The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!


Rylak form.

Base it off the Arakkoa model like the Zandalari moonkin is.


Or they just cover themselves in mud and feathers because well ogres arent too smrt. XD

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We did get ogre alliance in kultiren. It’s only fair that horde get ogre also.

And make their dance Fat Guy in a Little Coat.


I’ve been in a bit of a nostalgic mood, so I thought I’d talk some about my Ogre Berserker I had back in Everquest 1 and was an inspiration for supporting playable Horde Ogres, along with making this megathread.

In Everquest 1, Berserkers came out with the expansion “Gates of Discord.” I personally liked the concept at the time, and seeing the race selection for them, I was really interested in the idea of an Ogre Berserker.

I imagined that an giant, angry, and drunk Ogre swinging a giant axe around and chucking smaller axes at enemies was someone you did not want to mess with. The idea of this character was a reason I went with Ogre in the first place, and he quickly became a favorite character of mine to play as.

It was also a lot of fun to engage as a bit of very light RP in chat. Something about speaking in broken English and being dumb is just a lot of fun to do. Being able to bash mobs in the face was an added bonus to that also.

I did recreate him as an Ogre Berserker in Everquest 2, though I think Berserkers were more of a tank than DPS in that game, oddly enough. I was silly enough to take him to the good races city and have him lodge in the Halfling inn. He had to duck to be able to get in and out of buildings, which amused me more than annoyed me.

As I mentioned before, when I first came to WoW during BC, I originally tried to remake my Ogre Berserker into an Orc Warrior, though it didn’t have the same feeling. Even if I pretended he was a peon with muscle who decided to go off adventuring. I figured Ogres were more or less guaranteed to be a playable Horde race in the future, so he ended up being a placeholder until then.

Fast forward to the time of this post, and playable Horde Ogres sadly have yet to become a thing. I still have the name reserved for if they do become playable, and in such a case, I’m planning to make him a Fury Warrior. Something about OGre logic of two weapons means twice “da bashin” just seems fitting for him. Moreso with two 2-handed weapons in hand to showcase his strength.

It’s a dream of mine to be able to recreate him in the game, and thus one of the big reasons I try to lead the charge for playable Horde Ogres. I still keep hope of seeing playable Horde Ogres become a thing, and to me, it is a dream worth marching for. And I intend to keep it up as best as I can while I play WoW. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I wish WoW had a ducking/crouch option
 and then leaned into the different sizes of races rather than trying to make everything fit everyone perfectly.

I still want my Ogre monk to seek balance wherever he goes. His goal will be to get to Ogri’la and become exalted and learn as much as he can from them as well as to learn from the AU ogres more about their culture and people from the past.

I hope they become playable soon

:cut_of_meat: :japanese_ogre:


A duck/crouch mechanic would be interesting, though I don’t know how practical it would be unless you design areas to specifically use it.

If it was something you activated by pressing a button, then I could see it work. It’s how Everquest 1 worked and it was needed. Ogres and Trolls were often too big to go into doorways and such, and unless you had the ability to shrink, you had no choice but to duck walk through entrances. It could be annoying, but to me it helped just make the game seem more like a world. Plus it was a bit of a trade off, since Ogres and Trolls had useful racials.

I recall seeing a Youtube video where someone argued that Ogres and Vrykul should just duck when mentioning the argument of them being too big to be playable races. Automatically ducking would be interesting to see them be able to enter doors, but then I assume a lot of work would need to go into editing all doors and such in the game to be able to do that.

Honestly, I would expect clipping through the top of the door in most cases if anything. Seems like the simplest thing to do. Especially when considering that a lot of clipping into various objects occurs in general, and short of a brand new game and game engine, can’t really get fixed in one way or another.

If it is possible, ducking would be amusing and fitting, but I don’t know how practical it would be to design a mechanic in the context of WoW. Regardless, I don’t see size as an issue, and I’d be fine with clipping through the top of doors if it meant I could have playable Horde Ogres.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Total War: Warhammer 3 has come out finally. I found an updated guide to the units of the Ogre Kingdoms, which I thought I’d share to potentially inspire some playable WoW Horde Ogre ideas. The video is here:

As I said before, Ogres are a big enough deal to be a pre-order bonus for this game. I’d say that playable WoW Horde Ogres would be a big enough deal to be an expansion feature! :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


 I need to get some money together

Ogres are long overdue for the Horde.

:cut_of_meat: :japanese_ogre:


At the time of this post, the Ogre Kingdoms were a pre-order bonus and, as far as I can tell, are not currently available to purchase.

I think they’ve done that with previous Total War: Warhammer games before, so I’m guessing they’ll be available in the future for a small fee. I’m personally going to wait for it to go on sale anyway, and I’m assuming I could use a lizardmen army in it in some fashion, so I’ll be content whenever I can play it. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I don’t think size will be an issue. They already fixed the problem a while back. Try taking a huge mount like the dreadwake through a doorway. It treats the collision part of the model as big enough to pass through, even though the model is way bigger than the doorway. With much smaller character models, the effect would be almost imperceptible most of the time.


Found the intro cinematic for the Ogre Kingdoms in Total War: Warhammer 3, which you can see here:

Very different from the WoW Ogres, but something to note is despite the seriousness they have, they do have a humorous tone at times.

It’s something I can imagine with the Horde Ogre clans, especially with the AU Stonemaul Clan within the ranks. You can have a balance between the dumb fun Ogres, which is definitely needed, but also have a savage and scary part to them. You can still have the “Me bash!” type of Ogres still be fearsome in combat and someone not to mess with, along with the more ferocious and militarized Ogre we’ve seen in WoD.

Ogres can be pretty awesome to see and wouldn’t necessarily be one note at all. Giving them both the dumb and the more serious personalities gives flavor both to world building and also gives RPers more to work with how they want their Ogre to act.

As such, it’s pretty important that the AU Stonemaul Clan is part of the Horde now. Just mix them with the MU Stonemaul Clan, and you can have a variety of Ogres and even designs in armor and so on.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


10/10 want ogres playable as well as vrykul


I was thinking some about the Dunemaul Clan and was wondering the possible paths for them. It’s something I’ve talked about before, but worth another look at again.

As I said before, the best thing for the Dunemaul Clan would be to put them in the playable Ogre faction. They shouldn’t be the sole Horde Ogre faction, but ideally would be an option for those who want to RP their Ogre from one of the Horde Ogre clans. The Dunemaul Clan is technically part of the Horde, so I’d like to see them represented in the playable Ogre department.

If somehow they wouldn’t be part of the playable Ogre faction, being relegated to a NPC Horde faction, then I see them mostly doing stuff for Megs Dreadshredder somewhere. Maybe she has her own place that needs guards, as well as having the Dunemaul Clan off doing stuff. She could also be in the business of the body guard business, where we’d see various Goblin NPC’s being accompanied by Dunemaul Bodyguards. Seems rather fitting to me, and this could still happen if the Dunemaul Clan were part of the playable Ogre faction.

Something I hope doesn’t happen is the Dunemaul Clan turning on Megs Dreadshredder and the Horde and becoming jobber mooks somewhere. I’d rather see them expand more as part of the Horde as oppose to just slaughtering them without much thought. Them doing a heel turn would strike me as a quick “oh right, those guys, lets just turn them into mobs we can put here for players to kill” decision, which seems a bit lazy to me. The Dunemaul Clan staying with the Horde also helps Megs’ character in that she is doing useful things for the Horde, even if she may be in it for herself mainly.

Although the general focus is the MU Stonemaul Clan, along with the AU Stonemaul Clan since they can add quite a bit to the MU Stonemaul Clan, I don’t want the Dunemaul Clan to be forgotten. I’d rather they stay as part of the Horde, offer players a choice for RP opportunities, and be part of one of the playable Ogre factions. They shouldn’t be the only playable Ogre faction, but I feel like their story would just add more to the game if they’re part of it.

Let us never forget our Dunemaul allies, or the Horde Ogre clans in general!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Imagine if she sets the Dunemaul to establish a Horde settlement in Tanaris or even Silithus.

Could even see her establishing something in Uldum.

Be nice to have a Horde town out that way.


This is something I love about the Mag’har, a wealth of different clans coming together rather than just one backstory. Of course, it would be even better if we could choose the outcome of Ancestral Call instead of getting something random.


Stonemaul clan is the best choice for an Ogre allied race for the Horde.

  • They are a part of the Horde.

  • They helped the Horde in Cataclysm and MoP.

  • There are Orcs, Trolls, Blood Elves from the Horde in the Brackenwall Village (Dustwallow Marsh) and Orcs, Trolls, Tauren (maybe a Mok’nathal too - Orhan Ogreblade - but I’m not sure about that) from the Horde in the Stonemaul Hold (Feralas)

We could have that for them as allied race:

  • Class: Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Chaman, Mage, Warlock, Monk, Death Knight

  • Racial capital: Brackenwall Village/Orgrimmar

  • Racial leader: Tharg

  • Racial mount: Clefthoof

  • Hunter pet: Crocolisk

  • Recruitment quest idea: We will see how Eitrigg or Zekhan, the Horde hero (the player) and some Horde soldiers will help Tharg to unite all Stonemaul Ogres from the Dustwallow Marsh, how they will clear the last remaining dragons of black dragonflight from the Dustwallow Marsh and how Tharg will become the new leader of Brackenwall Village and for the Stonemaul clan.

If we can get Ogres as allied race, even if it’s only one head version, that could be pretty nice. :slightly_smiling_face:

Bonus, here is an Ogre with the “gorian style” (and good customizations too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:):


I like it as well, since players can choose their clan for RP purposes. I imagine this working quite well for the Horde Ogre clans, and maybe we could even see something like this for Troll Tribes someday if a few of them united and joined the Horde.

I’m still trying to work out how potential racials could work if you tie in multiple Horde Ogre clans. I tend to lean more to something similar to the Zandalari loa racial, where you choose a clan and gain a small buff based on that clan.

In terms of Ogres, I don’t know if there would be different customization options to represent a clan like how the Mag’har Orcs are. Their clans are fairly distinct, whereas Ogres don’t necessarily have huge differences in looks across their clans. It could be possible to give the Horde Ogre clans some unique customization options, I’m sure.

But regardless of what happens, as long as the MU Stonemaul Clan as least is part of the playable Horde Ogre faction, I’m happy. :smiley:

I have to wonder if the Dunemaul home could be turned into a Horde base. It is a bit spread out, but it could be possible. I do think that the Dunemaul Clan being present in desert Horde bases would make a lot of sense, seeing as the Dunemaul Clan live in the desert. So maybe we could see them in such areas in the future.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


So I came across a video that shows off the different face options for Classic Everquest 1 and the original Ogre models, male and female. It’s a bit choppy, but it seems like the best video I can currently find that at least shows off the different ways male and female Ogres looked back in the day:

Brings back a lot of good memories. I started Everquest 1 during its first expansion, Ruins of Kunark.

Anyway, you’ll notice that even back then, there was a bit of character in the models. Some of them look RAWR and fierce and others look pretty dumb and goofy. It’s something I could imagine WoW Ogres getting, since some people will want to be the savage type of Ogre while others may want to be more big and dumb.

It also helps to show off the faces that female Ogres had. They’re not going to win any beauty contests, but that’s fine! They’re Ogres! They’re suppose to look tough and not someone you want to mess with. They don’t need to be pretty, and you can still get them to look pretty awesome. The look adds personality and is very fitting for Ogres in general.

I’ll have to see if I can find video of Ogres in other games being created. I think it’d help to see what other games did with female Ogres to inspire what could and should be done with female Ogres in WoW.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I feel like this is something Blizzard really needs to keep in mind.

I’m always unsure if they’re going to do justice to a races female model