The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

You spoke of ar’s, not core races lol.

And honestly, i still think those customizations was a mistake.

Wildhammers had a more sturdier/taller build then the other dwarves.

And ppl wanted the built forest trolls. There was no one asking for sand/dark trolls.


oh, i see what you mean now

While I think Blizz messed up with a lot of the customizations in Shadowlands, I think making Wildhammer Dwarves and Sand Trolls just customizations was a good call. Nothing sucks more than knowing that in order to play as a certain colored Dwarf or Orc, you have to sacrifice numerous customization options you would’ve gotten as a different color. The bar for actual AR’s should be high.


Here’s Grandbrae’s.

And here is a fresher one that popped up.

Eh. It’s not a Wildhammer unless you have their Stormhammer and Gryphons as a racial. Too specific to them to be ignored.

Rather like the racial talent system for that reason. Could give Bronzebeard that option to change racials to Wildhammer ones. No AR bloat with a too similar race that way, current Wildhammer players don’t have to race change, and that system could be expanded really well.

Ogres should be an AR though. They’re not similar to any other race and they’ve been part of the Horde since before vanilla launched.


It feels like you’re talking about an iconic, yet very specific type of Wildhammer Dwarf. Not every Wildhammer is flying a Gryphon and swinging an electric hammer like Thor. If they were, I’d very much advocate to just make Wildhammer Dwarves a Dwarf-specific Shaman spec at that point (in the realm of what people have suggested for Belf spellbreakers as a race-specific spec of paladin or warrior). But at that point, why not just play a Shaman and use a gryphon as a mount? It just feels weird to take something that’s already possible and then try to make it a “core” and baked-in part of a new entity. Are people really that excited to play a Wildhammer priest and then throw an electric hammer in-between a ton of light spells?

I really don’t want a racial talent tree. I think there’s a good reason that Blizz has been nerfing racials for the last 2 decades. However, I would be down for new variations of racials that you could choose between for flavoring’s sake. Almost all the Mag’har racials are just orcish racials but with traditional Draenor flavoring and I think that could be a very small way for people to better express themselves. With an entire talent tree, I just worry about balancing and the return of optimal race/class combos that people will then gatekeep about.

Every. Single. Wildhammer. Has. A. Stormhammer. And. A. Gryphon.

It’s part of their culture…

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Doing a cursory Google search on multiple websites, I can’t find evidence that every Wildhammer does. All the sources I’m reading make it sound like it’s primarily a warrior thing.

theyre trying to open a door to something else. the racial tag is literally ‘dwarf.’ what your dwarfs story is, is up to you

They gain their Stormhammer when they come of age. There’s a ritual to make them, imbuing them with lightning.

They’re paired with a Gryphon at birth. Though that one I’ll admit may have changed from vanilla. It was part of Aerie Peak questlines where it was mentioned, it’s also been mentioned in older books. The validity of some of that lore is suspect do to potential retcons.

I don’t give a foot about the tag.

I care about the racials and not being a cosplay Wildhammer when they’re infinitely more important than Bronzebeard or Dark Irons to the history of Warcraft.

Not everything is about elves.

Either way this is off topic and I’m particularly aggressive with my Wildhammer desires. We should return to ogres.

Whom I think would be well paired with Furbolg.


Dwarves are pretty darn important to the alliance. They came up with the idea of banding together against the hordes even.

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Difference between those two is that the Vrykul is named, the Hozen isn’t. The Hozen is a random faction NPC ; random faction NPCs are not individuals, they’re here to represent their race within the group (here it was the Horde Vanguard ; in the same fashion there are Void Elf NPCs in the SI:7 that only serve the purpose of signaling the presence of Void Elves within the SI:7).

Yes, that’s the point. It’s not that Ogres are specifically intended to remain in their lands ; it’s just that they’re forgotten about by devs. That’s what we’re trying to change.

There isn’t a single valid argument against playable Ogres that I’m aware of. It’s just a matter of, whether devs feel like adding them or not lol


thanks for your subjective take. just like mine

the main things hindering ogres, not part of the horde in the same capacity as wc2 and too big

Population numbers literally don’t exist in Blizzard writing + we have 3 Ogre clans in the Horde currently. That’s more than enough and infinitely more than the Vulpera or the Void Elves

no ; people have already told you why this isn’t a valid argument


Neither of these are barriers.

Size is on average less than that of a tauren, and even in lore they’re not really much bigger than a tauren

Heck tauren aren’t tauren sized in wow. (nor are worgen worgen sized as it happens.)

And it’s hard for me to figure why the capacity they were in in wc2 compared to now would matter? Ogres (2-3 clans of em) are in the Horde. Darkspear trolls were one tribe.

So… Ogres for the Horde. :japanese_ogre: :cut_of_meat:


you can keep going if you want, but nothing has put the SM ogres outside of where they are. same with hozen, they havent packed up their belongings and left pandaria or sent us an army. still horde allies in those allies tho and will help defend them

So… Again. Let’s add them to the Horde proper as ARs.

Arguably that’s the point of ARs.


Yes, NPC races virtually never make it past the expansion they were introduced in. Had you never noticed this ? It’s not that they’re all only concerned with their lands. It’s just that devs never revisit old content.



guess you guys should be expecting ogre and hozen npcs popping up as quest givers and more then 1 npc and appearing in horde leadership meetings where even ji is shown. thats weird they should have spawned as horde npcs for assaults and stuff like every horde race for bfa

Hopefully this eventually happens as it should yes


There isn’t an expectation Mags.

It’s a request for a beloved race to finally be added. It’s there, people want to play it, and are passionate enough to make a thread for it.

Not sure why you’re against this really.