The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

im not i would love true to size ogres and for them to truly join the horde again. im just pointing out the truth of their situation

Your version of support is confusing to me.


The Horde Council represents playable race. Ogres will have a seat on the Council once they become playable. What even is your point

They actually have LMAO



free bumps

You really wanna be that kind of poster?

I get it on helf threads but this is a totally different story, and according to you youā€™d not mind it.

Let ogre folk talk about their ogres and maybe join in. You might enjoy it.

Like what would you want to see for ogres in wow going forward? What stories do you think would be cool for the ones weā€™ve already got in game or new ones?

Iā€™d personally love to see the Crushridge ogres join along with the Alteraci. More ogres and a human model to the Horde would be amazing.


thats another weird one with helfers. theyre fixated on alterac humans when the fogsail flat out side with the horde and have nowhere else to go but the horde now

Both make sense. As you said the Fogsail are Horde-aligned and have no choice but to stick with the Horde now ; on the other hand the Alteraci have some sort of common history with the Horde (one that didnā€™t end well but a common history nonetheless) and they have nothing left and nowhere to go now bc everybody hates their guts, which is a pretty Horde-friendly racial theme


the kingdom was dismantled. im sure most of the citizenry made their way to other human cities and integrated by now. theres some bitter pockets that exist. but fogsail just make more sense imo

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Friend of mine suggested the fogsail join with the Alteraci and take over southshore while the Alteraci retake the city with the aid of the Forsaken.

Crushridge Ogres could be pulled in easily enough and give more options for a unified Horde playable Ogre group.


I think what makes the Alteraci neat though is that they used to be one of the main Human nations but they chose a path very different than that of Stormwind, Stromgarde and stuff. + the Syndicate have cool orange bandanas

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Alteraci also have a fair reason to consider joining the Horde out of convenience. Stromgarde is their old rival and was recently restored by the Alliance. Thatā€™s likely to ruffle some feathers of the remaining Alteraci. I imagine the Horde wouldnā€™t mind solidifying their hold on the northlands by helping the Alteraci retake their home and share their knowledge of the mountain passes. While the Forsaken likely have some knowledge of the area the syndicate has been successfully surviving there since vanilla. Even with setbacks.

Be real easy to make the story work out. Fogsail as yaā€™ll say donā€™t have anywhere else to go and could easily build a port at Southshore further assisting Horde lines.

Plus and I canā€™t stress this enough in an ogre thread. A possible avenue for more ogres.


Worth noting too is that actually the Horde currently controls Strahnbrad, we took it over in BfA. That could easily lead to interactions with the natives (that is, the Crushridge and the Syndicate)


Firstly Wildhammer Dwarves are truely unique in their own right, culture and even physical appearance in lore is different to regular dwarves although for WoWs sake they use the same rig, which Iā€™m not opposed tooā€¦

Secondly if Wildhammer Dwarves got the Allied Race treatment like the Dark Iron Dwarves did we would definitely be more visually unique then just tattoo optionsā€¦ could of had unique visuals for beards, moustaches hairs, Storm filled eyes and racialsā€¦ the list is only stopped by oneā€™s imagination.

You need to remember it was the same argument for Dark Irons back in they day (been playing since Dec 2004), they literally were regular dwarves with Darker skin tones (which Bronzebeard dwarves had the skin option even could choose red eyes) till the whole Allied Race overhaul made them unique in there own wayā€¦

Wildhammer Dwarves truely got left in the shadows being a Bronzebeard in cosplayā€¦

Letā€™s not forget also Wildhammer Clan could of also brought Druids to a Dwarven Race as in lore they have Druids among themā€¦.

Onto the topic, More races should be playable and definitely Ogres, thatā€™s what I love about WoW over other MMOsā€¦ the diversity of choicesā€¦ the more options to customise your character to your preference is never a bad thingā€¦ :grin::+1:t4:


With regards to the MU Stonemaul Clan outside of Dustwallow Marsh, aside from the one emissary from Pandaria, they did move several members of the clan into Feralas to establish a base there while being led by a member of the Horde.

I donā€™t see why they couldnā€™t be mobilized to another area in the future. Sure, the Horde Ogre clans were MIA in BfA (A huge missed opportunity Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll continue to grumble about), but who knows what the reason was for that. Itā€™s possible we could see members of the Horde Ogre clans show up somewhere.

Itā€™s a bit more than just letting the Horde utilize the land of the MU Stonemaul Clan. They kinda owe the Horde for saving their clan multiple times. As in a lot. They also seem to be really proud to be part of the Horde, shouting ā€œFOR DA HORDE!ā€ when attacking Choā€™gall in Feralas. I think their relationship with the Horde goes a bit more than just a mutual benefit or just repaying a debt of some kind to be free. May as well let them become full members and let them both repay a debt and gain some loyal members of the Horde.

And yes, I do expect playable Ogre clan or clans to get a seat on the Horde Council should that ever happen. Not sure how they would feel about dragons potentially getting a seat before them thoughā€¦

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I think the Dracthyr will be more like death knights and demon hunters. Considered less a race of the Horde/Alliance more a faction working with them.


Iā€™d love to be an ogre 1000% and if they didnā€™t want to worry about the male female thing, they could take an interesting action. it may not sit well with a lot of players. Disregarding all the crazy responses to Body Type 1 or 2, the idea would be that all ogres are Body Type 1. Itā€™s not they donā€™t have women in ogre society more that as a species they are not s*xual dimorphic enough for others to tell.


Ogres are my favourite Warcraft race, and it has made me sad for 18 years now that I cant play one.


I feel the same. Ogres are a long overdue playable Horde race that I figured was a shoe-in for an earlier expansion when I first started playing WoW during BC. Many many many years later, and weā€™re still waiting sadly.

Despite the frustration, I still plan to keep at it with the Ogre support. Not sure whatā€™ll happen during Dragonflight, but Iā€™ll continue beyond that if nothing comes from it. Itā€™s a dream worth marching for, in my opinion. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


thats pretty much what they are tho. a dwarf with tattoos. instead of wasting an AR slot on that i would prefer a different beefy body type. thats just my view from where im sitting. i prefer more customization and stuff like body types for the races we already have then ARs

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Firstly they are taller and slender then regular Bronzebeard dwarves in lore, written everywhere so instantly I know you have no idea what you are on about, but since Blizzard is well known for re-using rigs thatā€™s a compromise Iā€™m ok with.

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