The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Well with bronze dragonflight playing a role again we might have a couple timeline sheningrams but nothing on the lvl of WoD, possibly revisit AU draenor in some .5 patch and liberate orcs ogres exct…

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or they could just make ogre and or mok’nathal a body option for reg orc and mag’har orc it’d say Ogre or mok’nathal on the character template it’d just still function with the same race racials and abilities you’d have for the current orcs. i know how this sounds i understand i also want it to be its own specific race but this is likely what we might get as the best possible solution i mean because look how they’ve dealt with the elf options

With Mok’nathol, I could see an argument being made for them as a customization race. Granted, I haven’t been too happy with how customization races have been treated and I would hope it wouldn’t be meant as a compromise for playable Ogres in this context.

With Ogres, however? I don’t see them being stapled onto Orcs as a customization race, nor would I ever want them to have such treatment. Even if Ogres are progenitors of Orcs, they are extremely different enough as two different races that it wouldn’t make any sense. It’d be like having Vrykul being plopped onto Humans or Kul Tirans.

It would be a complete and utter trainwreck to see it happen. Something like Troll Tribes being integrated onto Darkspear Trolls works because not a whole lot needs to be changed other than skin tones. Shoving an entirely different race onto another one that isn’t something that would work as a sub race would really be a bad direction for the game.

Luckily, should we see playable Horde Ogres, they would pretty much be their own race, which needs to happen for any chance of things like two head customization options to be available. I really don’t see them as a customization race at all, and seeing that happen would likely kill a lot of my interest in the game.

Ogres are their own race and it should stay that way should they ever become playable.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I actually made a thread where people can discuss races that could end up as a customization race over a playable race.

To me Blizzard implementing the Darkfallen as a customization option is just Blizzard deciding that “Hey future playable races, shouldn’t be reskins of other playable races.” Thus as the ogres have their own unique models, I really see Ogres as a potential playable race over anything. With the only question being on if they would be a core race that starts at level one or an allied race that starts at level ten. And I think that would depend on how the Stonemaul officially reclaim their home.

For example in the Cataclysm pre-patch event, we had the Darkspear retaking the Echo Isles. So we could easily have an event where the Stonemaul reclaim their home and open them up as a core race. On the flip side the reclamation of Stonemaul village could be their recruitment quest chain as an allied race.


I honestly don’t know what to think. I haven’t been too happy with how customization races have been treated. Frankly, I worry about things like Kelfin being able to drown or Taunka being referred to as Tauren, and even having Tauren voices that refer to themselves as Tauren instead of Taunka. Not to mention how it’d be one or two skins at best to go with it.

It makes me wish that they had made a sub-race system so that the culture and identity of customization races would be kept intact. I feel like they would be treated much better as a result. It honestly feels hollow and off otherwise.

As I said, if I ever got onto the Community Council, one thing I would bring up would be customization races in general and discuss how to improve them. I wouldn’t be against them if they were implemented better.

I feel like having them treated like an allied race, where they start at L10 and have their own racial hub would work best.

Some of it involves the resources being made into a starting quest area and being locked into it. As an allied race, you wouldn’t really need to do that. Instead, that storyline can be implemented as a fun in-game event that anyone can do, like the Darkspear Troll and Gnome events that happened pre-Cataclysm. I feel like it would also just have a lot more meaning with that event that way.

I suppose in a way, it would help avoid the new starting area. Being an Ogre to spy on enemy Ogres could work, as Ogres can be different in ways, but it might be awkward in several spots in the new starting area in general. Certainly, it can work and there are weirder things that happen in-game, but there would be some odd things in it as an Ogre character.

It also wouldn’t be too odd to see the allied race treatment for Ogres. After all, the Dark Iron Dwarves were kinda part of the Alliance before becoming full members in BfA. I’m sure something similar would happen where the MU and AU Stonemaul Clan (And the Dunemaul Clan and any other additional Ogre clans as well if applicable) would be inducted as full members.

Also when I mean allied race, I moreso refer to them starting at their own racial hub as opposed to unlocking them with some criteria. Granted, I would happily do whatever was needed to unlock Ogres as a Horde race, but I feel like the differences between Core and Allied Races have lessened since we’ve left BfA and have a new character creation screen combining them both.

I also imagine a revamped Dustwallow Marsh (and possibly Feralas depending on story) to come with it. So you could have new quests for newbie Ogres and any other Horde characters in the area. Moreso since for most level ranges, the mobs and quests scale to your level now. It’d be interesting to see the MU Stonemaul Home up and running again.

I do wonder what would be good to have for the Alliance opposite of Ogres. Especially since Ogres potentially have a lot of work to implement in them. Then again, Worgen were likely a decent amount of work to implement compared to Goblins, so maybe they’d get something that would be neat and not require as many resources to make.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I think the Alliance could receive Vrykul or Furbolgs opposite the Horde Ogres.


My votes for furbolg. >.>


Stillpine Furbolgs for the Alliance and Stonemaul Ogres for the Horde sounds like a perfect pair. Both are already in the factions, both need a female model, and both have their own homes for an allied race treatment.


Just wanted to give my support for this thread. It’s been a while since I posted here and my Nova Goria Ogre role-play guild is on hiatus. But I remain a stalwart and ardent advocate of playable Ogres!

Magg’rok and Tharmokk! High Sorcerer and High Centurion of Nova Goria!



It’s good to see you again! We’re still at it with the support for playable Horde Ogres, and I don’t see us stopping anytime soon! :smiley:

As for between Vrykul and Furbolg as the Alliance choice opposite Ogres, I honestly lean a lot more towards Furbolgs.

Furbolgs are a race that have had roots since at least Warcraft 3 and kinda fit that theme of “playable races that are a long time coming” with Ogres. Moreso since there are Furbolgs part of the Alliance already and can fit very well with the Night Elf storyline in helping them grow a new tree home, given they’ve been allies with the Night Elves for a long time. Furbolgs make the most sense joining the Alliance as a result.

Furbolg also would add in a lot of much needed flavor to the Alliance. Sure, people might complain about them because we have Pandarens, which is a silly argument, but people will complain about any race becoming playable.

Vrykul can work, given that both they and Ogres are progenitors of Humans/Orcs, make good shipwrights, and are big races in general. However, I do recognize how people can make arguments for them on either faction. I do think in my own personal opinion, Furbolgs would be more interesting and have more meaning as a playable race, though I’m not against playable Vrykul at all.

Any Alliance race that becomes playable with Horde Ogres likely will be overshadowed to some extent. Despite that, I think there are some potential playable Alliance races that would still be well received and have a lot of potential. Furbolgs, in my own personal opinion, would be one of them. :honey_pot::bear:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Man, if we got both Ogres and Vrykul at the same time, I don’t know which I would play first!

(That’s a lie. I’d play Ogres first. But I’d definitely play Vrykul too~!)


I’ve been thinking some about potential roles of the Horde Ogre clans in Dragonflight, although we don’t know much about the plot in general, so there isn’t much to really go on.

As I mentioned before, if there were minions and offspring of Onyxia that managed to escape from Dustwallow Marsh, that would be a good reason for the MU Stonemaul Clan to get in on the action at least. However, the main rumors of the big bad of the expansion range from Murozond to a revived Galakrond. So it’s unclear if offspring or minions of Onyxia would be involved in some way.

I would guess that the Horde would like more strength in general, and if we went there by ship, Ogres would make excellent shipwrights to try to get everyone to the Dragon Isles. In return, the MU Stonemaul Clan would get a chance to beat up enemy dragons if they show up. It may not have anything to do with Onyxia, but I’m sure they would still enjoy beating them up if any enemy dragons showed up.

Hard to know what we’ll be up to in the Dragon Isles currently, and we might not know until much closer to Dragonflight’s release. However, it still seems like a good opportunity to get some Ogre strength involved in helping us. I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for anything of interest to report back here.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


So over in another thread I listed changes I would make to Dustwallow Marsh and figure I would share them here, since the Stonemaul clan is included.

  • Stonemaul village is reclaimed by the Stonemaul and turned into a stronghold or fortress. Some NPCs from Brackenwall Village return to the area, with others remaining behind at the village.
  • The entrance to Onyxia’s cave is collapsed, either a side entrance or NPC serving as a method for players to experience the raid.
  • Mudsprocket, on account of being right next to Stonemaul village, is turned into a Horde watch tower and thus no longer a neutral flight path. Some of the characters like Brogg remain.
  • Tabitha’s Farm is slightly expanded and becomes the new neutral flight path in the region. Characters from Mudsprocket who haven’t joined the Horde make their home here.
  • Alcaz Island has been taken over the by the Alliance.
  • The Ruins of Theramore have been claimed by the Twilight’s Hammer, led by the corrupted Overlord Mok’Morokk.

These changes feel right in the event a restored Stonemaul village means that Dustwallow remains neutral. Turning Mudsprocket into a Horde watch tower is just perfect and removes the silliness of having a neutral flight path directly next to a Horde base.

Meanwhile someone is bound to be interest in Theramores Ruins, so enter the usual suspects. Plus adding Overlord Mok’Morokk finally solves that loose thread.


Throw in a side bit where some of the remnants of Alliance forces from the Barrens have actually started working with Twilight Hammer folks in lieu of Alliance support now that there’s a peace.

Gives Alliance mooks no one has to be upset about killing.

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It’s understandable to have Mudsprocket not be close to what would be a Horde base, though I’d wonder where they would go. I suppose they could work a deal to let the Horde have the area and they move elsewhere, though I still think they’d remain neutral in any circumstances.

I always figured they would’ve taken over Onyxia’s Lair and hype it for tourism. I did something like that when I wrote my old Horde Ogre recruitment scenario a long time ago. Seems like an opportunity for them to make money, so maybe they would move closer to it to make some profit and rent the Mudsprocket area to the Horde. Any surviving Onyxia offspring can always take it over again for a fun throwback event to the raid as well.

I do know the MU Stonemaul Clan’s home is a bit big, so there would be plenty of space for various NPC’s, merchants, and quests to get. I’d be curious to see what all would be done with it. Obviously not as big as a racial city like Orgrimmar or Thunder Bluff, but it could still be a decent sized racial hub for Horde Ogres. I’m sure Brackenwall Village would also have plenty of quests and such, since it’d still be a useful base for the Horde.

As for the Ruins of Theramore, I’m guessing the Horde wouldn’t move in to claim the territory to avoid cheesing off the Alliance, so having an enemy faction take over it does work. It could work if Dustwallow Marsh still acted as a place for Alliance characters to level.

I feel that focusing on Dustwallow Marsh is key for getting the MU Stonemaul Clan back in the story. Feralas can be involved as well, but only after Dustwallow Marsh storylines and revamps are implemented. I feel like there is much more meaningful potential with Dustwallow Marsh, and seeing the MU Stonemaul Clan reclaim their home in-game has a lot of potential for an event like the Cataclysm pre-patch events.

A Dustwallow Marsh revamp is something I hope we see happen sometime in the future should we ever see playable Horde Ogres. It’d be a great way to reintroduce the MU Stonemaul Clan while throwing the AU Stonemaul Clan into the mix as well and just generally hyping up playable Horde Ogres finally becoming a thing for the game. It’s honestly really exciting to think of the possibilities.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


So you know how BfA had updated Arathi, Darkshore, Uldum, and the Vale and the Shadowlands pre patch event had Icecrown? I got to wondering if Dragonflight could have updated zones from the old world, and I feel in that event zones with a dragon presence would be the best bet.

Like the primalists, in response to our arrival and attacks against them, decide to strike back. And from little we know of them, I do think Dustwallow Marsh could be a target, at the very least as a matter of pride. Their reasoning being that they would prove superiority by claiming the land the titan dragon failed to keep and stuff.

Thus the factions arrive and the Horde can either defend a reclaimed off screen Stonemaul village or reclaim as apart of the zone chapter.


Wanted to wish any Canadian visitors a happy Canadian Independence Day, also known as Canada Day! My father is Canadian, so I celebrate my Canadian heritage when I can. I’ll be enjoying some delicious BBQ to celebrate both it and the upcoming Fourth of July! :hotdog::crocodile: :hamburger::japanese_ogre:

Whatever your plans are, please have a fun, happy, and safe holiday! :canada: :maple_leaf: :beaver:

It is very possible to see some old zone revamps at some point during Dragonflight, either at prepatch or at the end like with BfA. Dustwallow Marsh is a top contender, given it was where Onyxia resided. Who knows what all was done with it or if any of her offspring survived.

I’m sure something could be written to involve us going back to Dustwallow Marsh. I know I’d be excited to see the MU Stonemaul Clan at the very least back into the picture. Moreso if there happened to be a rep with them suddenly. I know what I would prioritize in such a situation!

With Dragonflight currently planned to release this year, I imagine that we’ll get some news sooner or later. I’m sure there will be a prepatch, likely with Dracthyr also coming out of it, so it’ll definitely be something to report on when NDA’s get lifted and news is available.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


If you haven’t checked lately, there is sadly a big lack of Ogre power on the Horde side of that character creation screen still. However, the time to send in our feedback on that matter has once again occurred!

At the start of each month, I send some in-game feedback for each of the races I want to see playable, along with their respective megathreads on these forums. If you’re also interested in doing the same for your most wanted playable races, I made a little step-by-step guide on how to do that here:

Every little bit helps, even if it may not guarantee seeing our dreams come true. But who knows? Maybe it’ll inspire some interest in showing how awesome playable Horde Ogres would be. You never know!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Happy Fourth of July to those living in the USA! :us: :eagle: :fireworks:

As usual, I’ll be unleashing my inner Saurok with the appetite of an Ogre on some delicious BBQ hot dogs and turkey burgers. Whatever your plans are for today, please have a fun, happy, and safe holiday! :hotdog::crocodile: :hamburger::japanese_ogre:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I can imagine ogres really enjoying this holiday!

Independence day… Independence from black dragons? :stuck_out_tongue: