The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I suspect that storyline will be picked up for the Void cosmology chapter.


Perfect for them to fix it with an old world overhaul if you ask me. Why must we be stuck in Cata destruction most of the time or some other event that has passed.

Even if they donā€™t straight up fix those things the least they could do is have work crews around those areas so we get the hint. Maybe a small quest or some world event like the Gates of Ahnā€™Qiraj where the community feels like they helped fix those areas.

I personally would not be excited for Tuskarr. Ethereals I am probably neutral about. Covenant races would be rather cool IMO and both factions could use them but I still have a problem with one faction having both werewolves and vampires so there is that as far as Iā€™m concerned.

Sethrak would have to either be Alliance or both factions but not Horde only even if it made more sense. I could see complaints if Horde got both Vuplera and Sethrak just like Iā€™d complain if Alliance got both werewolves and vampires. But I would be against Horde getting both and leaving Alliance with only werewolves. So Iā€™m O.K. with Sethrak being Alliance even though I would want to play them.

I am personally hoping for two ARā€™s if we are getting playable races. One for Alliance and one for Horde. As much as they seem to be doing away with factions to a degree I still canā€™t play Alliance. Iā€™ve tried like 50 times and have deleted all of my Alliance toons. Highest being a level 120 NE DH and then about a day ago a level 52 VE Lock.

I only used that Ve Lock to unlock all the remaining ARā€™s I didnā€™t have which were DID, KT Humans and Mechagnomes and did it all in the same day. But tried them out and still canā€™t get into the Alliance towns and areas. Donā€™t know why but I just canā€™t. So Neutral races are O.K. but Iā€™d rather prefer faction specific races TBH.

But whatever ARā€™s we get in the future Iā€™ll just be glad we have more races available for players to choose from. I may not be excited for some or play them but I am still happy to have more since I am sure there are players for each race on Azeroth so why shouldnā€™t they be able to play as them. Just going to keep hoping we get playable Ogres before I call it quits for good.

To each their own.

EDIT: Two things I think WoW needs from the RTS games and I never figured out why we donā€™t have them are playable Ogres and (Troll) Axe Throwers. I want both and yet here we are without them. The Axe Throwers could just be a dual wielding hunter throwing spec.


I had someone post to me on another thread, though canā€™t find it, that Ogres were a possibility instead of Goblins but they didnā€™t do them because of the female model or lack of one and two-headed option or something along those lines.

I now see that we will not get Ogres as playable because there will never be a female model. We got KT Humans and Mechagnomes that got loads of complaints but they still got female models so why canā€™t they give Ogres one? There is one that looks like a female Ogre in a dungeon that would work.

If female models are a problem couldnā€™t they just give us male only Ogres? Give Alliance a female only Siren or something. Iā€™ve played other games that have both genders and then give two races only one gender. Age of Wushu was one of those games and it worked out fine. Personally I donā€™t care about female Ogres since mine are all going to be male.

All I know is that if the next playable race, outside of Dracthyr, is not Ogres I am just done. WoW doesnā€™t have many chances left to keep me playing. Another non-Ogre playable race before Ogres just screams incompetence to me. The classes having very little to no PvE fantasy elements to them so they can balance them for PvP is a terrible idea. What is this game then without those?

How do you leave out a core race from a game for this long? And on top of that you make up blueberry elves in the process and make them playable before something that has already been in the RTS games. I donā€™t get it.

Iā€™m very frustrated with Blizz. They are just destroying everything that made Warcraft fun and interesting. They are destroying their lore in order to appease some players. There HAS to be some foundation all of this is based on but all they do is chip away at it and what do we have? Itā€™s now the land of unicorns and no Ogres.

+1 Playable Ogres

One extremely frustrated Ogre fan.


I really feel like Ogres should be a core race, and Mokā€™nathal their AR that gets added too :sob: or both ARs or idk what ever makes it so we get both in a hurried and immediate fashion lol

Iā€™m not someone who would play them if Iā€™m honest I almost exclusively play Blood Elves but I like Horde story and these Horde races should be added and I would enjoy seeing them added / story reflected in game, and I feel like both should be added.


It has been awhile, but I donā€™t recall if an official reason why given why they went with Goblins (which Iā€™m happy they are playable to be clear) instead of Ogres. I recall talk of them getting as far as planning female Ogres, but I donā€™t seem to remember that specifically being a roadblock. Itā€™s something I need to research again.

I do recall female Ogres being an ā€œissueā€ when they were considered for Vanilla. Something about wanting female players to play the character they wanted to play and not knowing how to apply that to Ogres. Itā€™s something Iā€™ve covered multiple times, starting with this post with more info on the quote:

However, if that was the case in Vanilla, it must not have been as huge of an issue if they then considered and even started doing some planning for playable Ogres in Cataclysm. Itā€™s really confusing when you think about it. However, I donā€™t see female Ogres being a roadblock at all, and itā€™d be silly if it actually were.

Nowadays, the main issue I can think of it that it could take up a lot of resources to make a playable Ogre race the way people want, with two heads each with their own customization options as an example. It isnā€™t impossible, since Dracthyr are taking a lot of resources to make in general, but I imagine it wouldnā€™t be easy and could be costly to make four models of Ogres (male and female and each having one and two head customization options). Not to mention the question of what Alliance would get, since I donā€™t personally see neutral Ogres being a thing.

Regardless, it is very frustrating as an Ogre fan to see roadblocks and how even the Horde Ogre clans seem to get forgotten. BfA is one of the big ones I mention multiple times, since the Horde Ogre clans were completely MIA during it, even with a third one with the AU Stonemaul Clan joining during it.

Still, I want to hope that feedback is getting looked at and considered in general, as well as the race request megathreads on here. I mean, if I had no hope whatsoever, I wouldnā€™t be on here. And there have been some signs that Blizzard is looking into feedback in general.

Granted, depending on how Dragonflight goes, we could be in for another long wait. There is also the mystery of the Dragonflight preorder incentives, though that is up in the air whether weā€™re getting at least one playable race or not.

Ah well. Iā€™m still planning to keep at it as I keep playing WoW. Itā€™s a big dream of mine to see them playable and itā€™s worth it to keep at it. Even if it can be challenging, I admit. All we can do is see what happens and hope for the best in the grand scheme of things. Maybe itā€™ll happen. Maybe it wonā€™t. Who can say?

But I still feel like itā€™s important to keep doing what weā€™re doing here to have some form of feedback. I feel like it gives a better chance of it happening, even if it could not be a huge chance of happening. As such, we continue onward and keep an open mind while hoping for the best.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Nicely said. Glad youā€™re in charge of this thread and not me, lol. I wouldā€™ve raged and then gotten the whole thread flagged and probably shutdown.

Too bad they didnā€™t use Ogre shipwrights to build the Zandalari fleet. That couldā€™ve been one of the ways they might be introduced. Could have even had us go recruit them to build said ships and then ask them to join the Horde.

disappointing sigh

+1 Bagzak for Ogre King :japanese_ogre: :crown:


Oh Iā€™m no hero. Iā€™m certainly far from perfect.

I just wanted a place for Ogre and Saurok fans to show their interest and passion for those races and to showcase how awesome they would be as playable races. Iā€™m not in it for fame or prestige, nor can I guarantee anything we do here will lead to anything. But as frustrating as it can be, I still feel like having things like race request or customization megathreads are important for feedback. Especially since there have been signs of Blizzard looking at feedback in general and even starting to implement some long requested features.

I may be the megathread creator, but weā€™re all in this together, and I wouldnā€™t be able to keep doing this without others. Itā€™s very much appreciated to see others come and support playable Ogres and Saurok. Hopefully, our voices will be heard and considered, as well as our dreams becoming reality someday. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:



Some heroes wear capes. Some heroes wear the heads of Saurok.


I wouldnā€™t say never. Blizzard did decide to make the Nathrezim female models for Shadowlands, when they were previously all male. The potential is there.


The perfect example. And now, for Dragonflight, we have Tuskarr female models. :grinning:


That is true, though it does make things a bit tricky on when figuring out when a new race will be playable, with hostile enemies like the Nathrezim having male and female models.

Though I feel that if a race has child NPCs itā€™s a good bet, as seen with the fact the Nightborne and Vulpera had child NPCs when introduced and became playable later on.

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Seeing females of NPC races previously only male can be a good sign, though it depends on the race. Something like Kelfin and Tuskarr are good choices to see as chances of being playable someday while something like Dreadlords really only strike me as a NPC race for a number of reasons.

I really donā€™t see female Ogres as a roadblock at all. And as Iā€™ve said before, it would really add some variety to have a playable race with females who werenā€™t designed as barbie dolls. Especially for those who would be interested in playing such a character, whether itā€™d be to be silly or something serious like RPers. Not to mention the chance of having some memorable female Ogre NPC characters.

And as I said, the fact that after Vanilla, Ogres were considered for Cataclysm, allegedly for Warlords of Draenor, and technically for BfA (If all races with two legs were considered accorsing to Blizzard), then it shouldnā€™t have been that much of an issue. Moreso if Ogres got multiple opportunities of consideration.

Though what female Ogres would look like is still up in the air. Iā€™ll have to keep an eye out for any other concepts to share for something closer to how Iā€™d personally view female Ogres. I think it would help in the long run to keep sharing concepts and discussing how female Ogres should look. Especially for anyone who is interested in making a female Ogre character.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


All I have to say is if I EVER see an Ogre female we better be getting them playable.

And this could be exactly why we donā€™t see them yet. It would either be a dead giveaway that we are getting a playable version or Blizz might not be ready to show off a female Ogre because players could say that we have females so where are the playable version.

I might have to start to investigate old areas I havenā€™t visited in a while where Ogres are and have a look see.

+1 Playable Ogres.


If youā€™re looking to see if any place has any female Ogres in-game, there arenā€™t any to my knowledge. Every place with Ogre clans only have male Ogres, and I imagine if any had female Ogres in-game, weā€™d be hearing a lot of talks about it, including here.

The only thing female Ogre related in-game is that female Ogre Hallowā€™s End mask, a mention of Tharg having a wife that died when the MU Stonemaul Clan lost their home, and the mention of Ogrezonia, where dangerous female Ogres are said to reside. I have links to both and an image of the mask on the main post, but Iā€™ll re-link the image here:

I donā€™t know how close female Ogres would look to that mask or not, but it is something at least.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Whoā€™s that Ogre looking lady in one of those dungeons? Is she not an actual Ogre? Sheā€™s an elemental I think sheā€™s Princess Theradras from Maraudon that Iā€™m thinking of. I do not like her model for a female Ogre.

If I had to pick an in-game model for female Ogres it would be either Therazane the Stonemother or the armored females from Maldraxxus. I personally prefer Therazane.

Maldraxxus females


Using Therazaneā€™s model for a building point for a female ogre model makes sense. After all the Ogres are descendants of stone. Plus the more I look at her face, the more I canā€™t help but see it working with an ogre.


Thatā€™s what I was thinking. Iā€™m not saying use her exact model but just as a kind of default starting point and then just make her more Ogrelike. I think it would work and probably come out looking good.

And I tend to forget that Ogres and Orcs come from the stone giant line. So it makes even more sense when you bring up the Breakers. +1 for that.

And since we are bringing back the Dragons, which were created by Titans, I wonder if the Titans will show themselves in Dragonflight? More specifically Aggramar.

As I was refreshing my memory on the stone giant line I ran across that they all come from Grond who was made by the Titan Aggramar. If Aggramar shows up maybe he can throw in that a good ally for the Horde would be the Ogres. You know, drop little hints that his creationsā€™ lineage is the way to go. Probably wonā€™t happen but it was a thought.


Despite E3 being canceled entirely this year, there are a few gaming events coming up I thought I would mention. Not really expecting Blizzard to announce anything at these events, but it is still worth nothing just in case.

First is the Summer Game Fest, where the focus is mainly on games already announced. Not really expecting much here at all, but still felt it was notable to mention.

Summer Game Fest starts Thursday, June 9th, at 11 AM Pacific:

Next is the Xbox & Bethesda Showcase. Now the official acquisition of Activision-Blizzard wonā€™t be until next year, but there could still be something. The focus is Xbox stuff specifically, but PC games also get included in as well. I suspect if we see anything, it might be something Activision in general as opposed to being Blizzard specific.

The Xbox & Bethesda Showcase begins Sunday, June 12th, at 10 AM Pacific:

And a bit later on the same day is the PC Gaming Show, which focuses onā€¦well, PC Games of course. I donā€™t believe Blizzard has ever been apart of the event in past years and I canā€™t remember if Activision ever did. If anything were to be announced, Iā€™d expect it at the Xbox Showcase mentioned above. Still figured I would mention it just in case.

The PC Gaming Show begins on Sunday, June 12th at 12:30 PM Pacific:

Again, not really expecting any announcementss from Blizzard at these events, but you never know. If something comes up of any interest, Iā€™ll be sure to report on it in both my megathreads.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Hi everyone. I was wondering about the two Ogre vendors in Dazarā€™alor, Habdash and Bolā€™dar. I know that Dazarā€™alor seems to be a commercial crossroad for many races, as we see Vrykul, Jinyu, Grummles and even Tolā€™vir there. However, considering that currently all of the known non-hostile Ogre clans are part of the Horde, my understanding is that these two fellas are just regular Horde troopers who came along with the rest of the faction after we freed Talanji and Zul. So my question is : which clan do you think theyā€™re from ? Are they Stonemauls ?

Itā€™s also worth noting that theyā€™re actually represented with the old Ogre model, not the new one from WoD. I wonder why. Maybe devs use the old vs new model distinction as a means to distinguish MU Ogres (old model) from AU Ogres (new model) ?


I recall when I looked at those Ogres, they were there before the Horde ever got there. Theyā€™re also neutral NPCā€™s and will sell to the Alliance if I am not mistaken. I donā€™t think theyā€™re of any particular Ogre Clan and Iā€™m unaware of them being part of the Horde at all.

If anyone is curious about those two NPCā€™s, you can see my coverage of them in this post:

One of the few Ogre sightings in BfA, unfortunately. Neutral Ogres and the AU Stonemaul Clan members joining the Horde. Shame the latter disappeared into fat air while the other Horde Ogre clans were MIA in BfA and continue to be MIA still currently.

As for the use of specific Ogre models, itā€™s really unclear. Maybe it was the specific Ogre look they wanted that was only on the old model, since a lot of the Draenor Ogres have different armor and looks on. Maybe it was just what the people working on the area found first. Hard to know the process of choosing models for NPCā€™s in an area.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: