The world buff meta brought everyone on the server together even if it was just once or twice throughout the day. It was amazing seeing the community put so much effort together to achieve a goal. You saw clever and cheeky strategies implemented to secure those world buffs. Guilds even formed coalitions or alliances to work together.
This is absent in TBC. The open world is empty now. It is ironic because everyone expected Outland to be a cluster, but the truth is everyone is either getting boosted in dungeons or running them for rep. The poor PvP community is slaving away in BGs trying to muster enough honor points for arenas, which is another thing that will contribute to a baron world. Everything feels like a race and I expect heavy raid logging to take place in this expansion with the absence of dual spec.
I was strongly against TBC after reading countless posts about how TBC was the beginning of the decline. Now I feel forced to play this hallow game because Vanilla is dead. Once people step foot into the arenas and realize how mediocre they are or how far behind they are from the players who honor capped during prepatch, they are going to never queue into them again. Honestly if Classic fresh servers were announced, I’d stop playing TBC in a heartbeat and try to relive that magic again.
The world buff meta was dog**** and pretty much ruined the game for a lot of people, it was also wholly inaccurate to intended design and what the actual community was like back in actual vanilla.
I hope this is a troll post, I hope blizzard re releases classic without world buffs.
Is your end of the world sign on cardboard or poster board?? I don’t know what server your in but open world on benediction is full of people everywhere!! So idk what you mean
There was nothing magical about planning your real life schedule around getting buffs and then logging off to save them for raid night. And then you’re locked out of playing your main. It was pure degeneracy, straight and simple. Absolutely horrid culture and meta. It’s why I actually harbor a deep hatred for classic vanilla.
Everything’s already infinitely better in TBC. Will never go back to classic vanilla.
Well, you are about to get attacked because your post is negative about TBC which most on here love and positive about the world buff meta which people HATED.
I agree with you that world buff coordination was actually great for server communities. It really did bring people together. I had so many people reach out and thank me when I dropped my rend head and felt like an MVP at that point. That kind of thing. Coordinated buffing WAS a positive for server communities and that’s just a fact but with the amount of hatred people have for world buffing many will never admit any positives about it.
I can’t agree that the Outland world is dead though because it isn’t, not yet anyway. There are people everywhere in the world. At least on my server.
It brought a sense of community when everyone was logged off saving thier buffs.
Now the world boss meta, now that was community. It was the fun sweaty gameplay I enjoyed. Grob has a 14 hour war for one world boss, now that is quality content. Out numbered 1 to 5, we defeated the horde through sheer will. It wasn’t about the loot, it was denying the opposition faction the loot.
It would be cool if they brought back some kind of world buff that required server participation, but didn’t encroach on everyone’s precious parse. Maybe something that boosts xp gained by 5% or something that didn’t require PvP and everyone benefitted from by participating somehow.
I thought LFG wasn’t suppose to destroy wows community till another xpac. Oh wait it wasn’t LFG it was the playerbase. They have a choice to talk they choose not to. Welcome to wow. Guess we all go blame blizzard now.
I think I know what the issue is. The mage is a 1 button wonder and noone wants to run dungeons with the guy who doesn’t know how utility and CC work.
He is to busy staring at his dps meter to move out of fire as he spams frost bolt.
…I group with people constantly doing quests, notably for the group stuff in Nagrand/Netherstorm/Blade’s Edge/Shadowmoon.
What are you talking about?
These don’t mix at all. If everything feels like a race, and there is as much stuff to do as there is, then no one is going to be raid logging. Compared to Vanilla, I have so many things to finish up, complete, and grind.
I don’t agree with what you said about world buffs at all. They created a very toxic environment and extremely unfun gameplay. But if they ever do fresh Classic servers in 4 years or something, they better remove world buffs from it so we can actually enjoy it. I honestly liked Classic more than TBC so far as someone who is newer to the game until they completely took over. I just straight up quit because of not having fun anymore