The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

And the future Forest Trolls. :wink:


At this point, I donā€™t see why the playable Ogre faction would only consist of an AU Ogre Clan. Especially given the importance of the MU Stonemaul Clan to the Horde. I also donā€™t really see that happening if for some reason, we return to AU Draenor.

Iā€™ve said it before, but the best thing to do with the playable Horde Ogre faction, at the very least, is to take the MU Stonemaul Clan and having the AU Stonemaul Clan join them. That way, you could have:

-Different Ogre personality types. From big and dumb to cunning and savage.

-Armor and weapons both inspired by Azeroth Ogres and Draenor Ogres, including heritage armor.

-Beasts from Draenor to use as starting hunter pets and mounts.

-Opportunities for roleplayers to roleplay where their Ogre comes from.

-Building designs of both Ogre types.

-And much much more!

Seems like the best of both worlds (of Warcraft!) to me. Bonus points if the Dunemaul Clan also become part of the playable Horde Ogre faction too.

I really canā€™t imagine a playable Horde Ogre faction without the MU Stonemaul Clan. They have too much history with the Horde and were important on the attack on Theramore in Warcraft 3. Hopefully, theyā€™ll be part of if not the main Ogre faction should we be lucky enough to get playable Horde Ogres.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


AU Grom spent more time with Garrosh than MU Grom ever did. They built something huge together. I would say AU Grom is closer to a father to Garrosh than MU Grom ever was.

My point was that if Garrosh was racist against ogres, he wouldnā€™t have had Grom recruit them. The Iron Horde might have been led by Grom but it was Garroshā€™s brainchild.

Itā€™s all made up.


I watched both the Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase and the PC Gaming Show, and as I expected, nothing WoW related announced at either. At least for the Xbox Showcase, it is focused on Xbox stuff that is also on PC, so I can understand not seeing WoW stuff there unless it happens to go on Xbox someday.

However, we did see some Blizzard announcements with some general Overwatch 2 stuff and Diablo 4 with the Necromancer as the 5th and final class for that game, aside from future expansions for it of course. I imagine once the Microsoft acquisition goes through, weā€™ll see more Blizzard stuff announced in general at Xbox showcases in the future. Itā€™ll be important to keep an eye on anything Xbox does for announcement streams in the future just in case.

There is also an extended Xbox Games Showcase on Tuesday the 14th at 10 AM Pacific, which is suppose to have developer interviews, deeper dives, and such on what I assume is already announced stuff. Not really expecting anything WoW there again as usual, but figured Iā€™d mention it just in case.

Looks like weā€™ll be waiting some more for Dragonflight preorders to be announced. Hopefully itā€™ll be sooner than later, but whenever it is, Iā€™ll be sure to report on it in both my megathreads.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Itā€™s not looking good for us pro-Ogre players. Dragonflight would be a perfect vessel to introduce the true master race, yet we are getting stupid Draggons. :frowning: Sad times to be a WoW player. Ogre been on my wish list since BC.


Starfield has been on my list to watch out for. But I just checked it out and itā€™s first person, ugh. Will still keep an eye on it but I prefer third person.

Well, my sub is almost up. I think I have less than ten days and not planning on returning till either ARā€™s are released or Dragonflight release. So most likely another year away.

The classes are still boring to play and the few DF talent trees theyā€™ve shown, specifically Feral, are a disappointment. All the did was give us what we already have. Nothing groundbreaking, very little to no conduits, Torghast anima powers, AZ traits, or Legion weapon abilities. No Claws of Shirvallah. :frowning: The tree is garbage.

I was so looking forward to getting some fun back into the classes but it is just a pruning disguised as a tree of choices. It appeared as though we will have less abilities then we do now.

They force you to take abilities you donā€™t want in order to get ones you do want. You have to spend points in some abilities instead of just having the whole ability unlocked at full strength with one point. Itā€™s just a lazy way to have players spend points instead of allowing them to build their class to a specific use/situation.

Shouldā€™ve just made the talent tree work like AZ traits and give us a wheel of ALL the abilities to pick from but in a tree type form. Kind of like build your own tree type thing. Very disappointed. Guess Iā€™ll see if they made it more like I was hoping it would be when DF launches.

+1 to those that still hold out hope for playable Ogres

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To be fair, there were several other perfect opportunities to introduce playable Horde Ogres. BfA seems like one of the more glaring examples.

Such a shame, but weā€™ll see if the Horde Ogre clans even show up at all during Dragonflight. If they happen to, maybe it could be a good sign for the future after Dragonflight. Who knows?

As I said, if I had no hope whatsoever, I wouldnā€™t be here. Itā€™s possible we might go a few years without much of interest during Dragonflight, but at least it is a much more interesting expansion than Shadowlands, in my opinion. Regardless of what happens or doesnā€™t happen, I still march on with hope of some fashion. :smiley:

Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll still be here advocating for playable Horde Ogres whenever you come back. I think itā€™s good to take breaks from WoW so you come back refreshed. You can always bookmark this megathread if you ever want to check on us, as Iā€™ll be sure to report anything of Horde Ogre interest. Especially during Dragonflight in case the Horde Ogre clans make an appearance.

Iā€™ve no plans of quitting any time soon, myself, and Iā€™ll continue to keep at it with the playable Horde Ogre support. Hopefully, weā€™ll be lucky to see that become a reality someday!

And whenever you do come back, youā€™re always welcomed here. Iā€™ve been happy to see more Ogre fans start to come in here to have people to talk with, as I wanted this to be a place for Ogre fans to voice their support for playable Horde Ogres. Not a guarantee weā€™ll see it happen, but I still think itā€™s important to keep at it gradually overtime.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Thanks. The Ogre thread is normally one of my top two threads I go to when I check on AR news or events the other one being the Sanā€™layn. Though, since Fallynn has stepped away and focused more on FFXIV (?) that thread has kind of not held together as well as this one.


To be fair, the way Darkfallen were treated as a customization race is rather disappointing. While I havenā€™t given hope for playable Sanā€™layn, itā€™s hard to really know what to expect. Seems like at best, we could see some more customization options and see Sanā€™layn join the Desolate Council in-game, though I havenā€™t been too happy with how customization races have been treated. They can work, but they need some more love and care to feel unique as opposed to a parent race cosplaying as them.

And Iā€™ll continue cover significant news in general in both my megathreads, as well as any races that do become playable in the future. Not to complain about them, of course, but to show off any official announcements and info on whatever future playable races come out.

Come Dragonflight, Iā€™ll definitely be keeping an eye out on anything involving the MU Stonemaul Clanā€¦or lack thereof. Seems like an opportune time to at least bring them in as a NPC group at least, but with how BfA wasā€¦Iā€™m trying not to get my hopes up.

As such, please check on us every now and then. Iā€™m sure weā€™ll have some discussions over time. Especially if we find anything of importance in Dragonflight. But most importantly, weā€™ll continue marching onward in support of playable Horde Ogres!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Yea, many chances where Ogres made sense. Thatā€™s why I think Blizz will never do the right thing and give us what we need/want.

I hear ya on that. To be honest I was also surprised that the customization went to blood elves, night elves, and void elves. I didnā€™t expect the void elves to be included, and the nightborne would be excluded. From a lore stand point, any Darkfallen Nightborne would in reality be the undead night elves that joined during BfA. Plus it would have created an interesting note about the Darkfallen druids are the ones returning to night elf society over other classes.

Furthermore the Darkfallen being a customization, just really makes me wonder what other races will get tossed into that. For example I can easily see gilgoblins becoming a customization over a playable race and Ogres being a playable race over a customization.


Itā€™s yet another good example of blizzard only partially hearing anyone and doing only the easiest thing they could do.

They need to get it into their dev meetings that if theyā€™re not willing to do the entire job and do it well itā€™s not going to make the people asking happy.

Itā€™s nice for those who are good with it, but the majority of folk who will be fine with this little we got are not the ones who are the most passionate for those options. And honestly Iā€™ve seen most of the people who are ok with it still want more and wonder why it was limited at all.


This can only work if Kelfin get underwater breathing. I donā€™t want to see a race of aquatic beings who live in the deep ocean and prefer to be in puddles of water to breathe in BfAā€™s Nazjatar being able to drown in shallow ponds. Not to mention that theyā€™d be referred to as Goblins and likely treated as Goblins LARPing as them. Really wouldnā€™t feel good if they were just a customization race as a result.

I think if I ever got onto the Community Council, one of the things Iā€™d bring up would be customization races and how to treat them better and let them still feel unique. How customization races are currently is something that really bothers me, especially when I play my Darkfallen character. Again, customization races can work, but they do require some love and careful design to not feel hollow and like a parent race cosplaying.

At least with Ogres, weā€™d see them as a playable race instead of a customization race. I still want customization races treated better than they have been currently.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I was O.K. with most of the customizations we got but I didnā€™t realize how half a**ed they were till Darkfallen became available and then I flashed back to all the customizations we got and how cool they couldā€™ve been if Blizz just did a little more than the minimum.

For skin customizations like the Darkfallen, Sand Trolls or Wildhammer we shouldā€™ve had a different voice connected to it and some little area they could call home. And some small questline with some lore. I mentioned a lot of this is some other post.

The racial area couldā€™ve/shouldā€™ve been somewhere already in-game that they couldā€™ve just added a vendor and a little lore questline for those players that used that unique skin. It is nothing big just a little thing, but the little things are amazing to see when put in game. Iā€™ve seen many players say how amazing this or that was even though it is just a little thing added. The little things go a long way.

Iā€™m just frustrated with Blizz at the moment. With how Darkfallen were just skins and no different voices or lore. How VEā€™s got them because they shared a model with BEā€™s but Nightborne didnā€™t. How this new talent tree is just trash. It just gives us our abilities and we select them. WTF? Shouldā€™ve been a mix of Legion weapon talents, BFA AZ traits, SL conduits and Torghast anima powers and all the abilities it currently has shouldā€™ve just been in our skill book and not something we waste points on in order to reacquire them.

Takes a deep breath

+1 Playable Horde Ogres (Make it happen Blizz)


I have to agree here. Drowing Darkfallen is silly, but drowning Kelfin would be next level stupid.


I honestly didnt think about that, and it would be rather silly, darkly amusing, but silly.

With that said I still think the Kelfin will end up as a customization, unless demand for playable Kelfin skyrocket or someone at Blizzard pushes for them.

Granted the Unshackled leaders are at the Durotar harbor, but nothing was done with them, which signals to me that playable Kelfin are not high on the list. Though since there was talk of new harbors coming in Dragonflight, they might turn that dock into a full blown harbor with them in charge or something.

While leveling an alt in Feralas, I noticed that the MU Stonemaul Clan had a pen for some boars:

I think is the first instance Iā€™ve noticed of the MU Stonemaul Clan having animals of any kind (I donā€™t believe there animals being kept in Brackenwall Village in Dustwallow Marsh) since they donā€™t have Hunter NPCā€™s with pets I am aware of. Sure, it could be for food, but it could also be for Hunter pets and also for mounts.

This makes me feel that boars would be a good candidate for Ogre Hunter starting pets and also as racial mounts. Likely, of the Draenor variety with integration of the AU Stonemaul Clan to make them a bit more different from Orc Hunter starting pets.

Which is an interesting point, seeing as Ogres are the progenitor of Orcs. Itā€™d be interesting to see playable Horde Ogres have Draenor boars while Orcs would have regular boars (Magā€™har Orcs have wolves). Itā€™d be a neat subtle way to contrast them.

I assume there wouldnā€™t really be a way to differentiate between clans if the Dunemaul Clan were part of the playable Horde Ogre faction. Otherwise, Iā€™d assume they would have something from Tanaris. Maybe hyenas, likely a different hair color and pattern than Gordunni Ogre Hunter hyenas if the Gordunni Clan were also integrated. They could all just use Draenor boars as well just to keep things simple should there be multiple Horde Ogre clans in the playable Horde Ogre faction.

Just a neat thing I wanted to share. Also, notice that banner in the pen? Iā€™ll be taking a closer look at that in the near future. Right now, I wanted to focus on the boars.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I always thought boars would be the best MU ogre mount since theyā€™re easier for them to get and sturdy.


It makes a lot of sense to me to have boars be their racial mount and starting hunter pet. Moreso since the Ogres on AU Draenor utilized boars in both ways, so itā€™s possible Ogres on MU Draenor did it as well.

And as I said, it helps to give the AU Stonemaul Clan some presence if they brought back some Draenor boars with them at the end of the Magā€™har Orc unlock scenario. Iā€™m sure the boar mount could be edited some to make it more unique compared to other boar mounts in the game, but I think that would be easier than building a brand new mount from the ground up for them.

Just seems it would work very well in many ways to have boars involved as mounts and starting hunter pets for playable Horde Ogres. :boar:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: