The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Multiple clans is a possibility. I only think of it because of the Dunemaul Clan and also it being a more fun way to deal with the Gordunni Clan if the Horde takes over Dire Maul. Not to mention the AU Stonemaul Clan members that were quickly forgotten.

Otherwise, the simplest way to deal with playable Horde Ogres is to have the MU Stonemaul Clan with the AU Stonemaul Clan mixed into it.

The MU Stonemaul Clan is the most important of the Horde Ogre clans, since they’ve had big history with the Horde since Warcraft 3 and were one of the original members of the Horde. They need to be part of the playable Ogre faction, if not THE main focus of it. I would guess the racial hub would be in Dustwallow Swamp, which could be the actual Stonemaul Clan home, which could be taken back for good in a questline or an unlock scenario if they’re treated like an allied race.

The AU Stonemaul Clan, as mentioned before, brings things like Draenor designs for things like heritage armor, Draenor beasts like boars for potential mounts and hunter pets, building designs, and also gives Ogres multiple personalities. That would be the typical big and dumb type to the cunning and savage type. It also ties up that little loose thread from the Mag’har Orc unlock scenario. All that is needed is a brief mention of them joining the MU Stonemaul Clan to explain the stuff from Draenor appearing.

It’s hard to know what direction Blizzard would take playable Ogres and the Horde Ogre clans. There are many directions they could go with them. Hopefully, the MU Stonemaul Clan will be part of the playable Horde faction should we get playable Horde Ogres.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


This could work with Dragonflight because there are Black Dragons there. Of course I don’t know how much time has passed and we wiped out Onyxia so not sure if there are any dragons there that would require a response to interact with them. Maybe some dragons lost the ability to respond to whatever called the dragons back and we have to help them.

And with Theramore and Under City gone I’ve seen players say they are setting up the Horde to take Kalimdor and the Alliance to take the Eastern Kingdoms. So would make sense to have a city, or Ogre capital city, in Dustwallow.

Also would make sense to recruit the Ogres for more manpower/womanpower and also so we wouldn’t have to fight off both the Ogres and the Alliance if they ever tried to make landfall there. And the Ogres wouldn’t have to leave their home and they act as our eyes down there.

EDIT: Just thought of something. What if the Dragonflight is the last we see of dragons on Azeroth, with maybe the exception of the Dragon Isles, kind of like elves in LotR. Maybe Blizz is removing dragons all over Azeroth with an old world update. It could make sense.


It’s hard to say about the state of the Black Dragonflight on the Dragon Isles, but it seems possible that the ones we encountered on Island Expeditions are from there. They seemed to care about safeguarding the Azerite, which was very different to the way the flight operated under Deathwing.


I’m sure there would be some good Black Dragonflight members, but I still feel like some of Onyxia’s eggs managed to survive, and if they try to take over Dustwallow Marsh again, it would make for a great and epic storyline. Especially if it leads into playable Horde Ogres.

Having a dock there would be very helpful. Supplies can be given to the Stonemaul Ogre home, as well as saving time getting supplies to Thunder Bluff in theory. Plus it helps to defend the waters so close to Orgrimmar to begin with. I’m such the neutral Goblins at Mudsprocket would also love the opportunity to make some money with it as well.

Well, I mean…we kinda want SOME of the Horde Ogres to leave their home to be adventurers (player characters) to help out the Horde! :smiley:

Hard to know what’ll be happening going forward, whether the dragons stay on the Dragon Isles or someone go away for some reason. At the very least, Dracthyr will be sticking around, so there likely would be dragons through that at the very least.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I heard a rumor there were more allied races before next expansion.

I’ll cross my fingers its Ogres


Shouldn’t we call this thread “Stonemaul The Master Race Ogres” or something, lol.

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Dragon eggs I think can go into stasis of a sort until things are better around them. Might just be something like that.


if I remember correctly, Krasus, aka Korialstrasz, put eggs into a type of stasis in a pocket universe in the books. I think he dies in that one. I liked his character. Too bad he’s gone. I liked the dynamic between him and Alexstrasza.

I can’t remember if we see his death or not. If we didn’t I wonder if he could’ve put himself into an alternate pocket universe and was put into stasis and we find out he’s still alive in Dragonflight. I would love to see that.


Well, 9.2.5 is coming out today!..and we still have a lot of questions since there are things found on the PTR not mentioned with the patch’s features. Such as the mention of events going on, like with the Tirisfal Glades quest we still barely know anything about. That splash screen is also still encrypted, oddly enough.

As usual, I’ll be keeping an eye out for anything Horde Ogre related. Part of me is hopeful that we’ll see something, given that the MU Stonemaul Clan have a bit of history with dragons in general. Of course, I’m tempering expectations, but I’ll always hope.

There is also the mystery of new playable races and Dragonflight preorders. At this point, under the assumption we are getting at least one, it’s likely to not be announced or shown with 9.2.5’s launch. At best, maybe we’ll see hints of something that will be foreshadowing Dragonflight preorder incentives whenever they get announced.

Of course, this is IF we are getting any new playable races. No guarantees that we will. While I’ll always hope for playable Horde Ogres, my general hope is that if we do see any new playable races, they’ll be ones that people have been requesting for quite some time. WoW could really use a jump start to getting people interested and excited again, and I know new playable races people have been wanting can help some with that.

Of course, a big question is when Dragonflight preorders will be announced and open. It’s possible that a more solid release date for Dragonflight needs to be available for preorders to happen. Others speculate that Blizzard is waiting for a better opportunity to add preorders to revenue reports. Who can say? I’m hoping they’ll be announced and opened sooner than later so we can put this rumor to bed. Not to mention I’m excited for Dragonflight and looking forward to making my Dracthyr characters…though I would love to get some more character slots for my account.

Whatever happens with 9.2.5 and Dragonflight, I’ll still be marching in support for playable Horde Ogres. Hoping we at least see the Horde Ogre clans come into the picture again. And as I said, I’ll keep an eye out for anything of interest with 9.2.5, though my expectations will be tempered.

As always, dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I’ve wanted to draw lately but have been really tired. And with WoW down I decided to give it a shot, but it didn’t turn out like I wanted. Couldn’t really focus but here is my W.I.P. (Work in progress) of an Ogre Runemaster and San’layn Necromancer. It’s missing the Sethrak tinkerer I plan on adding.



Edit: Fenelon beat me to it. See the above post for the image :smiley:

I just remembered there would likely be cyclops customization options for Ogres and am curious what options there would be for that. It’d be really unique as a customization option. Especially with the whole two heads customization if that is possible.

Also hoping to see Necromancers as a playable class someday. I’m fine with either it being its own class or a class skin for Warlocks.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:



Lol, thanks all the same.

I’m hoping they have the one eye option and the two headed option. Both are something I think of when I think of WoW Ogres. Would probably have one head be a cyclops and the other normal.

Me too. There are so many classes and races they could put into the game that we don’t have. Everyone should be able to play what they want. The MMO that does that is gold in my book.

One of the things I disliked about SWTOR was the lack of races. We’re talking the Star Wars universe with a lot of races and we get a handful of lesser races and none of the more popular ones all because they are either not humanoid enough or don’t speak basic. Seriously? What year is this that we still can’t play non-humanoid races that don’t speak basic (i.e. English)?

Still hoping for playable Ogres.

+1 Playable Horde Ogres :+1:


Still hoping to see Ogres and Saurok on the Horde side of that character creation screen someday! :japanese_ogre: :crocodile:

Despite being a huge Star Wars fan, I never was interested in TOR for a few reasons I think I’ve talked about before in other threads.

First is I’m not that interested in the Old Republic setting in general. It’s not something I find horrible, but it just really isn’t something that gets my interest.

Second is it’s a bit too cinematic for my liking. For my characters, I usually have my own head canon of their personality, backstory, and so on. The way TOR handles it isn’t terrible in of itself, but for someone like me, it’s a bit intrusive to someone who likes having their own characters having certain aspects or can romance others. It honestly feels like a single player game more than a MMO from what I’ve seen and it’s a bit of a turn off. Also the way WoW does cinematic scenes with your player character isn’t really intrusive to me, as a comparison.

And third is the reason you mentioned: the races are fairly lacking. It’s especially disappointing when compared to Star Wars Galaxies before it, which had a variety of races including Trandoshans, Wookiees, Rodians, Ithorians, Mon Calamari, and others. I think some of it is the whole cinematic thing with your character, which is another reason I’m not fond of it, but the whole “must speak Basic thing” is laughable when races have talked Basic before in official media, like Trandoshans. I guess they didn’t want to design romance cinematics with your Wookiee character or something, but in all seriousness, the playable races don’t especially interest me.

Although I’ve never played Star Wars Galaxies, it would be neat to see a decent Star Wars MMO appear sometime, though I feel like the chances of another one in general appearing are low. Honestly, I’d love to get a decent Star Wars multiplayer game in general, having grown up playing Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight online on the MSN Zone website. Fun times.

Oh and it looks like we have Extended Maintenance, as it has been pushed to 5 PM Pacific:

Completely understandable, as I imagine implemented the Cross Faction stuff is a bit of a headache and will require a lot of care. Hope it goes smoothly for them!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Speaking about maritime knowledge, I remember Ogres have this kind of knowledge.

Here what we have:

“While the orcs knew little of shipbuilding, some of their ogre allies had maritime knowledge and helped construct the immense juggernaughts — heavily armed and armored floating fortresses that soon came to be feared across the seas of Azeroth for their unrelenting onslaught.”


(An ogre juggernaught from Warcraft II)

Some information can be found here:

  • Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness manual
  • World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2

Maybe we could have some Ogres in the Horde with this kind of knowledge. So these Ogres with the Goblins and the Forsaken could made some new naval units for the Horde.




I haven’t been able to look much at 9.2.5 stuff, though I haven’t heard much regarding Horde Ogre stuff. I’ll have to look around when I can and when servers are more stable.

However, what was cool to see was that there was a questline that unlocks Dark Ranger customization options for Blood Elves, Void Elves, and Night Elves:

I’m very happy for the Dark Ranger megathread. I’m hoping it is something that satisfies them.

I do feel a bit renewed in hope that Blizzard might be looking at our feedback for the future. It makes me feel how important it is to keep going on with the race request and customization megathreads so that there is feedback of some sort. Of course, there is no guarantee we’ll see all of our dreams come true, but it still feels worth it to me to continue onward. Not to the point it takes investing all of my free time, but something to have and enjoy doing while I keep at it gradually. I feel as if I have some more courage to continue doing what I’m doing with my megathreads, and I hope others continue to support their megathreads as well.

Besides. Someone needs to give the Horde Ogre clans some love. May as well be something that I can help give Ogre fans a voice to show their support for playable Horde Ogres. And I don’t plan on stopping any time soon!

As always, dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


With Blizz just throwing lore out the window I am pretty sure we can get any Ogre type we want now. You want Death Void Ogres . . . BAM!. Here you are.

The lore is that a Void Lord crapped them out but they died only to be reanimated by a bunch of Liches that found an Altar of Storms. Blizz lore logic for ya.

Seriously, if we don’t get Ogres now I have no clue WTF Blizz is doing. They are just crapping this stuff out as they go. I’m not big into most WoW lore but it is ridiculous now.

+1 Made up Lore for Playable Ogres


+1 Ogre customization for Orcs (Blizz lore logic at work)

EDIT: I apologize for being a douche but Blizz has gone way too far IMO now. And still no Ogres. :angry: Seriously, Blizz can make up why VE’s have Void and Death going on together but none for us to have Ogres? :japanese_ogre: :rage:

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I don’t see Ogres as a customization race, which is a good thing since I haven’t been too happy with how customization races have been treated in general. Not to mention that as their own race, Ogres would be more likely to have things like two-head customization options and such.

With Dark Rangers, who also have been requested for quite some time, it was something that was easy to implement, even if some things like voice filters would have been good to go with them. Something like Ogres would take a lot of resources. Moreso if we get to have two head customization options with each head having their own customization, along with there being a set for male and female Ogre customization. It’s a huge undertaking in the grand scheme of things, unfortunately.

And I get the frustration of how some things come out of nowhere while existing things get put on the wayside fall into the black hole of irrelevancy. Ogres in particular at least deserve a presence within the Horde as NPC’s. Especially with something like that war in BfA, where the Horde Ogre clans are MIA the whole time.

Still, it’s good that we continue to make sure the Horde Ogre clans aren’t forgotten. With Blizzard considering player feedback a bit more, maybe we’ll see playable Horde Ogres considered someday.

And there is also the mystery of the Dragonflight preorder incentives and that rumor of at least one new playable race part of it for early access. We might not see Ogres part of that, though we still have Dragonflight to look at and see if anything comes from it. Then again, the Horde Ogres missed BfA, so who knows?

If I had no hope whatsoever, I wouldn’t be here doing what I do. No guarantees we’ll see playable Horde Ogres happen, but at the same time, it’s something I feel isn’t impossible to see. I still think it’s important to keep giving playable Horde Ogres support, even if it feels like it falls upon deaf ears.

We’ll just see what happens as time goes on and play it by ear. No guarantees that it will definitely happen, but I’ll keep at it while hoping for the best.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Come on, give us ogres, Blizz. You know you want to.