The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I imagine there would be some shipwrights in the MU Stonemaul Clan. After all, they somehow managed to sail across the ocean from the Eastern Kingdoms, so either they built some ships or took them from someone, and they would need ship skills like navagation and such to make the journey. Unless they came across some goblin who made a deal with them to ferry them across or something. Even then, some of them should know a thing or two about ships.

And a good place to have them would be where Horde docks are, since they can help build ships. After all, Orc ship designs are based on Ogre design, so if anything, both the MU and AU Stonemaul Clans can assist with something familiar to them. :sailboat:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Im down with that. Though Iā€™m torn between the Durotar port beibg turned into a proper harbor and Orgrimmar being updated to include a harbor.


An Ogre NPC has been found in DF !!! Heā€™s the chief spa masseur !

My guess is heā€™s part of the Horde expedition, since only the factions (and the Kirin Tor) have been invited to the Isles afaik ? Which would probably make him a Stonemaul. Also, Riko, our Hozen buddy from MoP, is there too !


Thats great to see. Though Iā€™m not sure if he is a member of the Stonemaul. Based on the other images in the tweet, it looks like thereā€™s a spa retreat team. The Dracthyr mentions yoga.

So the Ogre might be a Stonemaul and has taken a job opportunity or this Spa team decided the Dragon Isles were the place to take their business or something.


In case anyone wasnā€™t aware Blizzard mentioned that there would be a short story covering the data-mined marriage mention of Lorā€™themar and Thalyssra.

Thus its possible that the Stonemaul could send a representative to attend or something.


Itā€™s very possible this is a Horde Ogre, likely of the MU Stonemaul Clan. Unless he happens to be a neutral Ogre not part of any clan, like with Lunk, that couldā€™ve been hired for his services. Seeing as this is meant as something silly, itā€™s likely we wonā€™t get to know much of his backstory. It is good to see at least one semi-friendly Ogre though!

Really appreciate reporting this finding! Still hoping to see the MU Stonemaul Clan in general helping us in Dragonflight.

While that would be neat, it may be unlikely, sadly. Several events have gone on, in-game and in media like the novels, where representatives of various Horde members were sent, and from what I remember, the MU Stonemaul Clan have always been left out. Iā€™d be surprised if this was different.

I think until we see the MU Stonemaul Clan having a regular presence and even becoming full members of the Horde while becoming playable, we may not see them in such events unfortunately. They sadly donā€™t even have a spot on the Horde council, like with several other members like the Taunka.

Maybe one day, Blizzard and the Horde will remember there are Ogre clans within the Horde, and weā€™ll start seeing them or the MU Stonemaul Clan at least againā€¦

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


That is sadly true.

Now that I think about it, I think the only books that even mentioned the Stonemaul were Tides of War (which was a brief mention of them joining the Horde assault on Theramore), Chronicle Volume 3 (recapped the Horde recruiting them), and Exploring Kalimdor (which recapped history).

Yeah, I have to agree.

A while ago Blizzard did an interview where they mentioned that we would see how the Horde has responded to the Horde Council. Thus I wonder if we will see the perspective from races not on it like the Stonemaul, Revantusk, the Taunka, etcā€¦


i know thereā€™s an exact height for the ogres but in my head canon i believe theyā€™d be just as tall as the zandalari if not a bit taller but in terms of gameplay i guess itā€™d be at tauren height seeing how kul tirans are about as tall as male draenei ingame


what would an ogre paladin look like? i mean i can think of a holy roman gladiator but ogre themed like how much more could you adapt it to like how they did the Zandalari? would one head be the priest the other the warrior and would that make it a paladin? kinda like how Choā€™gall is a mage/warrior well warlock/warrior


Or it could just have one head.

I have to admit your question makes me wonder, once again, if the number of heads will be a matter of player choice or by class. For example warriors with one head and shamans with two.


By da powa of da Horde! Me have da ppppooowwwwaaaa!

If we were to get two head customization options, I donā€™t know realistically if it would be based on class or not.

The thing is that there are two-headed Ogres who are not magic oriented at all. Crolā€™ka in Warcraft 3 is stated to be a warrior, yet he has two heads. So who knows how two-head Ogres work canonically?

I would think the best case scenario is that all classes can use that option. Iā€™m sure there are players whoā€™d want to be a two-headed Ogre Warrior or something that would be disappointed if that wasnā€™t an option.

The only real reason I could see for limiting two head options is less work and resources in making sure helms of all class types (cloth, leather, etc) work on both heads. Which to be fair, is a lot of work, but at the same time, is work that I think would please more players long term. So I would hope that two-head customization could be used for any classes so people can make the Ogre of their dreams.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


or a more less willing and more gruesome way is being force light converted by yrels inquisition. kinda can imagine them being like huge lightforged space marine esque storm troopers for the inquisition



kind of like this in terms of armor but lightforged and more ogre looking


Maybe we could get a partnership between the ogre shipwrights in the Stonemaul clan and the other ogres from WoD. Iā€™m pretty sure we could get two or three ogre shipwrights coming from WoD with the magā€™har orcs.


I would think the AU Stonemaul Clan would have some really good shipwrights. In fact, theyā€™re more likely to have shipwrights than the MU Stonemaul Clan, though some could still be in the latter.

Especially of interest is that the AU Stonemaul Clan would have knowledge of Draenor Ogre ships, which can bring them into the Horde and also give them some familiarity with Orc ships based on Ogre ship designs.

Really makes me hope both the MU and AU Stonemaul Clans make up the playable Horde Ogre faction. A lot can come with the AU Stonemaul Clan coming back with us, and I hope they arenā€™t forgotten. Along with the other Horde Ogre clans, of course.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Orc vs Ogre fight but its a rehash between Kratos and Zeus

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while brothers of blood plays in the background from god of war 3

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So thereā€™s been talk of the time skip introducing another revamp from the player base. And if that happens, I canā€™t help but wonder if the Horde Ogres would be more present, like how Cataclysm brought goblin and worgen towns to the old world.

I can see the following off the top of my head:

  • Stonemaul Village could be reclaimed at the start or phased in as the Horde final quest of the zone.
  • The Dunemaul Encampment in Tanaris could also be converted into a full blown Horde base.
  • One of the Ogre mounds in Arathi becomes a Horde base either from being taken over by the Stonemaul or the restoration of Stormguarde caused a split within the Boulderfist as one group partnered with the Horde and the other remained hostile.
  • Either the creation of an Ogre base in the Northern Barrens or Ogre NPCs being added to the existing towns to keep all the Horde Kalimdor races having a presence within the Barrens theme.
  • Ogres being added to Orgrimmar.