the ARR -> HW transition is often the hardest and people sometimes get stonewalled by their ilvl. It’s really beneficial for those people to get a little boost from people who can craft BIS items like it’s nothing.
Anyway, spread the love. It’s very cheap to make someone’s day in FFXIV and make the game welcoming to sprouts. And on that note if any of you are stuck, just HMU (Batsaikhan Chaghan @ Mateus ingame or Kizo#5718 on discord) and I’ll give you a hand.
This is probably a big question, but I keep being spammed with: “Of the X amount of parties recruiting, all match your search conditions!”
I can’t figure out how to turn this off because I have no idea how it turned on. Anyone know how to fix this?
I don’t often see people talk in dungeons even in FF14, which is better than the occasional freakout you get in WoW but again, I think that’s more because people will actually get punished for it.
the player pools are like literally the same groups of people.
… Yes. You keep saying this. But when the literal same group of people is subject to more stringent controls, the result is a demonstrably more peaceful and welcoming environment.
Like, why is it so imperative to point out that it’s the same group, just let people enjoy their objectively safer and overall more pleasant experience, please
yes, because of the rules and their enforcement. the people is the same!! it’s a meaningful differentiation.
WoW is for the straights
FFXIV is for the gays
In this essay I will
Yeah considering how much nicer its races can be to look at, and how much more care has gone into designing even low level gear, well