The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

It’s hard to really know, and I feel like it would depend on what races become playable with regards to how the females of that race would be designed.

To be clear, I’m not against attractive females of playable races. The issue is when you do that for ALL the females of each playable race. Especially if done so at the expense of that race’s personality or theme. It becomes a bit boring when all of the races are treated like Barbie dolls, whereas having some races that are pretty and some that aren’t makes the game more memorable and works much better for world building.

Just how I honestly see it. When it comes to MMO’s, I’m a stickler for world building, and playable races add a lot to that when designed right. It’s why I type as much as I do about female Ogres, which I feel like would add a lot more to the game if they weren’t created to be a pretty waifu.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Pretty much agree with all of this.

I’m sure some will complain like they do with female Kul’tirans, but I’d rather the world building.


They could have made them a bit more buff to match the males IMO.


The problem is people will complain no matter what playable races we get or what is done with them. It shouldn’t be something that bars a race from becoming playable.

I do feel like world building is very important in a MMO. A big part of that comes from playable races, in my opinion. That’s a reason that even though I wouldn’t play a female Ogre, I want them designed well. They still would add to the game, whether it’s a player who enjoys playing as a female Ogre or various female Ogre NPC’s that can be memorable in the game.

Sometimes, there is something more important than popularity of a race to become playable. There can be neat storylines, lore, quests, and such that really add to the game if done right. Ogres can definitely add a lot in that regard with memorable NPC’s, as well as being able to play as them!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I thought I would post a video made by Nobbel87 that goves over the story of Rexxar, which has importance to the MU Stonemaul Clan:

Despite that importance and how Rexxar lead the MU Stonemaul Clan at one point, I feel like he would be better leading a Mok’nathol faction than the MU Stonemaul Clan again.

The MU Stonemaul Clan already has Tharg for a leader, and if not him, then Crol’ka, the Ogre who ran to Orgrimmar for help in Warcraft 3, could also become leader with some fleshing out. I personally don’t really see Rexxar having much interest in leading the MU Stonemaul Clan again.

If anything, I’d see him leading the Mok’nathol clan that his father lead. I assume in such a case, Rexxar and his father would make amends and eventually, Rexxar could take over it. This is something I imagine happening if we ever got Mok’nathol playable in some fashion.

I feel like it’s important for the leader of any Horde Ogre clan to be an actual Ogre. It fits the theme better, and in the case of the MU Stonemaul Clan, I can see it working a lot better in seeing how far they’ve come and having more meaning when it comes to Ogre presence. Having someone like Rexxar as leader again I feel like diminishes Ogre presence, making it feel like they don’t have the same level of membership in the Horde compared to other races.

This is of course my own personal opinion. Should we see the MU Stonemaul Clan pop up again in-game, especially if they lead the charge for the playable Horde Ogre faction, I feel like Rexxar should be there, but at best give his respect to whoever the actual leader of the MU Stonemaul Clan is as opposed to taking it over again.

Chances are, Rexxar would rather wander and live in the wilderness than become leader of any clan again. Still, it’s something I wanted to type my opinions on.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:



I cannot agree more.

Honestly I think blizzard should always seek to include both a male and female of any enemies that they add to the game. One because you know… races be like that usually, and two it’ll make things easier down the line if they do need to add a race to the playable roster.

Plus it adds to the story of those races, and people get to see more of that. They could even throw in little hints to the society of those culture even if the race or enemy is literally only meant as an enemy.

I agree with this, also Rexxar seemingly has abandoned leading the Stonemaul anyways as you say.

I figure if they do come back together, by the end of that story Rexxar’s father would be dead and he’d step up to take his place.

But this time the Mok’nathal wouldn’t choose to be pacifistic.


With a new month comes a new round of in-game suggestion feedback for races I want to see playable, along with references to their respective megathreads.

If you’re interested in doing the same for each of your wanted races, you can see my handy instructional post on how to do just that here:

Every little bit helps, in my opinion. I’m still trying to think of other ways of supporting races I want playable. You never know if it could lead to something in the future!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


That would be great as well, in case said races do become playable.

I get that a lot of NPC races, in particular those treated as mook jobbers, are designed just for us to beat up. At the same time, you never know what will happen in the future for those races, whether they’ll take a bigger role in the future, become playable, and such.

It does help with world-building to see the culture of how some races are in various ways. It’s more interesting than the usual “We have a problem champion! Go beat up -insert number here- of -insert jobber race here- who have all the depth of a rain drop puddle to solve said problem!”

I had hoped to see Rexxar rally the MU Stonemaul Clan during BfA. Seemed like a really good opportunity to do that, given he was gung ho about fighting the Alliance then and the Horde needed all their members to help out in this huge war going on.

Missed opportunities continues to be the main theme of BfA, sadly…

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Missed opportunities could be the alternative title for BFA and SLs honestly.

I hope blizzard puts more focus on the world building, more than just a few racial leaders and takes greater care with the story connections in the future.

Ogres for the Horde!
:cut_of_meat: :japanese_ogre:


World of Warcraft: But Forget Additions, followed by World of Warcraft: Sidestory Lands


Moreso for BfA, since in my own personal opinion, Shadowlands should’ve never happened for various reasons.

I have been toying with the idea of an expansion prepatch where the Horde and Alliance learn of an upcoming threat in the future to the world (of Warcraft!) and go off recruiting various NPC races into their faction, usually by helping them out with something and convincing them to join up, in order to help defend the world (of Warcraft!) with this threat during an expansion.

Seems like something that would be really interesting and great for world building. Maybe not the most original idea, but it’d be a good reason to see an old world revamp and bunch of new playable races!

Maybe it’ll be something I write up as an example scenario someday for fun. Obviously, Horde Ogres would be involved among several other races. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Gonna post this in a few megathreads gradually.

Looks like we have an announcement of an announcement for the next expansion. It’ll be announced on April 19th:

While I’ll keep my fingers crossed for playable Horde Ogres as part of this expansion, I’ll at the very least hope we’ll be back in the living world (of Warcraft!) and not trekking across the cosmic parts. Honestly, Shadowlands is likely to be my least favorite expansion, so it’ll be refreshing to finally see what is next.

I’ll keep an open mind, but I’ll always keep hope to see some playable race requests come true!

Whatever happens, always dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


While I won’t go into specific details of the ending cinematic for the current patch, it was alluded that there could be an unspecified threat of some kind looming, likely to be something very dangerous to the world (of Warcraft!). Whatever this threat is, I assume we’ll learn more about it when we see what the next expansion is.

Granted, with a new expansion, it is a given that we’d see a world-ending threat of some kind. Maybe it’ll involve dragons, since that still seems to be the biggest rumor going around. Whatever the case, it sounds potentially serious…well, I mean the others were serious too, but…you know what I mean.

Whatever the case, as with a new expansion, I will once again continue to hope to see “New Playable Horde Race: Ogres” as part of the expansion’s announcement trailer. I’ve done this with every expansion, and I suspect I’ll continue to do so. Especially if dragons are involved, as the MU Stonemaul Clan would love to get some revenge and bash some evil dragons. Not to mention having Ogre strength would be invaluable if we have to band together to save the world (of Warcraft!) again.

Besides, my b-day is at the end of the month, so while it would be a bit late of an announcement in April, I’d happily call it a late b-day present to me to see playable Horde Ogres finally!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


It’d probably be the expansion after next.
Wasn’t there something said that they’re looking at doing more grounded expansions then more cosmic ones after…flip flopping?

It’s hard to really know what direction the game will go. I would think a more grounded expansion would go better than another cosmic one, in my opinion.

Since we are finishing up a cosmic expansion, I’m hoping we’ll have a more grounded one with the next one. I think getting something that feels more like Warcraft would be much better for the game, since Shadowlands was very disconnecting for players, including myself. I honestly don’t really want to deal with cosmic stuff, at least for the entirety of an expansion again.

All we can really do is temper our expectations, but I will be happier if we’re back on Azeroth next expansion.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I didn’t mind the cosmic aspect, but I think they could have done a whole lot better.
The last two cinematics are very disappointing.

A void themed expansion is something I’d quite like.

Going back to Azeroth should be pretty good as well.

At this point, I don’t know that we should expect much.
The writing has only gotten worse. Really need someone in charge who understands the game, lore, and players. I’ve seen people comparing the current writing to The Last Jedi, and I can’t disagree. We really need someone like Favreau and Filoni to step in.

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A Light/Void theme expansion I’ve seen rumored as a possibility for something to do with the future. I don’t really know too much of what to expect, aside from a possible invasion of Yrel and the Lightbound army, which in of itself could be really neat if done right.

Seems like the biggest rumor for the next expansion involves dragons, which can be cool, depending on what all is done with it. I feel like either of those expansions could involve Horde Ogres in some way, so I’d be curious at either of them.

At any rate, I still hope to go back to Azeroth next expansion. Having a cosmic theme of the entire expansion is a bit too disconnecting for my tastes. I feel like a cosmic thing can work, but it needs to be part of an expansion as opposed to being the whole of it. Just my own personal opinion, of course.

Also, 40 days from the time of this post to April 19th, where we’ll see what the next expansion is!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Yrel going evil offscreen gives me BC Kael flashbacks. Though for her at least there was an adequate amount of offscreen time that a lot could’ve happened in those years I guess.


I hope the next expansion is mostly focused on Azeroth.

And that it brings Ogres and a smattering of other Allied Races into the fold properly…


I hope the horde gets ogres! They should have a while ago!