The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

So I mentioned that banner in the boar pen a few posts ago. I took a closer look at it:

I feel like I’ve seen this before. I assume this isn’t specifically a MU Stonemaul Clan design. Especially since their banner uses one that is used with other Ogre clans:

I also went to the Dunemaul Clan’s territory, and found they had that first banner hanging as well:

Again, I feel like I’ve seen this design being used elsewhere. Other races may use it as well, so I don’t know if there is much meaning to it.

I don’t think I saw that banner design at all in the either Brackenwall Village or the old MU Stonemaul home anywhere. Seems to only be in Feralas and Tanaris when it comes to the Horde Ogre clans.

I did also notice this banner near the flight master in the Stonemaul area in Feralas and at Brackenwall Village:

I assume this is just a regular Horde banner that doesn’t have much significance, other than to indicate a flight master perhaps. Still felt it was worth pointing out.

I’ll continue to keep an eye out for anything of Horde Ogre Clan interest to report back!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


That art piece I did of the Runemaster, I couldn’t find any Ogre runes so I just put Orc runes on him since they looked primitive enough to work. All the runes I found looked too elegant and more along the lines of Elf runes then Ogre runes IMO. I could not find any Ogre runes and would be interested in seeing them if any are found.

I will probably have to start looking at any and all in-game Ogres and take screenshots of all the banner designs and carvings. Maybe they are in game and I just never noticed, which is very likely.

EDIT: I even looked at Shadowmoon runes and D&D runes I think I saw that an article said WoW got their rune ideas from but they were all to nice looking to be Ogre.


So we know each shaman race has their own unique totems. Thus I was thinking that the ogres could either be little hammers (as a call back to their weapon of choice in War3) or the rock formation from ogre mounds.


I like the rock formation concept.

The ogre mounds were so iconic from WCII.


A bit of sad news: The fan website, Ogri’la, announced on April 27th, 2022 will be shutting down at some point. No date was given.

Ogri’la was a fan website that supported playable Horde Ogres. They had some lore they made for fun and even had a section to create your own Ogre, which you could take a screenshot of. It’s something I’ve shared before.

It’s a shame to see one of the bigger playable Horde Supporters having to stop their work, but it’s understandable if a focus on RL is needed. A lot of us playable Horde Ogre supporters have been at it for quite awhile, longer than I have.

At the same time, a lot of us have kept that hope for playable Horde Ogres ever since WoW launched. It says a lot when it still has been going strong and is something that is still speculated about and wanted. Certainly not on the level of Elf races, but I do feel that a lot of people would be happy to see playable Horde Ogres someday. And yeah, people will complain about it, but people will complain about any race becoming playable.

If you want to mess around with the Ogre creator or see the works the website creator has done, you can see the website here:

Ogri’la fan website

Again, no date was announced for the shutdown, so if you go to it and it doesn’t load…well, press F to pay respects I guess. I hope that the website owner does well and I appreciate everything they’ve done to support playable Horde Ogres.

In the meantime, there are still playable Horde Ogre supports like myself that continue to march on. As I said, I personally plan to keep as it as long as I keep playing WoW, and I’m not planning on quitting anytime soon. After all, seeing Ogres on the Horde side of that character creation screen is a dream worth supporting. Let’s just hope it won’t be years before we could see that as a reality.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I either missed that or forgot!

That sucks horribly.

I’ll need to play with that creator later today…


That’s a shame.

One thing I noticed with the creation site is how one head and two head ogres are divided by class. Per the site, one headed ogres are Warriors, Hunters, Death Knights, Monks, and Rogues. Meanwhile the two headed ogres are Priests, Shaman, Mages, and Warlocks.

It actually has me wondering… how would people feel if Blizzard decided that the two headed option was dependent on class?


It would make sense since two headed ogres tend to have higher intelligence and be casters.

That being said, I hate class based restrictions so I’m not on board with it being locked.


It depends on if those options have to be two-headed. It would be a hard no for me if that was the case. There’s so many examples of one-headed casters that I would be 100% against it.


Personally, I’d prefer if all classes had the option for one or two heads.

I think there are some Ogres that are of a magical class that have only one head and there may be some Ogres that are physical classes with two heads. I also think Crol’ka from Warcraft 3 is an Ogre Warrior with two heads. So there is some evidence of any class having one or two heads.

I think if two-head customization is a possibility, it should be for all classes. I get how it would save some dev time to only have to deal with one or two types of armor for two-heads, but at the same time, more people will be interested and happy if they could choose the number of heads for all classes. I’d personally hate to see someone disappointed because a character they wanted to make with one or two heads isn’t possible because head customization is class locked.

I think the more customization options, the better. All classes should have access to both one and two heads in my opinion. I don’t know realistically what would happen with playable Ogres and head customization, but I would hope people would be able to make the Ogre of their dreams ultimately.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


This is where I sit as well.

Let them both be casters or not. We see examples of both but keep the lore that its more common for the two headed ones to be casters and generally a little smarter overall.


Not sure how I missed that Ogrila website, but it looked rather well thought out at first glance. Only thing I wasn’t too keen on was on the racials like rolling in a ball.

As for two-heads for all classes vs only magic. I can see it go either way since the two-headed version I think were used mainly for mages and warlocks (?) in the early books. But the way that Blizz is respecting, or disrespecting, lore these days I would just rather have the option to have it on all races.

Come on, how cool would it be to have a two-headed melee class? That would just add to the intimidation factor IMO. But I think I would personally only use two heads on mage and lock.

More options for players to choose from > less options or restricted options

+1 playable Ogres with the option of two heads on all classes

EDIT: I was looking up Ogres, can’t remember why, and Wowpedia says that Ogres average 8’ which, from the size chart I saw, is a little taller than the Tauren hump so their height can’t possibly be a limiting factor and we would not be getting a smaller version to play, though in-game ogres are much bigger.
It also said they use many of the same hairstyles as orcs and that they can grow hair on the chin, upper lip, and even full beards. All of which seems weird to me since I don’t picture Ogres with hair but I ain’t gonna complain if they gave them that option.


Happy Father’s Day to any dads!

My father wanted to grill today to celebrate, so I’ll be able to unleashed the appetite of an Ogre and the hunger of a Saurok on some delicious BBQ turkey burgers and hot dogs! :hamburger::japanese_ogre: :hotdog::crocodile:

I don’t really know of any notable Ogre dads, at least when it comes to the Horde Ogre clans. I don’t know if Tharg had any children before his wife was killed. Otherwise, that would be a potential MU Stonemaul Clan leader if that were the case.

Whatever your plans are today, please have a fun, happy, and safe Father’s Day!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


So I discovered that the old Ogre model has a sleeping animation and is very fitting for them. I took an alt to Tanaris to turn into one via the Horde questline to recruit the Dunemaul Clan and tried to take a good angle:

The thumb sucking really fits their character, in my opinion. I’d be really amused if this was used for male and female Ogre /sleep animations.

I’ll have to test this with other Ogre models to see if they have a sleep animation and if it is something similar. I’ll also need to see if Ogres with two-heads have any sleep animation as well. I honestly think a lot of existing animations Ogres have in general would work just fine if implemented onto playable Ogre models. It just adds a lot of personality to them that really adds to their character.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Appears DF is up for purchase but no new races. Guess I’m out till DF launches because I am not preordering just for the dragon race nor the uninspired talent tree. Nor the new class because that race can’t be any other class so is launching with far less class access than a normal race would. I have about 23 hours left so probably see you guys/gals at DF release.

+1 Playable Ogres for the Horde.


We finally have an announcement on Dragonflight preorders! It doesn’t appear to have any new races tied to it, other than Dracthyr early access I assume, so it seems that “leak” was either wrong on that specific part or referring to the Darkfallen skin released awhile ago.

If you’re wondering what all the pre-order goodies are available for Dragonflight, the different tiers are listed in the Wowhead article here:

I’m guessing that Dracthyr are taking up a lot of resources to design, so it is understandable that there aren’t any additional playable races as part of the pre-order bonus. In any case, it feels good to finally close the book on that rumor, even if it didn’t lead to anything.

Also in the news, it looks like Blizzard is aiming to release Dragonflight by the end of this year:

My hope is that they don’t rush the expansion and that they have plenty of time to work on it and Dracthyr before releasing it.

Whenever Dragonflight does come out, I’ll be keeping an eye out for anything of Horde Ogre interest to report back. There is good reason for the MU Stonemaul Clan at the very least to appear, though given how BfA went…it is not really guaranteed to see any of the Horde Ogre clans involved. Regardless, I’ll be keeping an eye out for stuff to report back here. In the meantime, I still keep hope for playable Horde Ogres someday!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I thought I would ask people here what their ideal height for playable Ogre characters would be. How tall would be reasonable for playable Ogres?

Height is something that is an important feature of Ogres. However, balancing that height for playable Ogres is also very important. I don’t expect Ogres to be as big as NPC models can be, but they should still have an imposing height in general.

For me personally, I’d hope to be at least a bit above Tauren size. I feel like that would be reasonable and not cause too many issues. I’ve tested the WoD Ogre models at least with doorways and a couple of sizes, and the worst that comes from it is that their head could clip some through the top of the doorway. Something that is worth dealing with to get playable Horde Ogres, in my opinion.

If you’re interested in seeing some size comparisons that are roughly Tauren sized, I took some screenshots of the WoD Ogre model here:

A few more done on a mount and other comparisons:

And size comparisons with the same model with an elixir of giant growth used:

So what size do y’all want for your Ogres? I think it’s something that would be important to discuss and to gauge what people would like to see within reason.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


No bigger than Tauren or Zanda. After that it gets to be a mechanical issue.


Either at or slightly above the height of Tauren and Zandalari.


As long as they’re big enough to feel big. Tauren were bigger than ogres in WC3, so ogres being bigger that tauren isn’t mandatory to me. Sure ogres tend to be bigger than tauren in WoW, but that’s because they’re mobs. Our characters are always runts compared to NPCs.

For sure I wouldn’t want them smaller than Kul Tirans though.