So, squirmy little wyrmies, or whatever we call ourselves.
How y’all dealing with the first instance of post-expansion lulls that probably many of you have experienced if you’ve caught up with the story?
So, squirmy little wyrmies, or whatever we call ourselves.
How y’all dealing with the first instance of post-expansion lulls that probably many of you have experienced if you’ve caught up with the story?
doing pretty good, actually. just finally started rping in ffxiv after a literal year of not doing that.
feels good.
I’m not even fully caught up with the MSQ yet. There’s a few things I want to get out of the way first, but I’m knee-deep into Spring cleaning so I’ve been mostly playing Morrowind because I can pause it.
I hope to get caught up soon, though. I’ve read a few of the spoilers (I care more about the journey than the destination, generally, so it’s fine) and I’m super excited.
Remember when our server demonym was “Wyrmie”.
I think we should go back to that because it sounds gross and that’s funny to me.
My first two breaks where at the end of the X.0 content patches so ironically I’m more active during a content lull than I have been when the content was fresh.
I hate so much about the Eurekan / Bozjan content grind but I’ll say this much, I’ve gottem a handful of relic related grind completed simultaneous with the mettle grind and that’s good enough for me.
I’m going to be reborn as a bunny boy.
Wyrmie Accordions.
I am waiting until the Spring Quarter ends for college before actually sitting down and doing the new Bozja stuff (Zadnor seems hilarious) since that’ll give me an excuse to finish leveling what classes I don’t have at 80. Same with the final relic step.
Otherwise? Newest MSQ stuff was great. Immediately slapping me with developments I didn’t expect until next expansion.
Hello, fellow forum criminals.
In zadnor right now. Still need like ten springs to complete the first quest of the relic. Liking the mettle gains tho. I might even reach the point I can run my first Delriada tonight!
180 items sounds daunting until you remember you have half a year to basically do it.
even then you’re gonna be doing zadnor for leveling anyways so might as well just do as many skirmishes and CEs as possible
although the main ticker is the fact that CEs require people to kill things in the zone which… oddly enough doesn’t happen, i’ve seen multiple groups simply idle around waiting for the next skirmish to spawn
It’s also 100% drop rate and on Critical engagements you get 2 . It’s really one of the easier grinds too.
I’m probably just going to focus on one relic weapon (I’ve decided to “main” RDM solely because I’ve saved multiple raids with verraise and that’s really neat), and looking at everything required it looks like it shouldn’t take too long or be too much of a hassle just to level the one.
I also like that it will give me something to do while waiting for Endwalker, since getting every job to 80 shouldn’t take too much longer.
Honestly if I wasn’t recovering from a wisdom tooth extraction while also trying to keep up with the laundry and the dishes I’m almost confident I could get PLD to 77-78 today.
Oh man, I’ve not even started the Bozja stuff. I need to at least go check it out soon
I am already planning on making bunboi reaper based on that season 3 episode of Black Butler where Ciel goes to Wonderland and Sebastian is the White Rabbit and my wife is making a catgirl Grell reaper Cheshire Cat to chase him around while he acts all aloof.
Can I be a smooth criminal?
Make every CE a copy of On Serpent’s Wings
My progress is that my Giant Viking Lady is now a level 8 Lancer. I have ventured slightly out of the first town’s gate because I am clearly a brave hero. My progress has been sidetracked slightly by the Overwatch anniversary event, because there are skins and I gotta catch 'em all.
Just cause it typically comes up, Lancer/Dragoon is a fun class. It just takes awhile to fully come online and be that way.
Probably! I picked it because I wanted a melee class and it started in the same town as my wife’s archer cat girl. The thing that’s getting to me is after playing WoW for so long, especially on characters that stack haste, this GCD takes an eternity. I hope there’s a way to speed that up later.
EDIT: also going around with a spear on my seafaring person means I get to pretend to be a whaler, and since I feel like eventually the plot will get to the point that we fight that giant moon dragon in the intro video, I will get to be a whaler on the moon.
What happened to the old one?