The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Call em the Old Soldiers. >.>


The Revantusk were in the Zandalari City, though because they were just allies of the Horde as opposed to being full members of it, they didnā€™t really get to do much that expansion, sadly.

Something else Iā€™ve grumbled about many times is the Horde using resources to consider figuring out how to go back to an alternate universe and getting the AU Magā€™har Orcs there to stop doing whatever theyā€™re doing to go fight and die in a war in another world. Iā€™m happy Magā€™har Orcs became playable, especially since theyā€™ve been requested since Cataclysm, but it seems odd to do that and not consider allies within your own faction before going to alternate universes. The MU Stonemaul Clan owed the Horde a lot, but apparently their favor didnā€™t mean much compared to the favor the AU Magā€™har owed. Go figure.

I could go on, but I think Iā€™d end up with another potential thesis paper to type up. Really big missed opportunity to not have any of the Horde Ogre clans involved in the BfA war. Even as NPC grunts. -o -

Hope everyone is having a fun, happy, and safe Easter! Weā€™re also two days away from the next expansion reveal, so hopefully itā€™ll be here and have some awesome features to it. Weā€™ll see what it is when it comes, but a part of me will keep hope for certain things announced.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


24 hours until the reveal! :japanese_ogre:


Fingers crossed for tomorrow Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Well, tomorrow is the big day of WoWā€™s next expansion announced.

As a reminder, the presentation will start at 9 AM Pacific and should be shown on the official Warcraft YouTube and Twitch channels:

WarCraft YouTube Channel

Warcraft Twitch Channel

As I said before, although I have some excitement, Iā€™m also tempering expectations. I donā€™t really know what to expect, other than dragons potentially having something to do with it.

At the very least, I would hope for a setting that is more grounded in the living world (of Warcraft!). There is a hope of mine that weā€™ll see new playable races that have been requested for awhile and my most wanted also, but nothing is guaranteed regarding that. More character slots per account would also be exciting as well if that becomes a possibility.

Regardless of what gets announced, Iā€™ll be sure to post a recap and type up some thoughts after I have a chance to think on it some. In terms of Ogre specific stuff, Iā€™ll be sure to note anything I see of interest there. If by some Winter Veil miracle that we get playable Horde Ogres, Iā€™ll plan a revamp of the main page of the megathread. While I always have hope of that happening each expansion, Iā€™m not going to expect it at all, much as Iā€™d be pleasantly surprised. Still, it doesnā€™t hurt to have a plan just in case.

Regardless of what gets announced tomorrow, Iā€™ll continue to march in support for playable Horde Ogres. Hopefully, weā€™ll see a better direction with the game in general, as I do think Blizzard needs to start hitting it out of the park in order to gain excitement and get players interested in playable again. But weā€™ll see what gets announced when it happens tomorrow.

One more day to go! As always, dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Hereā€™s hoping!

Ogres for the Horde!


Less than 4 hours until the reveal! :japanese_ogre:



? youtube says itā€™s in an hour and a half

Closest Google would give me on a Majoraā€™s Mask image.


That time is referring to when the stream itself starts. When it goes up, youā€™ll likely see something like a countdown to when the presentation happens. You usually see this in a lot of livestream announcements from companies. I assume some of that is to make sure the stream works on the platform and gives time for any preparations needed before the presentation actually starts.

On another note, I am reminded of Cataclysm, where Ogres were considered for the Horde and rumors of a Dragonkin race of some kind would have been on the Alliance. Assuming it is true, I wonder if Blizzard looked at any of those plans for this expansion if dragons are the main theme of it. Wishful thinking, but itā€™d be an interesting thing to revisit.

Not much longer now. Iā€™ll keep an open mind, but as usual, I still hope to see playable Horde Ogres as an expansion feature. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


WoW: Dragonflight is now officially a thing. You can see the official website here (my computerā€™s CPU percentage goes up going to this website, so please keep that in mind before you click the link that it could do that to yours as well and slow it down):

The only playable race announcement was the Dracthyr, a race of dragonkin who can shapeshift into a humanoid (seems to be just one type of humanoid race) and can only be the new Evoker class.

No real mention of Ogres of any kind so far. I will say to be clear that Iā€™m not discouraged at all. I knew coming onto the forums that the march for supporting playable Horde Ogres would be a long and arduous march. I mean, Ogre fans have been requesting them since the game launched. I have no intentions of stopping any time soon, either. Iā€™m still committed to continuing onward as best as I can while I still play the game.

Now, despite no playable Horde Ogre announcement, the expansion may be of Horde Ogre interest in general. My plans will be to play through it and see if the MU Stonemaul Clan show up at all and report any findings. I assume the big bad might be evil dragons of some sort and Iā€™m sure they would be down with getting some revenge by bashing some evil dragons upside the head. Iā€™ll also keep an eye out for the AU Stonemaul and Dunemaul Clan as well, though the MU Stonemaul Clan has my focus.

So not discouraged at all, and we Ogre fans are still going strong. Weā€™ll keep at it together and keep on marching. I mean, weā€™ve been at this since the game launched and we still see requests for playable Horde Ogres. May as well keep it going as best as we can. :smiley:

As always, dream big Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I personally am feeling a sense exhaustion with waiting and hoping.

I feel their priorities are different. Maybe newer races arenā€™t part of their vision

I donā€™t knowā€¦


I understand the frustration. Believe me, I feel it as well. Especially since Ogres should have been a playable Horde race a long time ago, with many opportunities that sadly pass by like with BfA. It can be exhausting to keep it up for many years without knowing whether itā€™ll come true or not.

I do think new races in general are still in the cards for the future. They play a big role in any MMORPG and are great for marketing said expansion, as well as being a long term asset to the game. Iā€™m sure weā€™ll continue to see new races as time goes on. Hopefully, weā€™ll see new playable races people have been requesting for awhile, like the various race request megathreads.

While I still maintain the stance that anything I do wonā€™t guarantee playable Horde Ogres, Iā€™m still going to keep at it. You never know if weā€™ll be lucky and see it happen someday, and I still feel like itā€™s better to do something than just silently hope. It has been a long journey for us Ogre fans and it was never an easy one, but weā€™ll see what happens in the future. I donā€™t feel like giving up anytime soon, myself.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


With luck Microsoft will set them right.

Right now all they seem capable of is taking a request and twisting it.

No Ogres but I am interested in the Dracthyr.

I kinda feel like theyā€™d be better if they werenā€™t class locked.


Tell me about itā€¦

Let alone we get a class slot wasted on a dragon class alone.


I donā€™t mind it being a dragon raceā€¦ or class honestlyā€¦ but forcing them to be race/class locked is not a great move in my opinion.

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I donā€™t mind the dragon race, but the theme is un-needed as a class.

The biggest fault is indeed locking them behind the class, dragons are supposed to be dangerous, not only because of their breath (Which is appears all that the class will have so far) but also from their brutal strentgh, claws, and fangs (biting). None of which is done by this class and other games had visually done better in displaying.

I would love to play a dragon warrior or paladin, make a blue dragonflight mage or even a black dragonflight shaman. But no they need to be evokers, which brings nothing to the game really but look obnoxious to kill for anyone in a pvp setting.