The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

It looks like today is a good day to talk about Mug’thol and the Crushridge Clan! To begin, let’s take a look at their significance to the Stonemaul Clan.

Wowpedia mentions that the Stonemaul Clan use to be in the Eastern Kingdoms, where for unknown reasons, the clan split into two. Was it political differences? Did some Ogres have ambitions to explore? Or did an Ogre eat one too many helpings of beans that day? For whatever reason, the clan split. The Stonemaul we know today left the Eastern Kingdoms.

“For unknown reasons, the Stonemaul clan separated in two with one remaining in Lordaeron and the other journeying to Kalimdor and establishing themselves in the Dustwallow Marsh.”

The clan that stayed behind are thought to have become the Crushridge Clan:

The Crushridge Clan aren’t exactly Ogres of high moral fiber. They attack Horde and Alliance adventurers while trying to keep their territory.

There isn’t too much more to the clan, so lets look at the leader of the clan, Mug’thol:'thol

You might remember him from Warcraft 3, as he did play a bit of a role there.

Sylvanas came across them while fighting against Varimathias. Of course, being the kind and benevolent zombie elf, she used her cunning diplomacy to work with the Mug’thol and is clan in a fair and meaningful manner!

…by which I mean she was a jerk and proceeded to enslave him against his will. Guess some things never change, do they? :man_shrugging:

Mug’thol did eventually break free, when he got an artifact called “The Crown of the Will.” Since then, he and his clan resided in Alterac Valley, oddly enough not really seeking revenge against Sylvanas for what she did to him and his clan.

Interestingly enough, it is said that Mug’thol commands this Ogre, who seems to have some relation to the Boulderfist Clan:'Kalar

Not sure if the Boulderfist Clan works with the Crushridge Clan or what, but still interesting to note.

It is also said that he is still alive, despite a quest chain in Classic WoW where you had to go kill him:

I’m guessing this questline isn’t canon to the story anymore.

So now that I talked about the Crushridge leader, let’s speculate some!

Could the Crushridge and Stonemaul Clans reunite and join the Horde? I’m sure something could be done. It would be neat to reunite them and also continue Mug’thol’s story some.

I always figured Mug’thol would be seeking revenge against Sylvanas. Back during BfA, I had the idea of the Stonemaul Tribe reuniting with the Crushridge Clan to assist in a possible coup against her. Obviously, a coup never really happened, where Sylvanas just went “RAWR TEH HORDE IS NOTHIN’ DEATH DEATH BLARG!” and then hobbled off to the Shadowlands for totally morally grey reasons.

I don’t really see Mug’thol coming back during Shadowlands to get revenge, especially since he’d have to get in a long line to get a chance at revenge. At the moment, Azeroth is getting swamped with undead, so his clan is likely busy with that since they’re unaffiliated currently.

However, it isn’t impossible to work with the Crushridge Clan. If they reunite with the Horde, they could work as a 4th clan if Blizzard went with a multiple clan route for playable Horde Ogres. Otherwise, they could reunite into a bigger Stonemaul Clan as well, with Mug’thol being part of a potential joint leadership with Tharg.

A similar idea was presented by the Ogri’la fan website I linked before. If you’d like to see what they came up with, be sure to check this section of their website:

Ogri’la Fan Website Ogres lore section

The Crushridge Clan is worth exploring for ideas. It’s possible they’ll just be jobbers for players to beat up on as they level, but they could be more than that with some interesting storyline opportunities.

I imagine a fun quest where you go with Or’Dac, that Stonemaul Emissary from Pandaria, to try to reach out to the Crushridge for possible reuniting with them. It could start out rough, but then the Crushridge Clan could see the true meaning of Winter Veil and end up working with the Horde.

The important thing, of course, is that the Stonemaul Clan we know from Dustwallow Marsh is part of the playable Horde faction. As long as that happens, I’m very much open to other Ogre clans joining for roleplaying and world building opportunities.

That’s about it for this post. If I learn anything else of interest of Mug’thol and Crushridge Clan, I’ll be sure to post it here. If you notice anything I’ve forgotten, feel free to post it here!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre: