What if races had talent trees?

Imagine… if we could have racial talent trees. Or a way for us to pick racials. xD. That would be cool.

For example I am lvling/gearing up my nightborne warrior. The magic buff racial feels mostly useless outside of borrowed power stuff it boosting. Since most of the damage I do is physical. I think allowing me to pick something else would be nice. Also I sort of want that illusion racial that we were going to get.


Night elves wouldn’t have one.


I’ve had this very idea before. I think it would be interesting, it could keep some uniqueness to the races in WoW, but at the same time allow for you to cater a bit more to your needs.

I’m sure it’d get all the complaints of balance issues like our current system, but I think at the very least, ti’d be more fun.

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I just caught that. XD


Terrible idea. Race choice should be as incidental as possible to character power to facilitate playing what you want to.

What would even be in them?


Pretty easy for you to say considering Orc has the best PvP talent on Horde’s side. And before you call NE also OP, I agree. I don’t main any NE. My NE is just my forum avatar.

Something like the Zandalari shrines. Its just something to personalize your choices.

Something they can do for example for orcs to pick talents based of a clan. (Maghar that would be picking the secondary stat you want to boost). Trolls have so many tribes.

For void elves it could be picking less void talents.

For blood elves could be some holy based or fel based stuff.

Night elves could have something like instead of shadowmeld you opt for like a mini evasion cd.

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I think this would be cool.

I can already see a Orc tree giving you the option to continue to embrace the blood-curse or reject it in favour of old orcish tradition.

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We’d be playing Pathfinder 2.0. I would be very cool with that.

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Some people actually like playing a race instead of it just being a skin for a class.


I support anything that makes races more unique!

Still waiting on a unique Nightborne dance……

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I like it, maybe the same tree for everyone with each individual path leading essentially down what we currently have as each races racials

So my human hunter could have the mag orc stat on use etc?

Any race could have what they want and race is actually cosmetic

Nah i just want a slider if you know what i mean

FFS blizz can’t balance the game as it is. So the solution is let’s add in more stuff that needs to be factored into balancing?

Hell no.

I mean. My zandalari can pick between more passive speed, crit buff, ocassional damage/leech ability, tanking ability, and heal proc.

Most of the time I opt for gonk.

I think it would be nice for other races to choose.

Especially the less popular meta races.

Bad Elf, BAD ELF! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


BE used to have the best PvP talent Horde side, but people like you complained about it so it got removed. No more silence. NEs should have the ability to Shadowmeld all throughout the night time just like in cannon lore they can do and in WC3 they could too.

I can only assume this is directed at me as the only orc in the thread thus far, but… I’m not following? My argument is that racials should provide minimal character power, and racial talent trees would likely create greater imbalances between races. I also despise this game’s PvP, for the record, and don’t touch it with a 100 foot pole.

One ability does not a talent tree make. To actually have anything you could call a talent tree, we’d be looking at a minimum of something like a dozen options per race. Even if you put every currently existing racial ability in its race’s tree, you’d have less than half of that. What is everything else?

Secondary stats are just min/max choices. This is nothing but plain, boring character power - and frustrating if your best stat doesn’t happen to be provided by the clan or tribe you identify with. Being a Frostwolf has been a core aspect of my character’s identity since I rolled her in BC. Guess I better just pray that they get the Haste buff.

So are these strictly cosmetic reskins of their existing talents, or are we talking new racial active abilities here that would inevitably become balance problems?


She certainly roasted the Night Elves there - Albeit not as much as Sylvanas did, but nonetheless :joy:


That’s what roleplaying is for.