The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I would like to discuss why, when there is a shortage of humans, ogre + gnome dating sites are pushed.

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Noā€¦ just noā€¦ thats one pairing combo I didnā€™t need in my mind at all.

Today marks the three year anniversary of my Saurok megathread, which I just got done typing up a very lengthy post in celebration of it. In a similar note, this megathread will have its two year anniversary on October 9th.

Seems like time really flies, so it may be here before we know it. I donā€™t really have anything special planned to do for that day, other than a similar length speech post as usual. But if anyone has any ideas, Iā€™m open to suggestions. I wish I could get a good job with a stable schedule so I can plan out things more in advance, but Iā€™ll still be able to make special posts at least.

But regardless, Iā€™m dedicated to both my megathreads and still plan to keep going as best as I can to support Ogres and Saurok on the Horde side of that character creation screen. We Ogre fans have been at it since the game launched pretty much and I donā€™t plan to quit anytime soon!

The Ogre and Saurok partying continues! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Onyxia Raid! Fight the Dragons for the Ogres!


If there was a timewalking raid version of Onyxia, that could be fun. The thing is that for the regular raid, I can just walk into the raid solo and give Onxia a mean look and have her fall over dead instantly, so bringing a group wouldnā€™t really lead to a whole lot. Still a fun thought, though!

One of these days, I still want to do the Ogre event in Orgrimmar idea Iā€™ve thought of for a long time. Not sure I can really plan for it awhile until I get a good job and a regular schedule, though. Maybe by the time I can, weā€™ll be able to be actual Ogre characters. Wishful thinking, of course, but you never know!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


So I had fun thought, even if it isnā€™t quite the most practical thing to do.

A week from today (June 10th) is when Mario Strikers: Battle League, a Mario soccer game, comes out for the Nintendo Switch. One of the features of it is making your own club, complete with its own name, uniform colors, and so on. It allows 20 people to be apart of it to earn points by doing online matches.

So what does it have to do with the megathread? Assuming you can name your club anything (within reason of course), I toyed with the idea of making a club that was Horde Ogre & Saurok themed in the name. Iā€™m not sure what the limitations are for naming your club, whether you can actually name it or have to choose between preset words, as well as if there is a character limitation in its name, but it was a bit of a fun thought as something to do to show off Horde Ogre/Saurok support in other gamesā€¦even if it isnā€™t quite that practical in the grand scheme of things.

If youā€™re interested in seeing the gameā€™s features, Nintendo has an overview trailer here:

Iā€™m planning to get the game on launch day, in which Iā€™m using some of my March birthday Amazon gift card money on it. Iā€™ll have to see if I can do any Horde Ogre & Saurok support in it and other games for fun.

Itā€™s nothing serious. Just a completely for fun thought. :crocodile:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Iā€™m leveling through old zones for transmogs and to finish every quest in every zone and I ran across Orgiā€™La. Just wondering how come you didnā€™t pick those Ogres as playable?


The Ogriā€™la Ogres seems like a group that wouldnā€™t be interested in joining and fighting for a faction. Their ambition is more of enlightenment and helping making sure Azeroth doesnā€™t get destroyed, all while having evolved past the brutish nature youā€™d normally expect from Ogres in general. Itā€™s hard for me to imagine them deciding to abandon all that so they can bash some heads in some faction war that has little if anything to do with them or their goals.

The MU Stonemaul Clan, however, has pretty big significance with the Horde, being one of their first members and playing a pretty big role in some of the Hordeā€™s history. Theyā€™re already part of it and have a lot more potential to work with in terms of storylines and themes. They just make the most sense to me.

Could something be written for Ogriā€™la Ogres to become the playable Ogre faction? Of course. But the MU Stonemaul Clan is more important and should have more priority, in my opinion. Itā€™s more meaningful and just fits much better than trying to shoe-horn the Ogriā€™la Ogres against what their beliefs actually are.

I wouldnā€™t be opposed to Ogriā€™la Ogres being playable, but I would much prefer the MU Stonemaul Clan being the playable Horde Ogre faction.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


We donā€™t have a faction war anymore. In fact, BFA wasnā€™t even a faction war even though they made it out to be one. Plus, Azeroth is always about to be destroyed and with the dragons returning it could be something so evil we need some enlightened Ogres for. Just saying.

And where do we run across Stonemaul Ogres? I canā€™t remember ever running across them TBH. I couldā€™ve but they obviously werenā€™t memorable enough for me to remember if I did. Iā€™ve run across small Ogre groups but never paid too much attention to if they had some group designation or not. So just wondering where I might have run across helping them out on quests in my travels?

Just looking for a little Ogre enlightenment so I understand.

Not at the moment. You never know if Blizzard may do something with that in the future, however.

Plus, I see Ogriā€™la as a group that would prefer to not be tied to one faction or the other, and instead stay on the sidelines in case something does happen. Especially if they have their own goals that donā€™t really fit the theme of sticking to one faction over the other.

In WoW: Dustwallow Marsh and Feralas. A lot of their importance comes from Warcraft 3, but the fact that the Horde has them within their ranks and having them be very loyal is both significant and very important.

If you have any other questions, Iā€™ll be happy to answer them as best as I can. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Ah, havenā€™t been down there in a long time but I do remember that little village. That also explains why I see Duskwallow Marsh thrown around quite a bit. And why I mentioned it and the Black Dragons if they are still rampant there.

Feralas I go to even less, but I remember that outpost. Smaller than Duskwallow but close to Dire Maul that I still would love to take over and have as the Ogre capital City. Even has that arena which would be cool.

This explains why Iā€™m lacking understanding about them. I owned and played the first two RTS games but WC3 I only had, still have, a demo that came on a music CD.

I know that is why I ask in this thread. :wink: Thanks.

EDIT: I read the original post when I first supported this thread but havenā€™t read it since and so if I ever ask anything that has been mentioned there before I apologize. I do that for all the playable race threads but I end up forgetting most of what they say later on, lol. Me old, me forget. :stuck_out_tongue:


No need to apologize! There could always be something I missed with the main post of the megathread or something I need to elaborate on. I donā€™t mind answering questions at all about the Horde Ogre clans in general.

Itā€™s good to occasionally go over information as well. You never know if something new may come of it or if an idea may spring up from newer discussions. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


In the prepatch for Dragonflight, were supposed to see how the Horde is reacting to the Horde Council and stuff. Thus I canā€™t help but wonder if the Stonemaul would make at the very least a token appearance either to show their support to the council or to have a reaction to the fact new comers like the Vulpera have a seat on the council when they donā€™t.


BRO. If they gave us an ogre race, think of all the swamps we could have.

Swamp of Sorrows is gonna be like ww3 though.

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Still hoping the supposed AR leak turns out to be true and brings ogres to the Horde. Would be great if they could be a core race though, if core races is something thatā€™ll ever be done again.


Itā€™s that time again, folks! The start of a new month! You know what that means?

Another round of in-game suggestion feedback! :japanese_ogre:

At the beginning of each month, I usually send in-game feedback for each of the races I want to see and refer to their megathreads on here for more information. I figure it can only help to gain some interest in our requests of what weā€™d like to see, though no guarantees itā€™ll lead to that ever becoming a reality.

If youā€™re interested in doing something similar, I made a guide in the following post that explains how to do it in steps:

Feel free to use it to suggest playable races you want to see!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Time to call upon blizzard to gibe the ogre!


Come to think of it, I havenā€™t seen anything like this at all so far. The only thing Iā€™m doing in Orgrimmar is throwing explosive pies at lazy workers.

Iā€™m wondering if we may see more events unlock as weeks go by. I suppose it would make some sense to keep us interested, though I donā€™t know if that is ever done with this type of patch.

It isnā€™t just the Horde Ogre clans who donā€™t have a seat on the Horde Council. The Taunka and Forest Hozen are also examples of members of the Horde who donā€™t have a seat, among other members. Itā€™s something Iā€™ve grumbled about a few times before.

Still, I do hope we see an Ogre on that Horde Council that represents all the Horde Ogre clans. The MU Stonemaul Clan are kinda important enough to the Horde that they deserve some respect.

If we take that ā€œleakā€ at face value, it sounds like itā€™s just one race that might be neutral (that isnā€™t Dracthyr). If that is the case, itā€™s hard for me to imagine Neutral Ogres. Moreso when theyā€™ve had strong ties to the Horde to begin with. I just donā€™t see Alliance Ogres at all and it doesnā€™t fit, in my own personal opinion. I mean, Iā€™d take that if it meant having playable Horde Ogres as well, but Ogres donā€™t strike me as a neutral race at all.

There is a hope of mine that if we do get any playable races from Dragon Flight preorders, itā€™ll be a pair or two of races people have been wanting to see and requesting for a long time. I know several that would be really popular and well received. Even ones that would work well as a neutral race.

And as I keep saying, this is IF we are getting any playable races out of Dragonflight preorders. Itā€™s up in the air whether we are or not and also when weā€™ll see them open as well, but whenever they are announced and available, Iā€™ll be sure to report what we are getting with the preorder tiers.

At the very least, Iā€™m excited for Dragonflight and will preorder when available. Iā€™d get to make my two Dracthyr characters when theyā€™d be available in a prepatch, I assume. So at the very least, Iā€™ll get that out of the preorders. Still hoping for some new races, though.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Wondering if theyā€™ll have more happening at Undercity. Would be kind of weird to clean it up only to do nothing after that. You canā€™t tell me that us doing that little questline just poofed everything back to normal.

Though I could see Blizz doing that since ā€œWhat sword?ā€. Or how about Xalā€™atath? Where is she? Iā€™ve wanted to know that for a long time and still nothing.

If they make either Ogres or Sanā€™layn neutral Iā€™m done. I left pre-MoP due to us getting playable Pandas before Ogres and for the Alliance to get a Horde race would just be straight up BS.

And if itā€™s Sanā€™layn, for the Alliance to get both werewolves and vampires and Horde to have only one would rub me the wrong way also. Iā€™ve said this many times before ā€œEither give both factions access to both or keep them separate but do not give one faction access to both while the other faction has neither or only one.ā€ Werewolves and vampires have been at odds far longer then WoW has even been a thought so lets keep it that way.

EDIT: Only neutral races Iā€™d like to see are Murlocs, Sethrak, Naga or any other race not really tied to one faction. Iā€™d be O.K. with Alliance having Sethrak because Horde got Vuplera even though Iā€™d rather Horde had Sethrak and Alliance had Vulpera.


I meanā€¦there has been a lot of destruction around places in Azeroth that have been like that for many expansions. Westfall is still on fire, Silvermoon hasnā€™t repaired its damaged areas, the Exodar is still broken with flaming wreckage in places, and for the longest time, Stormwind was damaged from Deathwing. Iā€™m sure there are several other places that have been in bad shape for many expansions.

I suspect Undercity will still be full of blight for the forseeable future, and we may not see it reopen unless there is some event that would cause it to finally be cleaned up. Likely for several expansions.

And with regards of Neutral races, there are only a few I could logically see that would make some sense, in my own personal opinion:

-Sethrak have had fans on both factions wanting them to join them, with more of a stronger argument of them joining the Horde while most people I see are wanting them on Alliance. At this point, I feel like them being a neutral race makes sense, since they have worked with both factions, and would please more people than putting them on one faction and annoying the other faction for not getting them.

-Tuskarr have off and on been requested and a lot of speculation about them have risen lately. The ones we have seen in WotLK have been neutral, though weā€™ll have to see what the ones we work with in Dragon Isles will be like. There are also female Tuskarr, causing a lot of excitement (And not in THAT way, so stop laughing you perverts. You know what I mean!). So it could be a possibility to see them become a playable neutral race.

-Ethereals have a bit of a chance and would likely make more sense as a neutral race. I know theyā€™ve been a popular request and Iā€™ve seen them asked for off and on since I first started playing shortly after BC launched. Not an impossible choice.

-Covenant races I canā€™t rule out completely. If one of them becomes playable, I could see them being neutral. Itā€™s hard for me personally to see it happening, but you never know.

This of course assumes itā€™s just one race as an early access preorder bonus. As I said, my hope is weā€™d see a pair or two and theyā€™d be ones people have been requesting for awhile in general. Again, assuming we are getting playable races of any sort as part of the Dragonflight preorders that would be in addition to Dracthyr early access.

Hopefully, Dragonflight preorder incentives will be announced sooner than later so we can finally put that rumor to bed.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: