The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I hope we will have Ogres as allied race for the Horde one day. Here are some more pictures and ideas for the Ogre as playable race. (I can’t put the pictures because of my Trust Level so I put the links here :sweat_smile:)

Female Ogre Concept from Noah Warner.

Some pictures and ideas for Ogres as allied race from reddit user TheAceofHearth.



I think it’s interesting to note that the Alliance had Telaamon, he died a war hero but also went around saying things that Yrel and her followers would have happily agreed with.
So far all we’ve seen is the horde viewpoint in an expansion that featured differing viewpoints on things.
So I do wonder if Yrel and the Lightbound wouldn’t just show up and ally with the Lightforged and go Alliance. Did seem like she was a well liked character.

They could give us her viewpoint. They thought the orcs were killing their world, which they have a habit of doing. It’s likely the timeline was just dying out, but who knows which way they’ll go with it.

I think it will be. It’ll likely rotate between grounded azeroth stuff and then a cosmic expansion.

Ogres and so many others really need to be added, seems like it’d be a big draw.


They really tend to downplay the shadier things the Alliance and its members do. So it seems unlikely that Blizzard would add the Religious Intolerance Genocide Draenei to the faction, and then attempt to justify their behaviour.

Unless I’m misremembering something big, this is incorrect. Yrel and the Draenei started killing the Orcs because they refused to worship the Naaru and the Light.

The Iron Horde, even after switching to Gul’dan as their leader and consuming the Fel, didn’t decimate their Draenor anywhere near as badly as the MU Orcs did.


Yeah, back before she went obviously evil.


Spot on description.


Thought part of all the forcible conversion was because they thought they were killing the world. It’s been a while. Thought that was a big driving factor behind the fallout with the orcs. Then again, a lot was probably do to the Naaru.

Perhaps, but we never did get their side of the story.
They were definitely heavy handed, but that expansion did tend to twist the way the sides saw things.

I am curious to see if it ever comes back into play.


That’s part of what I meant…we already have that. That’s the way Telaamon was and he’s considered a hero of the alliance. :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s an individual character story, though.

It seems far less likely that they’d do it for an entire race/faction.


Yeah, I’m guessing they have their own Xe’ra or equivalent.


Wasn’t it stated that they specifically have AU Xe’ra, or am I misremembering?

I thought they used Xe’ra’s title to refer to their Naaru, anyway.


This is also what I’m hoping for. Shadowlands really killed a lot of my interest in the game and almost got me to quit. Being back with a grounded expansion would do wonders in getting interested again, as well as seeing new playable races.

And yes, I’ll be hoping to see playable Horde Ogres announced like I always do. :smiley:

It’s a possibility, although in that case, you’d also have various races that the Lightbound have forced into their ranks. Then you’d see things like Orcs and Ogres on the Alliance, which just doesn’t seem right to me.

I’d be curious what direction Blizzard would go with them if they brought them back into the story. I was thinking if they were antagonists, it might be a good way to introduce some of the AU Draenor races as playable races. Saberon and Arakkoa would be a good pair, with them having a fierce kerfuffle throughout the ages. It might be a good way to bring in playable Horde Ogres if you get the AU Stonemaul Clan involved, which would bring in the MU Stonemaul Clan with them (maybe Dunemaul Clan also if we’re lucky).

Not sure what else would come with that on the Alliance side. Maybe if they did something with the Botani, though I see them more as antagonists if anything. Not against them being playable, of course. Just seems like there is more potential would the Lightbound as enemies as opposed to allies, at least at first.

Not saying it is the only way to with the Lightbound. It’s just how I personally see it.

I think a lot of playable races that people have been wanting would be a big draw in general. I’m not sure if we’d see a bunch of them in one expansion like with BfA, but I still like the idea of getting new races to join the Horde/Alliance to help against a world-ending threat. Seems like a really good opportunity to make a cool expansion and get some requested playable races people want to see. :smiley:

39 days until the next expansion is announced!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Man…never thought you will get jaded too like me for this game :sweat_smile:

I mean…you have always been optimistic type…finding happiness in small things


Yeah, I think it was Xe’ra…well wiki lists it as the Lightmother, which is a title Xe’ra had, so likely AU version.

Wonder if we could off the Naaru and unbrainwash them :stuck_out_tongue: I liked the old Yrel.

Yeah that would be weird. Does leave an opening for paladin orcs, but they should be horde…but then again I’m all for removing faction restrictions and just keeping them as a story element.

Since there’s talk of Turalyon kinda going bad in one of those whispers, their inclusion could play right into that sort of thing. Then we can team up with Papa N’zoth! I like his tweets on twitter. lol

Probably not, but it’d sure go over well. There’s so many that should be playable options. Diversity is good, open them flood gates!

Some of their story choices have been very questionable lately.


Oh I’m quite capable of being all “bleh” and such with the game. WoD put a sour taste in my mouth and I didn’t like Legion after that, so I quit at the beginning of it and didn’t come back until BfA. As much as BfA had a lot of flaws, it did renew my interest in WoW back in the day. Mostly because of the allied race system, of course.

Shadowlands, however, made me extremely disinterested to be honest. It was to the point I heavily considered quitting again, and I likely would have had I not been managing my Saurok and Ogre megathreads.

Despite that, I do enjoy many aspects of the game still, and assuming the next expansion theme is more interesting and preferably grounded, I’ll at least be content with that. Moreso if any particular race requests become granted.

Darned if it isn’t hard to keep positive at times, however. At worst, I’d consider a hiatus if the next expansion really doesn’t click with me at all like with Shadowlands, which I don’t really want to do since I still want to keep on with the Ogre/Saurok support, among other races I’d like to see playable.

We’ll see what happens, of course. I’m not really planning on quitting any time soon to be clear. I’m just hoping for a beautiful rainbow waiting for us after the storm that is Shadowlands.

I think it would go over well also, though it does depend on what races became playable. Moreso because of all the stuff that went on during Shadowlands behind the scenes, that some good will is needed and signs of showing they’ll be listening to and consider implementing requests and feedback long term is very much needed.

Playable races aren’t the only solution to this, of course, but it is something I feel like would help signify a new chapter of the game, as mentioned before by the devs of the current chapter of WoW closing, and lead to an exciting positive experience. Not to mention getting people interested in the game again, both veterans and newcomers alike.

It’s wishful thinking that we’d see a bunch of new races based on the race request megathreads here, but if it did happen, I know it would be an exciting party on here. Moreso for me if I got Ogres and Saurok with the new playable races. It’s a really fun thought, as much as the chances of seeing something like BfA with that amount of new playable races again seems low.

I do know in such a case, I’d be sticking with the game long-term. I also do want to see others happy and be able to make the characters of their dreams. But we’ll see if the next expansion has any new races of some kind. In the meantime, I still plan to try and keep an open mind and see what lies ahead.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Yep, customization seems to be quite popular. Races and actual character customization often seem to be well received and should be ongoing additions.
Class skins could be a great addition, but I also feel like new classes should happen more often as well. There’s so much more visual stuff that could be done that’d be real popular.


Customization options should definitely be on-going gradually. It’s great to see more options for player characters, and seeing playable races continue to see support is a good sign for long-term health of the game, in my opinion.

New playable races are often well received, assuming they’re good picks. It’s often big news for MMORPG’s in general, since they can open the door for new types of characters for people to get interested in, lore and storylines to get invested in, and can add some much needed diversity to the game. WoW adding new races is a pretty big deal, given that usually, you’d get a pair and a lot of fanfare of races joining the Horde/Alliance. It’s definitely something that I hope continues to be ongoing.

As for new classes, I do like to see them as well, though I understand how hard and annoying it must be to design and balance them with WoW’s other classes and their specs. Not to mention that aspects of some expansions, like with Legion and onward, have class specific things that would really have to be figured out for new classes. Still, I’d be happy to see more new classes if they can work things out.

Class skins I support and think they would be interesting, as they can offer opportunities for some classes to be playable and some unique flavors for classes in general, and I assume would be easier to implement. It’s why I’d be fine to have Necromancers as a skin for Warlocks, for example. I don’t know realistically how they would be implemented, but it is something I’m open to.

Above all else, however, I still hope we could get more character slots per account in some way. All these additions I want to see, but I want to be able to have the slots to create said characters. Hopefully, that’ll be something that gets increased someday.

38 days until the next expansion announcement!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


And WoW has so many to pick from too! They’ve plenty of options.

Thats how I feel for the most part I think.

Legion makes a few issues but they’re not insurmountable I think.

I mentioned this in some thread recently, but I’d like to see Class Skins bring more variability with existing classes and things that would entirely change a class up be their own unique things.

Necromancer, Bard, Tinkerer and warden I don’t see as easily made into skins for instance.


Blizzard! THIS!

Even now we need this.


Well, it might not be ideal, but I can see Necromancer as a skin for Warlocks, Tinkerer as a skin for Hunters, and Warden as a skin for Rogues all working decently enough.

Bard though? Yeah, that’d be tough.

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This might be an odd take, but I see Shaman as the closest mechanically to Tinkers.


Oh yeah, there is that one AoE heal. That would look cool as a song effect.

If they still get that one totem that shoots fireballs, I can see that being skinned into a turret, so I can see where you’re coming from.