With how the Darkfallen were turned into a elf customization option for elven races (excluding the nightborne), I think we all have to pause and consider if a desired playable race might end up going the route of a customization.
For example I’ve seen threads and posts about wanting to play as the Man’ari Eredar. However their are essentially red skinned Draenei, with a few having other additional features like Kil’jaeden having wings. Furthermore we have a Draenei allied race with the Lightforged Draenei, and I don’t see Blizzard creating a third race that looks the same with some minor differences. Thus I do think that it’s more likely for the Man’ari Eredar to end up as a customization option for the Draenei, with the story being about a group of Man’ari seeking redemption and Velen giving them a chance or something.
Though in that regard, I do see them only being a Draenei option, not a Lightforged Draenei option. I just don’t see the Lightforged excepting them with open arms.
Meanwhile other playable race ideas that I’ve seen suggested that I feel would likely end up as a customization are:
Fel Orcs - For the regular orcs, because it’s a group of Outland Mag’har orcs that were forcibly converted and rescued.
Lightforged Undead - For the Forsaken. The Calia and Margrave Sin’dane conversation that established that necromancy is necromancy regardless of the magic behind it could be reinforced by this.
Frost Dwarves/Earthen - Either for the Dwarves. Mainly because I don’t really see an appeal in having three playable dwarven races, especially since the Wildhammer sort of became a customization option themselves.
Leper gnome - It would be a great way to establish how the Gnomes of Gnomeregan are now united, plus at least one Leper gnome (Haggle on the Ironforge side of the train) gnome is already with the Alliance.
Taunka - I don’t see a third playable Tauren based race happening. Plus the female model is the Tauren one, and I think it would be easier to make a winter coat for a female Taunka customization over creating a new female model.
There is also the Yaungol but you are right, with both Yaungol and Taunka the female are just female Tauren so they’d need some work.
I feel customizations are def the better option over getting races like HMT again and since Tauren are still lacking more face options and such it would help out, could even let HMT have them too.
I don’t think the Yaungol actually have a female model. Though with how Blizzard created female Nathrezim for Shadowlands, if the Yaungol return to the story, they just might end up with one.
I wouldn’t mind having different toys that allow us to take different forms of Venthyr, Kyrian, Necrolords and Night Fae races.
They wouldn’t break in combat and would persist through death, with a long duration and short cool down.
That and we could have different appearances for each (i.e. Venthyr with dresses, corsets, the different Venthyr sets and looks we have now).
Coupled with wings as flying mounts and somehow being implemented into the next expansion seemlessly with some sort of theme that somehow ties these toys and appearances to the next expansion.
Blizzard seems to have a theme of giving Horde/Alliance each others races. Which I really like.
I hope they Man’ari seek redemption, Velen pulls a Tyrande, and then they go to the Horde where Thrall accepts them and they bond over their past with the burning legion.
Then the Horde gets red Draenei. It just makes sense. The Horde is red. The red Draenei are red. Also let them be warlocks.
Considering how different the Broken look from the rest of the Draenei, I actually see the Broken being a potential playable race over a customization skin option.
To be honest I would also view playing a Broken as like playing a Dark Templar, which I think would be really neat.
“But ThAt WoUlD bE gIvInG tHe OppOsItE FaCtIoN oNe of OuR RaCeS MoDelS!” Welp, that didn’t stop y’all from taking Blood Elves dinnit?
As for my own list / some of which others have already pointed out –
Worgen - Night Elves.
Taunka - Tauren.
Broken - Draenei.
Actual Mechagnomes (Titanforged) - Mecha-gnomes.
Titanforged Dwarves.
Drakkari / Farraki / Amani / Gurubashi Trolls (See more unique features of said-models via the Dungeon Journal - Throne of Thunder, Council of Elders - Models)