The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I’d like to think that female Ogres would be better designed these days than they would have been years ago. It’s possible we could see something very fitting for female Ogres as opposed to trying to pretty them up.

And as I’ve said before, doing it that way would bring much more to the game than yet another race for people to make as Barbie doll waifus. Both for players and world building. Did many people play female Ogres and Trolls in Everquest 1? Not really, but they were there for people who wanted that type of character and there were some memorable NPC’s of those races that still added to the game and making it feel like a world (of Norrath!).

Hopefully, an open mind will be utilized when designing female Ogres should we ever get to see them in-game. It would go a long way and do more good for the game if designed properly.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Came across a neat art piece on DeviantArt of Cho’Gall I wanted to share and comment on some. It was created by Mr- -Jack and uploaded to the website on May 25th, 2017/

“Master Cho’gall” by Mr- -Jack on DeviantArt

What I wanted to comment on is that this could be a good example of how we could see transmogs and customization on Ogre characters with two heads.

Note how both heads have different customization options? It’s something I would hope would be possible if we were to get two heads as a customization option. Granted, I acknowledge there would be a lot of coding and engineering work involved, but I think it’s important to be able to have this with two head options.

As for the transmog, notice how there are different types on armor on both heads and on both sides? It’s something I could imagine being on Ogre characters with two heads, though I assume it would have to be the same armor type for both heads. I know we can transmog shoulders separately, but both heads having different transmog options would also be something people would like if possible. I’m hoping it would be an option should we get playable Horde Ogres with two head customization options.

I’ll continue to keep an eye out on art pieces to share for playable Horde Ogre idea inspiration!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:



Plus Ogres can actually get the Newer Warlords of Draenor Buildings like the Ones in Gorgrond and Frostfire ridge. All of those art assts are standing there rotten away into emptiness.


I was thinking about something. What if the perfect occasion for playable Ogres actually came from… Ogri’la ?

Sabellian & his flight are playing a significant role in DF, and Nether drakes have also been datamined. Those are all from Blade’s Edge, so the zone is currently more relevant than it’s ever been after TBC. Remember that in Cata, the leader of the Ogri’lan Ogres came all the way from Outland in order to help us defend Hyjal, with dialogues such as :

  • “You have the support of Ogri’la.”
  • “We are friends of the world you call Azeroth. I am happy to provide any assistance that I can.”
  • “It is time that I returned to Ogri’la. I hope you do not forget about us, as we have not forgotten you.”

Maybe they’d come back to Azeroth in order to help us with whatever big threat we have to face on the Dragon Isles ?
So they could have some relevance in regard to the storyline ; additionally, they are specifically smart and peaceful Ogres, which single-handedly solves the pseudo-issue of “Ogres are too dumb and bloodthirsty to become playable”.

What do you guys think ?


I’m assuming you’re considering Ogri’la as the playable Ogre faction? I’ve touched on my thoughts on the Ogri’la Ogres being the playable Ogre faction, but I’ll talk about it some more.

In my own personal opinion, I don’t see the Ogri’la Ogres as the playable Ogre faction at all and they’re better off as a NPC faction to reflect their own culture and personality.

A lot of my opinion comes from their philosophy of seeking enlightenment as opposed to seeking skulls to bash in. Them becoming playable kinda shatters that whole line of thinking, especially if there is another faction kerfuffle in the future. Saving the world (of Warcraft!) is one thing. Getting involved in faction politics and wars is another. I can’t imagine the Ogri’la Ogres being fine just grabbing weapons and beating up the other faction or their own members if they were to be a neutral race.

I also think about it in terms of marketing. What would people expect from Ogres as a playable race? Big strong brutes, both of the dumb and the savage variety. Not so much with the peaceful and philosophical variety. Ogres have also been a part of Warcraft since the early RTS days with their own personality and culture, most of which has been fleshed out in WoW. People would want that as opposed to the Ogri’la personality. Especially since we have three clans within the Horde already that would meet that expectation, with a combination of two granting both Azeroth and AU Draenor Ogre cultures, whereas the Ogri’la Ogres would have to completely change their culture to fit in as a playable Horde Ogre faction.

Now, on the subject of possibly seeing them in Dragonflight, it is a possibility. It’s something worth nothing here if they do and seeing what all they’re involved in. However, I don’t really think it would lead to much in the way of playable Ogres. They could meet up with the MU Stonemaul Clan at least, though I don’t know where that would lead to.

As I said before, this is all in my own personal opinion. Could something be done with the Ogri’la Ogres becoming the playable Ogre faction? I’m sure it could, but I think it makes more sense to have both the MU and AU Stonemaul Clans combined at the very least be the playable Horde Ogre faction, who have more meaning and can bring much more to the table as opposed to Ogri’la Ogres joining either one or both factions, especially since Ogres are very clearly a Horde race.

I’m sure I could go on, but I’ll likely be writing another potential thesis paper. It’s just how I honestly see it is all.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


You’re making tons of sense, and at the end of the day that’s what I want too. I don’t want to play a watered-down version of Ogres ; I love them for how they’ve been consistently depicted as in the game. What I meant with the Ogri’la, rather than them being the ones we’d get to play as (although I did say that their intelligence would “solve” the non-issue about Ogres supposedly being dumb), was rather that they could be the key to making the Ogres relevant in the narrative again, given the current activity and presence of former Blade’s Edge denizens.

One thing I like about the Ogril’an though is that they’re based in Outland, and I’d love to get some more Outland flavor in the Horde. Other than that though, I fully agree that the best pick would be the Stonemaul


So Steve Danuser confirmed that there is a time skip and it’s about three years. Quoting the direct lines that reveal this below:

"Shadowlands began in the year 35 after the opening of the Dark Portal, and Dragonflight will begin in the year 40.
Given that the events of Shadowlands took place over the course of two years, that leaves a few additional years that we are fast-forwarding through."

Thus it creates wiggle room on updates. Presumably throughout Shadowlands everyone left on Azeroth was dealing with the Scourge and then following Zovaal’s death, there were about three years of peace.

Depending on when the Stonemaul reclaimed their home, then Stonemaul Village could easily have become Stonemaul Fortress or something. Which I think would be pretty cool.


kinda wonder if when and where we get ogres if they’ll knock down that cliffside in valley of honor and make a proper sea port thats part of orgrimmar like how Stormwind has its Sea port


If that does happen, I wonder what would happen to the dock outside of Orgrimmar. Like will it remain for the old content such as the Vashj’ir start and the Goblin zone ending, with the Orgrimmar Harbor being for new content. Or if everything would be moved into the new Orgrimmar harbor with the Durotar docks either being removed or turned into a watch tower area.


I think if they do that they need to also have the Kelfin join up and work within the docks area as well. Would be amazing to see.

I think that I’d want them to just change things over and maybe do some phasing for some old expansion stuff. Mostly though have it moved.

I like the idea of the current docks area being a collection of watch towers to guard against coastal attacks and otherwise continue to use that area as a staging ground for the Horde’s war machines.


Watch these clowns add 17 more lame elf types before they even think about adding Ogres.



Everything about you is an enigma…


With a time skip, I would be curious to see what all is going on in Dustwallow Marsh. Brackenwall Village and the Stonemaul Home becoming fortresses would be interesting to see, the latter of which would be pretty massive since it took up a lot of room. I’m assuming the Theramore ruins would be under Alliance control still, seeing as the Alliance has some bases in other places in the area according to the Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor book. Both would be great for questing hubs if we return to Dustwallow Marsh, which is a hopeful possibility during Dragonflight.

Having a sea port in Orgrimmar would also be really interesting. Especially given how good Ogres make as shipwrights, and with both the MU and AU Stonemaul Clans involved, it could give some really neat Ogre designed ships (both Draenor and Azeroth ships). Not to mention it’d be another GREAT reason to get the Kelfin officially inducted into the Horde, making them their own playable race preferably, and have them help out in the new sea port area.

Come to think of it, wasn’t there some sort of in-game event of some kind with Stormwind breaking down a wall to go to what would become their new ship port when Cataclysm was coming? It’d be neat to see something like that happen, see it under construction from afar with NPC’s working, and then seeing the final product we can visit. Especially with playable Ogres and Kelfin coming from it.

I assume the old docks in Durotar will still be used. The Horde needs to protect those shores and you never know if there would be good reasons for ships to dock there instead of in Orgrimmar. :ship:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I wanted to ask some opinions regarding the AU Stonemaul Clan and whether there should be a leader for the MU Stonemaul Clan and a leader for the AU Stonemaul Clan or just integrate the AU Stonemaul Clan into the MU Stonemaul, creating just one Stonemaul Clan in general.

When thinking about playable Horde Ogres and the MU Stonemaul Clan, I strongly think that the AU Stonemaul Clan should be a part of it in a way. It’s the best way to explain Draenor designs in armor and beasts from there being utilized by the MU Stonemaul Clan. It’s fairly easy to just say that the AU Stonemaul Clan just integrated with the MU Stonemaul Clan as well, providing some neat opportunities for those wanting to RP their Ogres.

The AU Stonemaul Clan having a leader in addition to the MU Stonemaul Clan having a leader can work if Blizzard went the multiple clan route, and this would be a requirement if the Dunemaul Clan and any other Ogre clans became part of the playable Horde Ogre faction. However, if they focused on just the MU Stonemaul Clan, should the AU Stonemaul Clan still have a leader?

If you recall, the original AU Stonemaul Clan leader kinda defected to the Lightbound, causing a civil war in the clan and is why several members came with us back to Azeroth. Only a few of them with generic mob names are shown, though given how Mag’har Orcs were treated, it can be assumed more came with us.

There aren’t any named leaders of the AU Stonemaul Clan I am aware of, so a new one would have to be made if they were to have a leader. Of course, other named members would pop up as NPC’s, likely as quest givers in quest hubs and in other roles. So creating NPC’s out of nowhere isn’t really an issue, as it happens all the time to new playable races.

Realistically, I’m wondering if there would be a leader for the AU Stonemaul Clan that works with the leader of the MU Stonemaul Clan or if the AU Stonemaul Clan would just integrate in the MU Stonemaul Clan. They do have slightly different cultures, so I don’t know how fully integrating them would work. Not saying it can’t, of course, but there are differences between the Ogres on Azeroth and the Ogres from AU Draenor in different ways.

If Blizzard went with the multiple clan route with different leaders, I think the idea would be that the MU Stonemaul Clan, fed up with corrupt leaders, would be interested in some sort of arrangement of multiple clan leaders as opposed to one single Ogre as a leader. It could act as a balance, in that if a clan leader were to get corrupted and go into business for themselves, the other clans could work together to put a stop to it. This would be another good reason to have the Dunemaul Clan involved in such an arrangement, along with any other clans that become part of the playable Horde Ogre faction.

On the other hand, just integrating the AU Stonemaul Clan into the MU Stonemaul Clan could be simpler. You could still have an Ogre council in a way, comprised of some named NPC’s in the MU Stonemaul Clan and also including one from the AU Stonemaul Clan. One could be dedicated as the speaker to the Horde on the Horde Council, which would likely be Tharg, given he’d be the next leader, or possibly Draz’Zilb, who would likely contribute a lot more given he can talk and listen better.

So what do y’all think? Multiple leaders or just one single leader with the AU Stonemaul Clan just absorbed into the MU Stonemaul Clan? I can see it going either way, myself, but I’d like to hear opinions.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Based on what we saw in Draenor it seemed like the Ogres were little more than laborers and conscripts for the clans. With their leader defecting I don’t think they’d have been given any autonomy. With that lack of identity I think they’d just be absorbed into the MU Stonemaul and led by Orhan unless Rexxar comes back to lead them himself.


I think the AU Stonemaul should be absorbed into the MU Stonemaul. It would be more simple and has the opportunity to create story for Overlord Geya’rah in how she deals with the AU Stonemaul wanting to break away from the Mag’har. This could allow the Stonemaul leader to show off their negotiator skills, as while they still would serve the Horde I can’t image that it would easy for the Overlord to relinquish comnand of apart of her forces.

Though in regards to the Dunemaul, if Blizzard goes the multiple clan route… I feel that they should have a proper Chieftain.


Regardless of the direction the AU Stonemaul Clan went, they would likely get fleshing out and get their own identity. If we took them at face value from what we’ve seen, it’s true that they don’t have much. However, if we see them again and if they become part of the playable Horde Ogre faction, they would likely get notable named NPC’s, including female Ogres of course, along with taking a bigger role.

They’re key to getting the Draenor Ogre personality, culture, and beasts and such into the playable Horde Ogre faction. So regardless if they were absorbed into the MU Stonemaul Clan or being their own clan still, they’d still be able to gain an identity and have some differences between the other Horde Ogre clans. This way, you could have your Ogre be either big and dumb or savage and cunning.

As for the Mag’har Orcs, it would make for an interesting storyline to see the AU Stonemaul Ogres, while loyal to the Mag’har Orcs, wanting some form of independence since the MU Stonemaul Clan has it (The Dunemaul Clan is…questionable with Megs Dreadshredder managing them). I can see some reluctance from the Mag’har Orcs allowing that, seeing the whole rebellion thing that happened with the AU Stonemaul Clan during the Mag’har Orc unlock scenario, but the AU Stonemaul Clan joining with the MU Stonemaul Clan could be a reason for the Mag’har Orcs to not worry about controlling the AU Stonemaul Clan.

I mean, it isn’t as if the Mag’har Orcs are using the AU Stonemaul Clan for anything. We don’t see them among the beasts and such the Mag’har Orcs used in some world quests in BfA. We also don’t know what exactly happened to them, and I really don’t see them just wanting to break away from the Horde in general and going off on their own. So who knows what the Mag’har is doing with them?

It could make for a really interesting storyline, with the best solution is the AU Stonemaul Clan joining the MU Stonemaul Clan. It really does a lot of long term good to see Draenor Ogres within the Horde and having that as an option should playable Horde Ogres become a thing. Not to mention giving neat RP opportunities when tying up this loose thread.

Hopefully, Blizzard will remember the AU Stonemaul Clan to begin with. Especially if playable Horde Ogres become a reality someday.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Regarding the leadership of the AU Stonemaul, I believe that even when they had their own chieftain (the one we put down in BFA), they were part of the Mag’har faction, and thus were ultimately under Grom’s extendd authority.

What they’ll do now depends on what will happen to the Mag’har as a faction. I mean, the Ogres, but also the Goren, Ogron and Gronn, were all subjugated by the Orcs. Can the Mag’har keep doing something akin to slavery under the current Horde ? Sounds odd. It would make sense the Horde council gives them the choice to either remain within the Mag’har clans, or leave them and establish themselves as autonomous Horde factions, or leave both the Mag’har and the Horde. In the first case, then I guess their racial leader would remain Geya’rah ; in the second case, they might name a new chieftain, or maybe integrate into the MU Stonemaul, but that’d be surprising considering how culturally different the two groups must be now.


An easy solution to the culture difference, would have the approach of the AU Stonemaul joining the main to help rediscover their culture and enchance it. Thus the Stonemaul have the same culture going forward with no issues and AU aspects can ve incorporated into the MU.