The War Within Alpha

Good guy Fyrrak is actually just on Team Vanndrel tbh, wants to excise Shadowlands from the lore. What a cool guy.


If WoW has one strength, it’s that every time the villain says “I will destroy this world and every last person in it,” there’s an urge to say “…go on.”

I don’t think the villain has a point, mind you. I’m just kind of jazzed about getting WoW 2.

By Fire Be Purged, indeed.

I had to google what this is. That’s its staying power and lasting significance.

Have you savages not heard of the hit new series, Fresh Priestess of BEL’AMETH?

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Sir, we’re not doing WoD with Elves.

Everyone has already agreed if we go back in time we’re doing it for the proto-human kingdoms. Elves have to sit at home for the greatest of all crimes…

Not being Dwarves.


You say that - but I can’t help but notice they’ve put the Windrunner Sisters’ mom and dad in the game via a flashback.

Warlords of Quel’Thalas is coming
Dread it.
Run from it.
It will arrive all the same.

Listen, if we’re doing any WoD style elf expansion, we’re doing one back when there is only Kaldorei.

We will redo every expac with an all-elf cast.

Except for the elves, which will be played by horses.


Hysteric Neighing



I mean, the AU Azeroth from the same AU as AU Draenor reaching out to us for aid because this ‘Army of the Light’ is invading them and they just so happened to meet a certain time-travelling Shal’dorei, would be an interesting wrinkle to deal with.

Queen Azshara stepped aside for her daughter to rule a few centuries ago, there was no Sundering, the Humans are the labour force of a turbulent kingdom of Vrykul in the north, a benevolent Storm Emperor rules the southern region known Ra’denia, and the Trolls cling to their last hold-outs along the eastern and northern regions.

Who is the villain here and who’s actually an ally? Do we have the right to upset the status quo or do we even risk getting involved? It’d be fun to have a story where ambiguity rules our interactions with the locals.

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I really don’t want any more timey-wimey stuff. Blizzard isn’t good at pulling it off.


This is it guys. The most important feature ever.


Now we are free

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Gnomes, Dwarves, Goblins and Vulpera are going to see so many horrors sadly not beyond their comprehension …


We have now entered the Age of the Diaper Gnomes

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I would have been better off not knowing this.

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We entered that age in late BFA

Uh… guys…


Legitimately not a bad idea at all.

You might even say it’s the opposite of a bad idea.

Heck, if you were a special kind, you might even say it’s a good idea.