The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

you can play a kul tiran and be a wildhammer too

Its important that we keep pushing. Ogres should have been a thing ages ago.

Hope we see at least murmurs of them doing something during DF’s timeline.

Dream big. :japanese_ogre: :cut_of_meat:


Fun fact: The Stonemaul clan split in two prior to the Third War. The ones in Kalimdor woukd join the Horde, while the group that remained in the Eastern Kingdoms found themselves under Sylvanas. After Mug’thol freed himself he renamed his clan from Stonemaul to Crushridge.

Thus I cant help but wonder if the Crushridge joining would add another ogre clan to the Horde or boost the Stonemaul numbers with the Crushridge absorbed into the clan.


I’ve always said as a long time vet to the warcraft series is that in original TBC horde should have gotten Ogres and Alliance High Elves. I think that would have played out to be a interesting outcome and tbh, much more fitting for the horde appearance and scheme.

Imagine a massive warrior Ogre, Tauren and Orc coming at you wielding massive axe or rusty great swords, just seems fitting to me as a Horde.

Also I loved the royalty theme of the High Elven Archer, Sorceress and Dragon hawk riders in OG Warcraft and wish they was even made a Neutral 3rd faction just so I could play them and not the disgrace we have today like the fel addict bloodelf or smelly Void Elf :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I’m not a big fan of the route they took in retail after TBC, sort of killed it for me.

1 Like this’ll be how the ogre walks with his home bois once they’re playable


pretty much have a troll at the back and gobbo at the front ogre boi in the middle

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somebody plz make a gif or video of this idc how stupid it looks it’d be funny to see

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A reunification of the MU Stonemaul Clan and the Crushridge Clan could be interesting. Granted, there likely was some reason they split to begin with, so it depends on what it was and whether there would be bad blood between the two clans as a result.

I had thought we could see Mug’thol come back during BfA, seeing as he had a bone to pick with Sylvanas and it seemed like we were going to kick her out of the Horde at the time. A bit of a missed opportunity, though with Sylvanas out of the Horde at the moment, chances could be up some for the Crushridge Clan to work with the Horde. Granted, it’s still a super low chance to begin with, but a possibility still.

The Crushridge Clan is a clan I do plan to keep an eye out on as we go through expansions, given their history with the MU Stonemaul Clan. It’s hard for me to imagine them opening negotiations and working with the Horde, though it isn’t impossible. I also don’t see them being THE playable Horde Ogre faction should they become playable, especially since the MU Stonemaul Clan has more importance and are already part of the Horde, but if Blizzard went with the multiple Horde Ogre Clan route, I could see something being worked with the Crushridge Clan.

If anyone is interested, I did a post looking some at the Crushridge Clan here:

Definitely something of interest to keep an eye on, but I wouldn’t expect too much out of them in general. Still, some near opportunities of reuniting them with the MU Stonemaul Clan could be fun!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Just wanted to come in here and show my support for this. this needs to happen!


For those who don’t know while there was a quest to kill him in vanilla, the Cata revamp saw it removed and a quest in Arathi revealed that Mug’thol is still alive and commanding the Crushridge. And presumably still in possession of the Crown of Will that granted him his freedom in the first place.

I agree and since the Crushridge are in control of Alterac, it could actually serve as a way to make Alterac into a Horde city as people have suggested through diplomacy over conquest.


Heck you know that would have been a better TBC Experience because one we would get to see Ogres and High Elves against each other. Wouldn’t that be the best reality instead of the one we got now which is current timeline reality for WoW?

Ogres should’ve been a Race a long time ago and would be a great Horde race. But instead we got Vulpera.

There is no going back now.

However Alliance getting furbolg and Horde getting ogres I think could be a neat setup.


I remember the conversations of the spring of '04, when the playable races were being rolled out. Everyone was anticipating the inevitable announcement of Ogres and High Elves. It never came. Nearly two decades later, people are still waiting for it to come.


At least folk can now play their high elves.

Be nice for folk to be able to play ogres finally.


Arguable. :wink: But this isn’t the thread for that discussion.

But yeah, particularly with a more progressive Blizzard, I would love to see playable Ogres. I remember those vaguely sexist comments about failing to design Ogre females… it wasn’t a good look even then, and it would certainly be a win to renege on that philosophy.


Fair. I more meant they have an option that can at least look the part.

Not meaning to bring that discussion here though.


I ran across those comments recently while I was reading through posts. They’re not great.

And honestly I think female ogres will look and be great.


Honestly, the bigger, fatter, stronger, uglier, and more monstrous the females, the better. We see quite a lot of sexual dimorphism in WoW’s races, but in almost all cases, males have this outrageously exaggerated physique, bursting with personality, and females just get “what if a hot chick cosplayed as a gender-swapped [X]?” I say: reverse the trend. Make the male Ogres look tame by comparison.


I like the way you thunk.


I don’t know why my phone autocorrected think to thunk…

But I’m keeping it.


Ogres should be a Horde allied race. They have been around since TBC.