The Userper *Spoilers*

I think people are jumping to conclusions about Turalyon.

Turalyon is not, nor has he ever, been shown as overly fanatical towards the Light. While initially outraged Illidan killed Xe’ra… of course he was she was his superior, but he did relent.

The Light, yes. But we should let it guide us, not command us. We also have our own minds and hearts. We should make use of those as well
-Before the Storm

He’s tolerant towards Alleria’s study of the Void, he supported unification between living and undead Lordaeronni, he came to embrace the undead Faol. Turalyon isn’t, either now nor when he served Xe’ra, blinded by the Light. He’s level headed and rational, pragmatic even.

But for some reason, people keep jumping to this out-of-character conclusion that Turalyon is some zealot, when he’s shown time and time again he’s not. That he’ll become some Light thumping leader when he cautions against being like that.

If there are issues with Turalyon being the interim leader of the Alliance, it’ll likely come from other people reacting to Turalyon. Like Greymane or Shaw. Not from Turalyon himself.