The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Ogres where


Ogres are too stupid to be a playable race. I hate to dash your dreams, but there would have to be some epic lorebending to make that a reality. Ogres are megafauna. They arenā€™t intelligeent enough to wander freely in civilized society. Even the horde dropped them. And when they were in the horde they were nothing more than shock troops. Two headed ogres are the exception, but there arenā€™t enough of them to make an entire civilization, and are only as smart as an average human.

Ogres can not count. They can not plan(besides the two headed variety), they have zero understanding of delayed gratification. They grow nothing, building nothing, and are basically Draenor megafauna. Please give up. Playable ogres is the dumbest thing imaginable.

Dude, go visit nagrand in WoD. They literally have an entire empire.

Also in BC in bladeā€™s edge mountains there is a bunch of super intelligent ogres there too.


If ā€œa crack elite squad of elvesā€ is playable, population size is worthless as an argument.


Literally had an empire.

The Horde currently employs 2 or so clans.

Please go on about how you know nothing about ogres at all.


Thinking about how Dracthyr can only be the Evoker class, it has me hoping that races that can only be one class isnā€™t a trend weā€™d see with future playable races.

To me, new races should be able to choose between multiple classes. Otherwise, it makes said race appear one note and also feels like a waste of resources long term. Granted, I donā€™t expect many new classes in the future, but I do see new playable races as time goes on. It makes things more interesting and adds more variety to have a race that can be things like a warrior or a mage.

As much work that would go into playable Ogres, I donā€™t really expect them to have the same treatment. I donā€™t personally see neutral Ogres for one and Ogres already exist and be a variety of classes. I donā€™t really see them only being one class or something like that April Fools joke with two headed Ogres being two players and thatā€™s the only option for them. I canā€™t even begin to think of the nightmare that would be coding two players into one character, for that matter. I think my brain would explode if I tried to think about it.

I donā€™t have much worry of that happening with Ogres, but still felt like it was worth mentioning. I want to see Ogres be a variety of classes. Some like to bash stuff, some like to blast stuff, and some like to make sparkles and flashy lights that heal others. To me, that is the way it should be with them. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Still hoping for playable Ogres one day! Interested in the Dracthyr too!


I am not really one to comment a lot on ā€œleaksā€ or rumors in general, but there has been a rumor going around regarding a possible new allied race or races as part of a preorder incentive for Dragonflight, which isnā€™t early access to the Dracthyr.

This comes from Red Shirt Guyā€™s twitter, who mentions a ā€œleakā€ that seems to have gotten everything they posted about Dragonflight correct, along with a couple of other points, one of which is the new allied race rumor:

As you may have noticed, at the time of this post, preorders arenā€™t available for Dragonflight yet. We also have a 9.2.5 patch for Shadowlands coming up as well, allegedly with some encrypted files involving Calia and Tyrande, which may or may not be related to this allied race rumor.

Now, I will stress that this is not something set in stone and is just a rumor regarding a ā€œleakā€ that occurred. However, given Red Shirt Guy mentioned it, it seemed like something worth nothing.

Also the wording seems to imply a new allied race instead of a pair. It could be a neutral race or it could be at least two. I recall a little before or at the beginning of Shadowlands, there was a datamine for four allied race slots of some kinda, leading speculation that the Covenant members could become playable races.

In my own personal opinion, I feel like a good candidate would be Darkfallen, especially if they did only one race. It would be a good way to get Dark Rangers and Sanā€™layn playable together and even do something with the Night Elf Dark Rangers that came to be in BfA. Of course, we could see more than one allied race if this is true.

And\ while I generally temper my expectations when it comes to playable Horde Ogres, some hope comes into fruition since we are going into a dragon related expansion. I canā€™t begin to say how neat it would be to see the MU Stonemaul Clan finally come back into the picture and become part of the playable Horde Ogre faction. But, as usual, I temper my expectations but feel like I should mention this rumor going around since it seems to be gaining some traction and who mentioned it.

I guess weā€™ll see what actually happens when preorders are opened up. I still feel like Darkfallen are a very likely candidate, and if it involves playable Horde Sanā€™layn, Iā€™ll be happy as they are one of my most wanted playable races. But whatever actually happens orā€¦doesnā€™t happen in this case, I still continue onward with my playable Horde Ogre support. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I really hope that leak turns out to be true.

Itā€™d be nice not to feel like ARs were just an expansion gimmick.

To feel like weā€™re not just spinning our wheels to a silent Blizzard.


Going to post this in both my Saurok and Stonemaul Ogre megatheads, since it is relevant to both.

I came across a post on the Community Council supporting an increase in character slots, which currently is 50. Myself and others have been in support of it, since many of us are very close to or have hit the character cap. When it comes to new races and classes, it becomes harder to sort our characters and what to reroll or, in the worst case scenario, who to delete to be new races and classes.

You can see the post here:

I wanted to share this post in order to get more people to see it. If you like the idea, please throw a like to give support. You can do that to Community Council posts even if you arenā€™t part of it.

Iā€™m hoping that we will be able to get more character slots for our account someday. I personally would prefer to not have to pay for and manage multiple accounts, but speaking for myself, Iā€™d happily pay to get more slots for my account.

Characters are important to MMOā€™s, and many of us like having alts for various reasons. Hopefully, this will be considered since I imagine weā€™ll get more playable races and possibly classes in the future, and that way people donā€™t have to delete anyone if theyā€™ve hit the cap already.

Iā€™ll always keep a few slots reserved for if we get playable Horde Ogres someday, though!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


It looks like when Dragonflight comes out, weā€™ll be able to use Chromie Time to level in any expansion to L60 (aside from Dragonflight, thatā€™ll be 60-70 content) for alts while new players still start in Exileā€™s Reach and have to do BfA, but not Shadowlands, so they can go from BfA to Dragonflight:

Itā€™s a very interesting change to see. I assume as we go to future expansions, we could see new players go from Exileā€™s Reach to another expansion. It might not make a lot of sense if we get new races and they have to start in BfA when they werenā€™t part of their respective faction yet.

I guess it does depend if new races get the allied race treatment, since they would need to be unlocked, so new players would get to where they can level in any expansion for their alts. A lot depends if any new races get treated like Core Races and are available at the start.

Where would I level my Ogre character if they became playable, you might be wondering? Very good question. I could do Cataclysm, since they were originally considered to be a playable Horde race then. I could also still do BfA, since it was a huge missed opportunity to not have Horde Ogres playable, let alone no Horde Ogres at all in the war itself. Iā€™m also a big fan of Pandaria, so there is that. I suppose it would depend if Ogres are treated like allied races with their own racial hub or if they had their own starting area and what level it would bring them to.

Regardless of what is done, I hope to have my Ogre Fury Warrior start his journey to be champion of the Horde someday!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


An interview with Steve Danuser mentions weā€™ll see some of what has been happening with Azeroth in 9.2.5, including some prepatch events:

"A lot has been happening in Azeroth while weā€™ve been absent in the Shadowlands. Are we going to see that story move ahead?

In Shadowlands Patch 9.2.5 weā€™ll see some things happening back in Azeroth and learn of some events that have transpired. Weā€™ll have pre-patch events where we find out whatā€™s going on in Stormwind and Orgrimmar, how the Horde has been faring with their new counsel, how the Alliance has been faring with Turalyon at the helm, and whatā€™s been different about that since then."

With the talk of prepatch events, my hope in at least seeing the MU Stonemaul Clan appear again rises once more. Given they have some dragon history, it would make some sense and be fitting in a way. I assume most of it might be how Azeroth has fared with the Scourge running rampant, but I still have a bit of hope nonetheless. Not to mention Onyxiaā€™s old lair and possible escaped minions or offspring trying to regain power could be a thing. I suppose anything is possible.

There is also that rumor of at least one new allied race coming up with Dragonflight preorders. I also remember how there was a datamine of four allied race slots back when Shadowlands was launching, which I wonder if that might come into play if we are actually getting allied races. At the time, people speculated it was a slot for each Covenant race, but who knows at this point? Still would be a good time for playable Horde Ogres, regardlessā€¦

All we can do is wait and see what happens when 9.2.5 is announced and preorders of Dragonflight are available. Iā€™ll keep an eye out and report anything of interest when it does happen. Not saying weā€™re definitively getting new allied races, but the rumors seem kinda strong. Iā€™ll keep an open mind, though.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


It was recently discovered that an Exploring Azeroth: Northrend book is in the works and is available for preorder on Amazon US. It is currently scheduled to come out October 18th, 2022. Wowpedia has a page for it here:

Now, the MU Stonemaul Clan didnā€™t have much to do with WotLK (youā€™d think the Horde would take a few with them, given how dire it was to fight against the Lich King), but I am wondering if we might see other areas of Ogre interest eventually like Draenor or Outland.

Yes, Iā€™m aware theyā€™re both not in Azeroth, but it was an interesting thought. I think both areas are slowly deteriorating (and Draenor is kinda locked off at present technically), but Iā€™d be curious to see some general Ogre related stuff from such books. I would say that the most likely and exciting possibility for the next book in the series would be Pandaria, but maybe down the road, we could see other areas of Ogre interest.

If such books ever come out, Iā€™ll be sure to look at them and report any Ogre findings. I donā€™t think there would be much Horde Ogre clan related, but they could still be interesting reads.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


With WotLK Classic officially announced, I figured it was a good time to share some Ogre Death Knight images Iā€™ve found. I donā€™t remember if any of these has been shared before, so please pardon any redundancy.

This one is from the WoW TCG, made by Chris Rahn. It is titled as ā€œZog, Herald of Death.ā€ Thank you to Lancelot for helping me find the artistā€™s name!

This one is credited to ā€œArthur ā€œHandclawā€ Lorenzā€ and came from this forum post on the Icy Veins website:

This one is another art piece that is credited to Alex Horley. It came from the WoW TCG and is titled as ā€œDeathbringer Korā€™ush.ā€ Thank you for helping me find the artist for this again, Lancelot!

It came from this post on MMO Champion:

Death Knights are a class I feel should be given to Ogres and future playable races. With Ogres, they can fit in either Death Knight starting area, especially if the MU Stonemaul Clan is part of the playable Horde Ogre faction (as they should be).

If I see any other neat Ogre related artwork, Iā€™ll be sure to share them here for playable Horde Ogre idea inspiration!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


The artist is Alex Horley.

It comes from the Ogre Death Knight Hero card, Deathbringer Korā€™ush from the WoW TCG.
He was in the Throne of the Tides set.

Hereā€™s a link to tcgbrowser, which has all of the WoW TCG cards on it.
Iā€™ve set it up to search for Ogre cards specifically. The artists are listed on the cards as well, so it makes for easy citation.


Thank you for sharing that! I went and edited my previous post to give credit to the artists. I try to give credit to artists when possible. Especially if they happen to be fan works.

Iā€™ll also have to go through those Ogre TCG images to see if there is anything of interest to share! :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I really want an ogre Death Knight.

He and my ogre Monk will be my two ogres.

The Death Knight is going to be a corpse Arthas raised from back during the second war (two headed if possible) who actually remained on the Lich Kings side after the Ebon Blade revolted. Though he kept his allegiance to the new Lich King when Bolivar took up the crown, and thus later joined the Ebon Blade during Legion.

Arthas found him frozen in ice in Icecrown and the ogre has no memories of how he got there or how he died. He does remember up to the end days of the Second War though.


I very much would like to see playable Ogres made possible to fulfill the heavy and not too bright (for the most part, some are smart) bruiser theme thatā€™s not quite been fulfilled by Orcs and Tauren.

Their inclusion amongst playable races would also increase their presence in the story, perhaps even giving us more information on Outlands Ogre Lordā€™s/Missing Link variant of Ogres.


My dream right now is that ogres are a pre-order bonus to get us warmed up for Dragonflight. I would throw my money at it so fast.


Itā€™s been a bit since I last posted here, and Iā€™m glad to see the discussion and hope for playable Ogres remains alive! Looking forward to seeing what 9.2.5 entails ā€¦and remaining hopeful that my altaholicsm will be fed further.

Please Blizzard, I need more altsā€¦ :frowning: