The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

That Ogre Island they scrapped, is it possible they bring it back or actually put it into the live version? I’m asking because if all these Horde Ogres are MIA couldn’t they be on that island possibly regrouping before they join the Horde.

What if they make decisions like the Ents from LotR. You know, they take their time and THAT is way we haven’t seen them. I think it would be kind of funny if that was their excuse and I think I could get behind them being so late to the party if it was along those lines. Not the best reason but one I’d maybe except at this point in time.


Which one are you talking about?

If you mean in WoD, then unless we ever go back to Draenor, I doubt we’d ever see that Ogre continent again. Not that it means a whole lot since we already have some of the AU Stonemaul Clan members with us.

If you mean Ogrezonia, I don’t recall it ever being planned and then scrapped. They could always put it in the game sometime or at least mention it with regards to the sudden appearances of female Ogres in-game.

That is all I’m aware of unless there is an Ogre Island I am presently unaware of.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Crap, it was the WoD one. I thought that was old world stuff not AU stuff. Forget that thought then. My bad.



Speaking of Ogrezonia, I can’t help but wonder if it will end up as patch content for Dragonflight. Like were exploring the Dragon Isles, but then one of the threats, like say the enemy dragons in turn get to explore the outside world, and then were like coming to the aid to the ladies of Ogrezonia as they came under attack by the primalist dragons.

I don’t see Ogrezonia going from one of those islands to a continent area for an expansion setting like the Broken and Dragon Isles.


Orgrezonia is on Azeroth?

Think I missed a few convos… I’ll read back. Lol


Ogrezonia is a tiny island filled with giant female ogres that are rumored to perform horrible rituals to men who happen upon their isle. A ship from Azeroth Express crashed on the island.[1]

Yep it’s on Azeroth. Current location is unknown.


Somehow I got it in my head that it was on Draenor someplace along with that Continent the Ogres supposedly originally came from back in the old lore.


The thing about Ogrezonia is that it is said that the female Ogres, who make up the population on the island, on there do some really impolite things to anyone who lands on it. It’s hard for me to imagine landing there and making friends with them. Not impossible, as maybe it was just rumors that someone who had a bad experience there, likely from doing something stupid to cheese off the population, decided to bad mouth them in that way.

Granted, it would be exciting news to see female Ogres in-game finally. I know we would be sharing any info on them and speculating about playable Ogres more. Not sure if anything would come of it.

Still, all that really needs to be mentioned for female Ogres suddenly appearing is that they came from Ogrezonia in a brief flavor text from someone. I’m sure a lot could be done with it. Especially with playable Horde Ogres.

I also wonder about that cut Ogre continent in WoD. I assume the Ogres there would mainly be enemy Ogres we’d have to fight, since the whole allied race system wasn’t really made until after Legion was finished being planned. Not to mention the AU Orc clans we worked with weren’t too high on Ogres in general, though most of the AU Ogre clans were jerks to be fair.

I don’t think there was much info on that cut Ogre continent, but it is something I should research to see if there was anything concrete on it.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I’m super late to the conversation but Ogri’la Ogres wouldn’t be a good fit as playable because the Apexis crystals pacify Ogres to the point they lose all violent tendencies. Apexis crystals makes Ogres smart and pacifist. I’d speculate that being around them long enough would remove an Ogre’s ability to fight, even if they were in danger.


In the books the Orcs did not like Ogres and would take them down when encountered. I think during the first war (?) Orgrim dealt with them but only because Gul’dan made the Alter of Storms and was making smarter Ogres he said would help Orgrim and the Horde. And I can’t remember which Ogre was with Gul’dan but he was afraid of Orgrim.

I also want to say, but can’t remember, that Blackhand had Orcs working with Ogres but the Orcs did not approve or the Orcs outside of Blackrocks did not approve. Can’t remember since it’s been a while since I read those books. Might have to refresh my memory.



It was the Rise of the Horde novel. Doomhammer had reservations about Blackhand’s plan to work with Ogres and Durotan was horrified that the Horde was standing side by side with ogres, who had murdered countless orcs, against the Draenei, who largely kept to themselves in isolation. The moment really played well into Durotan realizing that something was seriously wrong at play.

As the wars progressed orcs and ogres did bond. The Tides of Darkness novel had Doomhammer reflect that he was genuinely fond of his ogre bodyguards and they would all gladly die for one another.

It’s also telling that Crol’ka didn’t protest the Stonemaul being recruited into the Horde, as Rexxar and Vol’jin discussed their plans right in front of him. This suggests that even after the ogres largely split from the Horde, that there were some with fond memories. That or he genuinely thought the Stonemaul would be off with the Horde over Kor’gall.

That was Cho’gall and he was afraid of Doomhammer because Doomhammer had just wiped out the Shadow Council and he was only spared out of concern that the Twilight’s Hammer clan would revolt or dissolve into infighting, which Doomhammer couldn’t deal with as he was focused on the war effort for the Second War.

I could see play off as a moment of desperation on their part and realizing that their hostility against the outside world was wrong and stuff.


I forgot about that. I actually loved that he only had Ogres as his elite guard. That was priceless. Less so is him getting beat by shiny boy.

Don’t remember this.

I was thinking it was Cho’gall but I remember this other Ogre, who’s name I can’t remember, that ended up dying to Khadgar and couldn’t remember which one it was.

Nice refresher. I’m probably going to reread those two books since they are my favorite. I also like the Arthas and Vol’jin books.

Anytime Christy just talks about Orcs without humans it is rather well done like the prequel to the Warcraft movie, though I hated that they made Orgrim a Frostwolf. Hate it! Once she adds in humans the Orcs get killed in stupid ways I can’t believe that garbage so hate those books.


It was during the Founding of Durotar campaign of War3: The Frozen Throne. Crol’ka, who only received his name in Reforged, was the wounded ogre that was brought to the Darkspear village. Vol’jin and Rexxar then spoke about how it created an opportunity for them to recruit the Stonemaul, and the dude didn’t protest it.

The reason he didn’t protest is up to viewers to decide. He could of had fond memories of the Horde, could have felt that the Stonemaul would be better off with the Horde over Kor’gall, or any other reason.

That was Dentarg, who was loyal to Ner’zhul, and was killed by Khadgar in the Beyond the Dark Portal novel.

I loved Rise of the Lich King and Shadows of the Horde as well.


The game? I only ever played the demo. So that explains why I don’t remember it.

That was it. Thanks.


I view it as him wanting to get help with his clan primarily, but it evolved into being happy to be part of the Horde afterwards. I don’t know if he was particularly heading somewhere to get help or if he knew the Horde was nearby, but given the situation, I’m sure he was very open to getting help from the Horde.

And to be honest, being part of the Horde wasn’t a bad thing at all. At least when Garrosh and Sylvanas weren’t the warchief. There was some guarantee that the next leader wouldn’t be a jerk (well…after Mok’morokk) and they would get treated decently for the most part, aside from not having a member on the Horde Council for some reason. They happily fight for the Horde and are quite proud at being part of it from seeing them in Dustwallow Marsh and Feralas.

As a member of the Horde, you get treated with respect, you get food and drink, you get shinies, and you get to bash stuff. What is not to like?

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I have not once even thought about the Horde leadership being for or against Ogres joining Horde. Such an oversight is beyond me.

When Thrall and Vol’jin were Warchief I could see Ogres joining but, like you said, not with Garrosh or Sylvanas.

Thrall believed in unity for strength and Vol’jin thought along the same lines. I really liked those two. Too bad Vol’jin was just a seat warmer. I wish Blizz had done more with Cairne and Vol’jin. Cairne as Warchief and Vol’jin just anything because he was such a cool character and I loved his unique look. Really liked the book Vol’jin also.

I always took Garrosh for the “Orcs are the supreme race so everyone else is below us” mentality so Ogres would’ve been treated badly if he had let them join, which I can’t see ever happening.

And Sylvanas I will never understand but when she became Warchief she was already showing signs of corruption, or what have you, not to mention her one goal, that we see a lot, is how will the Forsaken reproduce.

Back to Vol’jin for a minute. Blizz, when are we getting Shadow Hunters? I can see this happening if they implement race specific classes since Shadow Hunters are Trolls from what I can remember. I’d suggest Blade Masters for Orcs but appears Draenei and Ankoan were them also. I did not know that. Interesting.

Sure Blade Masters were part of the Burning Blade but I can see one rogue member leaving and later teaching others. The way Blizz is going with lore anything is just about possible now.


tbf the Iron Horde let ogres in and Garrosh could very easily have told Grom not to.


The MU Stonemaul Clan were part of the Horde during Cataclysm, so if Ogres became a playable race then, it’d likely be with Thrall inducting them as full members before leaving as opposed to Garrosh doing that. So Garrosh wouldn’t be that much of a factor, and even then, something would’ve been written for him to do so. Whether he was for it or not.

Garrosh would still have utilized them at first. He did that when he had the Horde attack Theramore before mana bombing it, so it wasn’t like he was completely against them. IF he didn’t care for them, he’d likely just use them in situations where he wanted to cause damage and wouldn’t care if they survived or not.

I speculated some on if Ogres became playable during Cataclysm and how that would have been treated story-wise. If you’re interested, the post is here:

Ultimately, I see Garrosh eventually doing the same thing while the MU Stonemaul Clan supports Thrall’s Horde. I wouldn’t see him as a factor in whether the MU Stonemaul Clan became full members or not.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


The problem I have with that is that the Iron Horde Grom is not Garrosh’s father. His father died fighting Mannoroth in Demon Fall Canyon and even saved Thrall.

Iron Horde are Au Orcs so things were different even the books are different with Orgrim being a Frostwolf and not a Blackrock, which is the main reason I did not like the Warcraft movie.

And I personally do not like AU stuff. If it is not MU than it can be made up. But Blizz has shown, quite frequently as of late, that MU lore can just be retconned and they can make stuff up so you very well could be correct.

For me Au stuff is just us visiting another time/universe/world and not something happening in our own Azeroth. Kind of how Shadowlands disconnects us from Azeroth that is what AU does for me. I go by what happens on our Azeroth and the AU Azeroth universe is not important.

And I think it would be a slap in the face for Ogres fans, at least this one, if we got AU Ogres instead of MU Ogres. AU Ogres did not go through the Dark Portal with our heroes or races they went through with their AU counterparts. It’s just another disconnect. If that is the only Ogres we get I’ll take them but it will leave yet another bad taste in my mouth regarding Blizz and playable Ogres.

MU Ogres > AU Ogres

To each their own.


At the very least I could see Blizzard doing Shadow Hunter transmog sets for trolls, Darkspear and Zandalari.