The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I don’t really see the AU Stonemaul Clan outright leaving the Horde. They were loyal to the Mag’har Orcs and stood with them when being inducted into the Horde. I don’t really see them suddenly changing their minds.

Not to mention that they’re on a new world (of Warcraft!) and in a bit of disarray after what happened in the Mag’har unlock scenario. It’s hard for me to see them wanting to just go off on their own into danger with likely few numbers to try and survive on their own. Especially when considering the benefits of being part of the Horde. I don’t even know where they would go for that matter and I don’t see things ending well for them.

It would be rather disappointing to see that happen in general. Moreso since, as I mentioned before, they’re key in adding in the Draenor flavor to playable Horde Ogres. I certainly wouldn’t want to see them villain batted and become jobbers in some sort of uprising. That would be a extremely disappointing thing to see.

I still think the AU Stonemaul Clan joining with the MU Stonemaul Clan, whether it’s something similar to how the three Dwarf clans are or if they join the MU Stonemaul Clan completely, is the best course of action and would do a lot for Horde Ogres. Especially if the Horde Ogre clans become playable.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


You know with the Dark Horde defeated and the Blackrock and Dragonmaw clans within the Horde, I cant help but wonder if the Ogre clans that were apart of the Dark Horde like the Spirestone clan would join the Horde.

It would create more diversity for playable Ogres and could really create an Ogre Legion within the Horde.


It really depends on how those Orc clans were handled and whether any related Ogre clans also sought asylum with them. I think both of those clans you mentioned had some Orc members of those clans remain loyal to the Horde after joining while others made some poor choices in life, shall we say.

If anyone is curious, I’ll link some Wowpedia pages on the Dark Horde and the Ogre clans within it that are listed.

Dark Horde:

The Ogre Clans within:

Most of these clans don’t seem to have much about them. It’s unclear what their whereabouts are or if they even exist at present. If Blizzard went with the multiple Ogre clans route, I’d be fine seeing these fleshed out and part of the Horde as long as the MU Stonemaul Clan at least are also part of the playable Horde Ogre faction.

As for an Ogre Legion within the Horde, it is a cool idea, but I don’t know if some members of the Horde would be trustworthy of one. Especially some of the Mag’har Orcs. This isn’t to say that giving any Ogre clans full membership would be a bad thing, especially with loyal clans like the MU Stonemaul Clan, but I could see some distrust with that size of a group of Ogres.

It also depends on how simple Blizzard would want to keep the playable Horde Ogre faction. Sure, there could be some differences between the clans, but I don’t know how much of a Mag’har Orc situation there could be with culture of the different clans and some customization options tied to different Ogre clans (which I do admit would be a cool idea). Especially since there isn’t too much differences between Ogre clans in terms of looks, at least on Azeroth.

Don’t get me wrong. An Ogre Legion within the Horde sounds awesome. I just don’t know realistically what would be done with the playable Horde Ogre faction if we ever got playable Horde Ogres. Regardless, It would be pretty awesome to finally see different races of the Horde stand shoulder to…erm…belly button with several Ogres? I just don’t know realistically what direction Blizzard would go when it comes to the clan or clans involved is all.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I have to admit, a large part of me feels that Blizzard will go the real simple route of having all playable Ogres be from the Stonemaul. Like how playable trolls were all from the Darkspear until BfA introduce playable Zandalari.


So, there is an Ogre in Dragon Flight, and he is… a Twilight Hammer cultist that we obviously kill off.

Name’s Cygenoth and he takes on the form of Dragonspawn to manipulate the Worldbreakers (the Neltharion loyalists we interact with) :

Man… let’s just hope this isn’t the only form of Ogre presence we get in this expansion lol


In relation to that Ogre, Wowhead did post an article about that questline here:

I can’t remember if the Twilight Hammer cult had any relations to Onyxia and her minions. I thought they did, though I haven’t found anything to support that, so if anyone knows for sure, please feel free to correct me. If there was some sort of partnership between Onyxia and Twilight’s Hammer, then it’d be another good reason to see the MU Stonemaul Clan appear to help out.

So far, this is the only Ogre presence we’ve seen in Dragonflight, but we’ll see what happens when the expansion launches and we go through patches. Still hoping to see the MU Stonemaul Clan involved in helping us out at some point.

It’s very possible, given a lot of resources that would have be used in general to make Ogres playable, but it wouldn’t be particularly bad if it did happen.

The MU Stonemaul Clan makes the most sense in being the playable Horde Ogre faction. In such a scenario, I would really hope the AU Stonemaul Clan members join with the MU Stonemaul Clan to give Draenor themes and such to playable Horde Ogres. As I said, it’s very important to see the AU Stonemaul Clan as part of the playable Horde Ogre faction, as a lot of good can happen out of it that would add a lot.

As for the Dunemaul Clan, in such a scenario, they’d likely be a NPC group that does stuff for Megs Dreadshredder (I view her having them as a bodyguard service to be very fitting) or possibly rebel depending on their treatment. I would prefer them to be part of the Horde, but it’s up in the air if they would be involved with the playable Horde Ogre faction or not.

It’s hard to know what will be done if we got playable Horde Ogres. At the very least, I’ll be happy if the MU Stonemaul Clan are part of it, though I still hope for the AU Stonemaul Clan to be part of it as well. Hopefully, we’ll see that happen someday…

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


As of right now the only connection between Onxyia and the Twilight’s Hammer is that they both served Deathwing during Cataclym. The two had no connection during vanilla or the comics that showed Varian killing her.


This is correct, if anything the naga helped her more.


The Dunemaul could be an amazing Horde faction if they were given some development. A nomadic Ogre clan with a specific connection to the Bilgewater that could give the Horde a decent presence in Tanaris ? I’m so down for this


Maybe we could get a partnership between the ogres, the goblins and the mag’har orcs (WoD) to build new battleships for the Horde in Ogrimmar.

We need to keep in mind ogres know to build battleships. I’m pretty sure we could find some ogre shipwrights to build that.


A new month has finally arrived and…wait a minute. Is it just me or did August just zoom past us? Ah well, it’s time once again for another round of in-game suggestions of races we want to see playable!

So each month, I send in in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with their respective megathreads. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly is reasonable.

If you’re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

Hopefully, our feedback will be considered with an open mind. Especially for a race like Ogres, who are long overdue in becoming a playable Horde race!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


On the subject of Ogre ships, I wonder what happened to the ships the MU Stonemaul Clan used when sailing from Eastern Kingdoms.

As you likely know, the MU Stonemaul Clan broke off from what became the Crushridge Clan and somehow sailed to Kalimdor, settling in Dustwallow Marsh. However, I don’t recall seeing much in the way of Ogre ships. I think there may be some wreckage along the coast in the area, though I don’t recall them being Ogre-like in design or there being much in general. Sounds like something I should take another look at in Dustwallow Marsh.

Anyway, the MU Stonemaul Clan somehow know how to build ships and sail, so they would make great shipwrights. Moreso since Orc ships are based on Ogre ships, so it should be somewhat familiar for the MU Stonemaul Clan to work with. I assume some of the AU Stonemaul Clan consists of Ogres who have worked on ships before also, so I’m sure they would also be excellent shipwrights. Especially if they bring in their own Draenor themed ship designs with them.

Just goes to show that the Horde Ogre clans are pretty versatile and can be useful other than strong brutes. It’s pretty neat for world building…and ship building too!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Came across a really neat art piece on DeviantArt of an Ogre Warlock. It was created by Tiodor and uploaded to the website on October 31st, 2015.

“Ogre-Warlock” by Tiodor on DeviantArt

I’ve seen a few people mention that they want to create an Ogre Warlock character, which warlocks should be a class option for playable Horde Ogres. I wanted to share this to show off how neat they could look as the class. I imagine some people would have two heads instead of one, but it’s still a neat art piece to inspire playable Ogre Warlocks!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Ogre warlocks are a must!


we need to see an ogre cradling a feral druid like some people hold their cats



They might have just gotten wrecked as they landed, like the hunan vessels that the Horde used to get to Kalimdor.

I wonder when the Stonemaul clan branched off into two and caused it. At the latest it had to have been during the Third War, as they are firmly established during The Frozen Throne.

Now that I think about it, its possible that the Scourge caused the split with one group refusing to leave and the other deciding to get away from the living dead. If that is the case then the Stonemaul could have turned to the goblins for a quck trip over having to take the time to build ships and what not.


they probably crashed in the rocky bay area where the makura probably are in dustwallow some of them anyway


Something I’ve been trying to piece together was when the MU Stonemaul Clan arrived in Dustwallow Marsh and when Theramore was built. I had thought that if the MU Stonemaul Clan ships or whatever they used to get to Kalimdor from Eastern Kingdoms was wrecked, Theramore could’ve had a hand in that when the MU Stonemaul Clan arrived.

However, as far as I can tell, the MU Stonemaul Clan seems to have arrived after the second war (Warcraft 2) and possibly before the third war (Warcraft 3) according to Wowpedia:

“After the defeat of the Old Horde in the Second War, the ogre clans dispersed in all directions. While some escaped back through the Dark Portal into Draenor, other clans either remained in the Eastern Kingdoms or made the difficult journey across the ocean to Kalimdor. For unknown reasons, the Stonemaul clan separated in two with one remaining in Lordaeron and the other journeying to Kalimdor and establishing themselves in the Dustwallow Marsh.”

Theramore seems to have been built after the third war (Warcraft 3’s main campaign):

“After the Burning Legion was defeated at the Battle of Mount Hyjal, all surviving humans, dwarves and high elves of Jaina’s expedition found their new home along the coast of Dustwallow Marsh”

It’s a bit unclear if there was much interaction between the MU Stonemaul Clan and Theramore as a result, and I don’t mean inviting each other to watch a movie or have a BBQ part or something.

It’s also unclear if the MU Stonemaul Clan did make their own ships and sail away or if they could’ve been ferried over by someone, like Goblins for example. I feel like the former is more likely, though we haven’t seen any Ogre ships in the area unless they jumped off closeby and walked to Dustwallow Marsh.

I haven’t had a chance to look around Dustwallow Marsh’s ocean to see what type of wrecks there are. I can also check WotLK Classic, though with it currently being infested with zombies, I’d have to wait until I can login without getting my face gnawed off while developing a sudden taste for brains.

The WoW Chronicle books seem to be cited by Wowpedia on a few things involving the MU Stonemaul Clan, though I don’t have them, so I can’t really see what all is said. I suspect it’s a brief “And they sailed the ocean with determination!” type of sentence without much more on the subject. Even then, contents of the books have been retconned to my understanding, so who knows what still is canon or not?

I suspect we’ll only see things fleshed out with the MU Stonemaul Clan if they somehow take up a bigger role and/or becoming playable. Still, I’ll try to see if I can do some research in seeing what official statements have been made in books and such, though I doubt much will have been said if anything.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


We could have some ogre shipwrights in the Stonemaul clan. Maybe they didn’t have the opportunity to build something to make a war and the Horde could get this opportunity for them.