The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I had a dream it turned out that they were just hiding a ton of customizations for everyone and six ARs for 9.2.5.


If blizzard has Ogres as one of the rumored pre order allied races I would go in 5 different directions to order itā€¦ FYI Blizzard :wink:


The rumor going around is that it is just one new allied race, which isnā€™t early access to Dracthyr, so if that is true, itā€™d be some kind of neutral race. I honestly donā€™t see Ogres on Alliance in any fashion, but if it gave us playable Horde Ogres, then Iā€™d take it.

If we get anything, signs seem to point to Darkfallen as a possible race, likely with Blood Elf Darkfallen on the Horde and Night Elf Darkfallen on the Alliance. There are encrypted files involving Calia and Tyrande, as well as something going on in Tirisfal Glades, so that is where the rumors are coming from. Seeing as Horde Sanā€™layn are one of my top most wanted races, as long as theyā€™re represented by playable characters and have a presence in-game, Iā€™m all for it.

I still recall there being four allied race slots/IDā€™s being datamined near the beginning of Shadowlands, so maybe if weā€™re lucky, weā€™ll get at least a pair or two of new races. Preferably ones requested for quite awhile. Itā€™s wishful thinking, but you never know.

Of course, there isnā€™t a guarantee that this rumor has any truth to it. Hopefully, 9.2.5 stuff gets announced ASAP and preorders for Dragonflight open up so we can see if it is a true and, if so, what race or races would get put in.

Support for Ogres and Saurok on the Horde is still going strong. Iā€™ll continue to be marching for both as long as I continue to play the game, and I donā€™t see myself quitting any time soon. :smiley:

I would love to see another big batch of new races based on the race request megathreads here. Iā€™d happily do what I needed to do to unlock them all as well if it meant getting them playable.

Donā€™t think weā€™d see a huge amount like in BfA, but maybe weā€™ll be lucky someday. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I went through a few of the WoW TCG cards on the website linked by Lancelot, and wanted to share a few interesting findings.

This happens to be an Ogre Priest, which shows they are capable of being that class. Interesting find! Made by Eric Deschamps.

An Ogre Ninja, likely to be just for fun. I think this may have been shared before. Made by Samwise Didie.

Another Ogre Death Knight.Made by Dave Rapoza.

An Ogre Death Knight Shaman. Apparently, Ogres can multiclass! Made by Michael Komarck.

And another Ogre Death Knight. Made by Jesper Ejsing.

While the cards were pretty awesome to see, those were the most interesting to share. We mostly see classes Ogres can be, including Warriors, Shamans, and Warlocks. Seeing a Priest there shows they could be a potential option, though I donā€™t know if they would end up with that option if playable.

Itā€™s cool to be able to look at the WoW TCG cards this way. Iā€™ll continue to look for other things of Horde Ogre interest!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


This was a mechanic they played around with in the TCG a few times. First they had some that could include abilities from one class and gear from another, but didnā€™t count as either of those two classes.

Then, years later they did the full-on dual class heroes like Mogdar the Frozenheart. They counted as both at once, but they were only Monster Heroes (meaning no Alliance or Horde cards in their decks), couldnā€™t include spec-locked cards, and had the lowest standard hero health of 25 (tied with Priest). Mogdar didnā€™t even benefit from the Ogre racial of increased health that non dual-class Ogre Heroes got.

Also, I should note that there is a fan-made WoW TCG revival project, and TCGBrowser includes those cards. Anything listed as Block 8 or higher is fan-made.


Iā€™ve noticed a number of posts in here mention wanting to have an Ogre Priest. Seeing as we have one from TCG, some in-game, and that Magā€™har Orcs can be them, I might consider adding them to my list.

With Ogre Priests in game, Iā€™ve found the following:

And this one I donā€™t know where it is located, but it seems to be in-game somewhere:

If anyone knows of any more examples of Ogre Priests, please share!

I imagine most Ogre Priests would lean towards the Shadow spec, but Iā€™m sure people could explain Ogre Priests of other specs as well.

Seeing as Magā€™har Orcs can be Priests, it wouldnā€™t be impossible for some of the AU Stonemaul Clan to have been Priests as well. I donā€™t know if the Magā€™har Orcs worship the light, especially after dealing with the Lightbound. It does seem to open more doors though.

Iā€™ll be looking into finally doing an update with the main post of the megathread at some point. Iā€™ll be sure to add Ogre Priests to the list when I do.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


So I totally forgot today (April 28th) was Volunteer Guard Day in-game thanks to being busy IRL a lot. I was considering making it an annual in-game Ogre event. Guess thatā€™ll have to be next yearā€¦

If you donā€™t know, you can turn into an Ogre guard for this event and go to other cities, like Orgrimmar. I have info on how to do that in this post:

Note that it uses the old Ogre model, so some animations may not exist depending on your class.

Also screenshots from last year here:

I may play around with it in Orgrimmar today for a bit if I can. Maybe next year, Iā€™ll see if we can plan an Ogre event around it. With luck, weā€™ll be able to be actual Ogre characters someday!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


In a recent interview with Brian Holinka by MrGM, it has been confirmed that weā€™ll be seeing Priests, Mages, and Rogues available for all currently races in patch 10.0, aside from Dracthyr:

Funny how this came as Ogre Priests were being talked about. :smiley:

Iā€™m guessing those three classes will be possibly for future playable races. It could be on a case by case basis, but Iā€™d say that there would be good reason for future playable races to have these classes. As for Ogres specificallyā€¦

Rogues technically could be possibly. We know of Dagg in WoD who is classified as a Rogue. Maybe some Ogres could have a knack for sneaking around in creative ways. Iā€™d say this could be a possibility.

Mages are a given, since Ogre Mages are very much shown across many Ogres in the game.

Priests, as we discussed, should be a possibility. I showed the two examples above from in-game, though the Warpriest may just be in the files as opposed to actually in-game. If both regular Orcs and Magā€™har Orcs can be them, I donā€™t see why Ogres couldnā€™t be.

Iā€™m thinking Iā€™ll add this on my list of things to add to the main post of the megathread when I update date it. It has been way too long since I last edited it, mostly because of being busy IRL and planning out a megathread takes a lot of time and energy. Iā€™'ll see if I can make some time to look and see what else to do with the main post of this megathread, though my Saurok megathread needs a bit more attention in that regard, so Iā€™ll be focusing on that first. Any constructive suggestions on what to revamp or add would be appreciated!

As for the news itself, itā€™s a good sign to see new race/class combos. Iā€™m still hoping weā€™ll see Death Knights available to future playable races. I know some people would like Ogre Death Knights, and Iā€™m specifically wanting a Saurok Unholy Death Knight someday. Weā€™ll see what happens as we continue to get new playable races.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I managed to play a bit with the Ogre illusion you can get with Volunteer Guard Day. I did it on this character, and unfortunately with the old Ogre model, there is no attack animation with bows. I mostly just stood there staring at invader mobs as arrows shot out of my belly button.

Here is what all I took:

Standing outside Grommash Hold.


Sitting on the Warchiefā€™s throne. Not like anyone is using it, currently.

Staring longingly at the Horde embassy. Hope to put a MU Stonemaul Banner in there somedayā€¦

The buff lasts outside cities and lasts through death, so you could run around most areas with the Ogre guard illusion on.

Maybe next year, we could plan an Ogre Protect Orgrimmar event around this. Since invader mobs spawn, we couldnā€™t do much in capital cities without being interrupted, but it could be fun for at least awhile. Iā€™ll try to remember it for next year to see if I can do something with it then.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Wish Iā€™d remembered guard day early enough to participate.


The WoW mobile game is set to be revealed on May 3rd, 10 AM Pacific:

I realize it is being developed as a mobile game, but I saw that Diablo Immortal, also a mobile game, is actually coming out on PC as well:

Sounds like Blizzard is open to putting games on both PC and Mobile, which would be a good move IMO. Memes aside, I actually donā€™t have a phone, so it would be helpful to have it on PC so I can check it out there.

Under most circumstances, I donā€™t really play mobile games. It doesnā€™t help to not have a mobile device, but even then, Iā€™ve never really liked how full of microtransactions they tend to be. Weā€™ll have to see how this Warcraft mobile game will be and whether itā€™ll take an approach like Hearthstone did for some aspects of in-game lore and characters.

Since we donā€™t know what the game will be like, itā€™d be up in the air whether Ogres would be represented as part of the Horde, and I feel like they wouldnā€™t be, sadly. If we see Ogres of any sort in this game, I have the sneaking suspicion that theyā€™re just be mooks of enemy clans that weā€™d have to beat up for reasons. Iā€™ll keep an eye out and see what comes of it regardless.

Of course, if we were to ever get playable Ogres in some fashion, Iā€™d prefer Retail WoW to be a top priority. Preferably on the Horde side of that character creation screen!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Why must we wake when our dreams are a better life?


Oh man Iā€™d almost forgotten!



Part of me is still curious if those alleged four allied race IDā€™s will come into play. The rumor is still set to be just one race, likely to be for both factions, but some wishful thinking is there could be a few others. Likely not going to happen with 9.2.5, but you never know.

On the bright side, even if it is just one, it does open the possibility of seeing new races in the future other than what is announced in expansions. Early access to them makes for a pretty good expansion preorder incentive. Not to mention that Blizzard can always do what they did with BfA and have a pair or two before an expansion launches.

I donā€™t think the chances of seeing 10+ races again are very high, but I do think we could still gradually see more playable races in the future. Hopefully, 9.2.5 will come soon so we can see what all we might be getting, if we are getting at least one new race.

And with luck, maybe weā€™ll see the MU Stonemaul Clan come into the picture at least and see what theyā€™ve been up to in-game. Here is hoping!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I would love to hope and dream for more ARs with pre-patch or 9.2.5 or as pre-order bonusā€™ but Iā€™m trying not to get too much anticipation built up. I want to enjoy the next expansion and I think if I expect anything Iā€™m just gonna get lost in what could have been and become blind to the good that is.

That said Iā€™m not giving up on ARs.

Ogres would be an easy win for blizzard and Horde players.

Long overdue and a damn fun race.


Iā€™m trying not to get my hopes up either. I wasnā€™t expecting any new races for 9.2.5 before I saw that rumor, and I think weā€™re lucky that weā€™d be allegedly getting at least one. Moreso that it could be Darkfallen, and with it playable Horde Sanā€™layn, one of my most wanted playable races. Still trying to keep an open mind with it and temper expectations, since we really donā€™t know what to expect, if anything at all.

But regardless, I will continue to support the races I want to see playable. Being able to make the characters I dream of having is worth marching in support for, in my opinion. Weā€™ll see what happens, but Iā€™ll keep at it!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Blegh, who the hell needs more elves?

Itā€™s a crime ogres arenā€™t playable yet.


The new Warcraft mobile game has been revealed. Trailer is here:

Gameplay reveal here (new footage starts roughly at the 1:40 mark):

It seems to be described as a ā€œtower offenseā€ type of game from different websites.

More info and screenshots are in the following Wowhead article:

ā€œWarcraftĀ® Arclight Rumbleā„¢ is a mobile action strategy game set within the Warcraft universe where collectible Minis come to life to battle in frantic melee skirmishes. Play in multiple modes, including the single player campaign, going head-to-head in epic PvP battles, playing co-op, and more. Experience the true meaning of joyful chaos!ā€

Interesting thing to note is this part:

ā€œ-Build armies within 5 playable families: Alliance, Horde, Beast, Undead, and Blackrockā€

It looks like from the screenshots you can mix and match some of the units, which would be good to make your own custom army of sorts.

Edit: Around the 4:42 mark of the second video, where it shows a bunch of the units, I did see at least one, possibly two Ogre units. Happy to see them part of it, though I wonder if theyā€™re Horde Ogres or not. Will have to keep an eye out for more info. I assume weā€™d seen generic units as opposed to any Ogre heroes as well, unless we got playable Horde Ogres in retail someday.

It does appear to be mobile only for now, which makes some sense given the type of game it is. At some point when I actually have a decent mobile device, I may check the game out. Granted, Iā€™m not a huge mobile game fan, given a lot of them seem to be filled with microtransactions that turn me off from them.

Itā€™s something to keep an eye on. Maybe if there are Ogre units in it, it could be something that could give ideas for playable Horde Ogres in Retail. You never know! And maybe I could make my custom army with my favorite races. Saurok and Ogres included, of course! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Towelliee posted a video that shows off gameplay for the new mobile Warcraft game and one of the Ogre units I saw in the official gameplay reveal video with all the units gathering together is shown. The video is here:

At the 0:12 mark, you can see the blue two-headed Ogre unit in the collection, which gets used by the opposing player in one of the matches. If you look at the frame around the unit, youā€™ll see it happens to be the same color as Horde units. This would mean that at least one of the Ogre units happens to be part of the Horde!

Names of the units didnā€™t really get shown in the video, so I donā€™t know if this Ogre happens to be based on an existing Horde Ogre or not. It could very well be Drazā€™Zilb, only with one of the heads having facial hair in this game. Or it could just be a random Horde Ogre unique to this game they gave a name to. Iā€™m going to guess that any Horde Ogre units in here come from the MU Stonemaul Clan, which would make the most sense, although we could see some units from the AU Stonemaul Clan and Dunemaul Clan as well.

As for the other Ogre unit, I havenā€™t seen them yet. It was a male Ogre with the typical Azeroth Ogre armor on dual wielding weapons, which would make them a warrior. Iā€™m not really sure who it could be. Mokā€™morokk was run out of the Horde and has a darker skin color and while it would be cool to see Tharg in there, he also has a darker skin color in-game. Could be a unique Ogre made for the game, could be an Ogre based on another NPC in WoW, who knows? Iā€™m assuming this unit will be under the Horde banner, so itā€™s likely to be from the MU Stonemaul Clan or Dunemaul Clan. AU Stonemaul Clan members might wear roman-themed armor, so I donā€™t expect that Ogre to be a member of it. Not to mention that we donā€™t have any notable NPCā€™s from the AU Stonemaul Clan currently I am aware of.

I assume a wiki will eventually be made of this game that will go over every unit, so maybe weā€™ll learn some more on these Ogres and any future Ogre units in the game. Iā€™ll be keeping an eye out for more information. Itā€™s good that someone in Blizzard remembers that there are Horde Ogre Clans in the Hordeā€™s ranksā€¦just hope that the Retail WoW devs remember all three Horde Ogre clans somedayā€¦

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Itā€™s an interesting game, but I wish all the races were available as playableā€¦ Like ogresā€¦ Ogres would be good.