The War Within Alpha


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Yeah this is sort of nice. My “raiding” consists of “doing LFR exactly once to complete quests”, and while LFR is usually painless it does just take a long time for groups to form and some bosses can be sort of challenging for a bunch of disinterested randos to complete even at this difficulty (I remember Archimonde and Azshara being sort of a chore).

Best case scenario they offer statless versions of the LFR color to collect just as cosmetics if they want to entice people to do it more than once, but even a no-loot version designed to be done once for the story is a good idea.


Fellow dwarves!

For your own self-preservation!

I beg you to begin taking advantage of the extra reach that staves and spears will provide you in getting your point across while maintaining the recommended 6 ft away from fellow adventurers.

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You all can run around in hidden pants and be as free as you like but the horde still doesn’t have chairs.

Standing room only.

I guess this is what happens when AI goes wild and rolls its caravan into MG - Goldshire.

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/this is a complete sentence

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What is with Blizz and destroying cities players love for no reason?


Because they can’t figure out a way to sell how serious a threat is without violently upsetting the player base with needless destruction of a beloved location or race.

On another note, it seems this ‘Arathai Empire’ is not the most friendly place and might have issue with our Non-Light races. So Orcs, Trolls, Sin’dorei, Forsaken, Worgen, Goblins, Dark Irons, Shal’dorei, Ren’dorei and Pandaren might be getting the cold shoulder at best. Its still very much an Alpha-Build comment or seven from the NPCs, but it appears that unless you’re Human, High Elf or Half-Elf, the Arathai Empire is not the most accommodating place to live …


Just pointing out that this now marks yet another historically Alliance city that is destroyed for the sake of the narrative.

I suppose I should be grateful it’s just Dalaran and they didn’t go with “Ironforge was flooded with Lava, now the Dwarves are refugees with the Gnomes and are working together to retake Gnomergon”.

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Replying to myself, but it looks like this “story mode” will actually be just a scenario where you run and and delete the final boss, not the co-op full raid clear that I was hoping for. Unless I have misread this blue post.

So in essence it is a slightly more interactive “click here” button to see the ending cenimatic.

Shame on me for getting my hopes up. Should have known better.

Oh and also, it’s going to be released along side the final wing of LFR. So you know… weeks after its already been spoiler’d on YouTube.

Honestly, I’m fine with it. Keeps LFR relevant while also catering to old geezers like myself who just no longer have the time or energy for Raiding and just want to get on with the damn story.


Yoi can just choose to not watch it on YouTube till you clear it in Story Mode.

As far as it only for the final boss maybe it’s that way but they need to provide more details to be sure.

My disappointment is less about the spoilers (I am use to the internet) they’re gunna happen, and more to do with it being just the last boss. I was very much looking forward to being able to co-op run the new raids with my wife and just avoid Normals and LFR all together. We’ve never been overly concerned about gear we just like running content as a duo.

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On the one hand, it’s pretty bitter to find out the severe limitations on story mode. It’s going to be broken-down out of the gate and doesn’t even seem to serve a purpose.

On the other hand, creating a feature that’s barely a feature that will require pointless effort to keep functional is peak Blizzard. We are so back.


To me it simply sounds like Blizzard is trying to make their game and the main story arcs more accessible to the larger audience. I think about those early days when raids took weeks to plan out, long+ hours to run, and several tries. That was a lot of wasted time that I’ll never get back. Anyway, that’s just adult me looking back fondly at younger me and chuckling at him.



I’d still raid. I just literally don’t have time. I never felt like I wasted it, but the time sink nowadays is unreasonable. Even if it was one night a week, I don’t think I’d want to commit to a schedule. My work schedule can have me at 10+ hours a day at any given day, so I certainly wouldn’t want to sit down and raid for hours after that. I don’t think I’d have the mental capacity:

Raid lead: Kirsy, get out of the fire!
Me with no spoons: Huh? Looks down Oh.


The list of things that would cause me to finally quit this game is short.

THIS would cause me to quit.

I am often the only person in IF at times but it’s always been where I hung all my hats in the game.


I like the idea of Ironforge, and dwarves in general… but I feel like IF would be hot. Uncomfortably hot. I don’t do well in heat. I dry out like old jerky. It’s not pleasant.


I would say yes. I suspect it feels a lot like standing on the tracks of the Hudson line in Grand Central.