The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

So as far as I remember in BfA, there were only two instances of Ogre appearances, which I don’t think they were part of any known clan and, at least at first, weren’t members of the Horde.

At the bottom of the Dazar’alor bazaar, close to the docks, there are two Ogre merchancts that sell rocks with humorous flavor text and a box of two hats.

Designer Rocks merchant:

Luxury Hats merchant:

As far as I can tell, their clan isn’t known if they even are a part of a clan. They were also there before the Horde arrived, to my knowledge, so I don’t think they were part of the Horde at the beginning of BfA (I don’t see the Zandalari allowing Horde members in the area before BfA, even if it’s just to sell stuff there but I could be wrong). They might’ve joined the Horde by the end of BfA, however, but maybe they’re just interested in selling their stuff as independent merchants instead.

To my knowledge, this is the only appearance of Ogres in the entirety of BfA. If anyone knows of any other Ogre appearance, please do post it here, but as I’ve harped on many times before, no Horde Ogres made any appearance or helped to fight in the war against the Alliance. A shame and a huge missed opportunity to have at least some of the Horde Ogres as grunts somewhere. I’m sure they would’ve had some uses in fighting against the Alliance somewhere.

Hopefully, we’ll see the Stonemaul, both MU and AU, and possibly the Dunemaul appear again to help out the Horde. I just wish I knew what they were all up to since Cataclysm and where the AU Stonemaul Clan went during BfA. -grumble grumble-

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre: