The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I agree. Trust will be a hard fought thing for blizzard.

Hopefully we’ll see more and more of our requests actually listened to and considered.

Ogres are for me a big thing for that too…

Them and many of the other races already part of the Horde and Alliance.


It is colder than a banker’s heart outside with snow coming down a whole lot. Thankfully, it isn’t as bad as it could have been, but if I don’t post much, then I’m likely becoming a “snogre” in a power outage. Seems like the chances for that are low, thankfully.

What isn’t so cold is my passion for the races I want playable! And with the start of a new month, a new round of in-game suggestions for races I want to see playable with references to their respective megathreads have gone out from me.

If you’re interested in doing such a thing for each of the races you want to see playable, check out my little guide here:

Every little bit helps!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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From what we know from the Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor book, the MU Stonemaul Clan is “growing their holdings into Feralas in Stonemaul Hold.” I assume this means this isn’t the MU Stonemaul Clan increasing stock value of their outpost.

We also know that the Gordunni have become a bigger presence there, along with other denizens like the Gnolls. The constant warfare there has even lead to the Horde considering another outpost there, which would be called “Camp Rockmaul,” according to Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor.

And for whatever reason, the Horde didn’t go for Dire Maul when the Gordunni left Feralas in the Traveler book series. I can’t imagine why, since it seemed to be ripe for the taking, but whatever the reason, Dire Maul is owned by the Gordunni again.

The situation in Feralas is a bit busy as a result of that, and it seems like this could be a storyline for either an old world revamp version of Feralas or maybe for a Horde Ogre allied race unlock scenario or a pre-expansion event.

As I’ve mentioned before, there are two main things involving Horde Ogres, the MU Stonemaul Clan in particular, that would need to be addressed and work as in-game events leading to their becoming playable: Dustwallow Marsh (where the MU Stonemaul Clan seem to have their home back now…possibly) and also Feralas with the Gordunni threat.

Thinking about Feralas, assuming there could only be one type of event or unlock scenario, this seems to work very well if the playable Horde Ogre faction consists of more than one of the Horde Ogre clans. You could easily have the AU Stonemaul Clan be sent to assist in Feralas and also have Megs Dreadshredder sent the Dunemaul Clan to help out, maybe having an interest in taking Dire Maul for the Horde and helping run operations there for profit!..and for the Horde, of course.

Seems like there is quite a bit you could do there. You could have questing in the area, of course, but the end of the event/unlock scenario would be attacking Dire Maul. One idea I’ve presented multiple times is having Mok’morokk be the Gordok King, which would explain what he has been up since we kicked him out of Dustwallow Marsh. Have him be forced to clean the Ogre outhouses at the end as a bit of humble pie and potential future storylines as opposed to outright killing him, too.

And the other idea was having one of the MU Stonemaul Clan members (Draz’Zilb because of loyalty and being magically inclined is the best choice IMO) become Gordok King, taking over the Gordunni Clan, and thus having them join the Horde as a result. It makes more sense the more I think about it, since that would give the Horde an upper hand in the area to take on the Gnolls and other threats in the area.

Furthermore, taking over Dire Maul works as a racial hub for all the Horde Ogre clans for players to start at. You can still have the dungeon parts of it, whether it’s timewalking or it’s just assisting to help clear out those areas. Plus, the Horde gets a neat little arena to utilize for fun, as opposed to the Gordunni kidnapping people and forcing them to fight in in.

I know I’ve gone over this idea a lot, but it’s an important idea I feel like it is worth revisiting from time to time. Moreso since several aspects of Feralas was discussed in the Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor book. I don’t take it as a sign of things to come in the future, but it’s something I feel is worth discussing.

I still don’t have the book yet, though I do plan to get it at some point when it becomes more available. It’s hard to know where we’ll go in the future, but I still hope for Ogres to be on the Horde side of that character creation screen!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Please stay warm my friend.

Had a few days this winter where me and my family had to flee to my inlaws home cause our power was out. Hard to deal with and sucks. >.<

OH! Thank you for reminding me!

Hmm thats interesting. Suggests the Ogres might be about to take a greater role there.

That sounds like setting up for a story later.

Maybe other issues with wars and world ending threats took precedence, and the Horde just mismanaged it?

Stormwind still barely has Westfall under control.

ooo… I like this.

I think this would be ideal. I’d love to see the Horde take over the ruins of Diremaul. It would also give more reason for the Night Elves to be a little annoyed too. Giving more stories for them to interact. (The Shen’dralar are with the Night Elves now and the Horde taking over Eldrethalas would be a might bit annoying to them I think.)

I hope there is a world revamp in the works… WoW needs it I think.

Dream Big. :cut_of_meat: :japanese_ogre:

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I remembered as I was finishing up my post in your Saurok thread but I wanted to run this by you here!

My thoughts on racials for Ogres. They’d have slightly different racials if two-headed vs. one-headed.

:japanese_ogre: Ogre (H)
Bagzak also convinced me we NEED ogres to finally be released. Long requested Horde race that joined their faction back in WCIII. Should have been added ages ago. Unique option of a two headed ogre should be considered.
Faction: Horde
Racial: Thunk - Bash your enemy and stun them for a short duration. What can I say they’re big and they’re burly. Use it.
Racial: (If One Headed) Descendant of Stone - Minor increase to Stamina
Racial: (If Two Headed) Arcane Heritage - Minor increase to fire, frost and arcane damage.
Racial: (If One Headed) Ancient Shipwrights - Minor bonus to Blacksmithing and Engineering
Racial: (If Two headed) Arcane Understanding - Disenchant gives more materials.
Classes: Warrior, Hunter, Mage, Warlock, Monk, Shaman, Death Knight
Mount: Giant Boar


The first thing we should do when Ogres are playable is Take over Shattrath City

Its our home Goria…it’s our heritage.

Time to reclaim it my fellow Ogres.


Likely, I’d be hosting a celebration launch party in Orgrimmar as my first act with my new Ogre character. :smiley:

Really appreciate you thinking of some racials. I’ve been meaning to think of more, and it helps to have others offer suggestions.

The idea of slightly different racials based on one head or two is interesting, though I would hope it wouldn’t be anything to the point where people purposely roll an Ogre with that number of heads. I’d want people to play their Ogre how they want to because of aesthetics, and not because having a specific number of heads gives them an advantage in combat. I’d hate to see someone not happy they needed their Ogre Mage to have two heads to do more DPS, even if it is minor, or getting yelled at by people to be a two-head Ogre Mage, for example.

I feel like Ogres should just have one set of racials as a result, regardless of the number of heads. That way, people can make their Ogre however they want to and not worry about being not maximizing DPS, constantly switching number of heads based on what needs to be done, and such. Just my own personal opinion, of course. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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Oh I can’t wait!

That’s entirely fair. I hadn’t been thinking about it too much though I try to be balanced when I make racials.

Definitely don’t want to see one type of ogre be considered better than the other.

Hmm. Maybe I’ll give it another crack and see if I can’t make racials that feel good for both…

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Blizz needs to chop chop with the Ogres already!


Down entirely for finally to Ogres to be playable and part of the Horde!


Ogre fans have been requesting them as a playable Horde race since the game launched. If they’re taking some requests that have been going on for a long time under serious consideration, I’m hoping playable Horde Ogres will be one they look at. Not to mention that they were almost a playable Horde race at least twice, allegedly three times, so they must’ve had some interest by the devs.

We just keep going on as best as we can and keep at it with the support. I still dream of seeing Ogres on the Horde side of that character creation screen and seeing Ogre players as champions of the Horde running around Orgrimmar. It’s a dream well worth marching for! :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I think ogres should be a playable race.


Something I’ve been trying to think of is if we got multiple Horde Ogre clans that make up the playable Ogre faction and if we could see a situation similar to the Zandalari, where you could choose a racial based on a particular clan.

It wouldn’t be anything too OP. In fact, as far as I’m aware, there wasn’t much talk about Zandalari loa racials being imbalanced or OP, so it could entirely be possible to do it with Horde Ogre clans.

The way I imagine it is that you could declare your Ogre to be one of the Horde Ogre clans, which you could switch between at any time, and get some slight buffs. For reference, the clans would be the MU Stonemaul Clan, the AU Stonemaul Clan, the Dunemaul Clan, and (if my idea was implemented as part of the playable Horde Ogre storyline) the Gordunni clan.

Said buffs should be something slight and not be something you have to constantly juggle around. Maybe it could also provide some slight differences as you quest and such, like flavor text for example.

It’s an idea I could use suggestions on. Playable Horde Ogres can go either with just the MU Stonemaul Clan (AU Stonemaul Clan can be mixed in) or involve all the Horde Ogre clans in some way. Personally, I’d like all the Horde Ogre clans to be represented in the playable Horde Ogre faction, but if at least the MU Stonemaul Clan gets to be part of it, I’m happy.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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Could have a racial that changes with the clan you select specifically then have the remaining standard racials be like other races.

Normally each race has an active power, passive power, resistance passive, and then something involving either movement or professions.

Make the active power like the Zandalari one or the passive one and then work from there would be my suggestion for that.

The racial I came up with called, “THUNK” I think is still a good Active power. Gives a brief stun and some minor damage. Feels very Ogre to me as well.

If that were to be kept then the Passive Power racial would change depending on Clan Suggestion.

I’m less well versed on the specific clans of Ogres to know what would be appropriate by clan, but given Ogre themeing I imagine one of them should involve bonus’ to magic and another should be bonus’ to some physical stat. Done right you could balance it so neither has any significant power over the other.

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I’d like to see a second head for caster classes.

All melee classes would have a single head, all casters would have two heads. The second head should be able to be customized separately from the first head. If you want one to be a cyclops and the other have two eyes, that should be an option.


Come to think of it, should only caster classes have a two-head option when it comes to player Ogres?

As far as I know, only magically inclined Ogres have two heads. If there is a non-magical Ogre with two heads, I’m unaware of them myself. But as far as I know, it fits with what we know. Death Knights could make some sense if a two-headed Ogre gets raised as one

At the same time, in the context of customization options, would it make sense for two-headed Ogres to be an option for all classes? It seems like something that I could see people wanting to make for any class, and I know it could potentially frustrate people who may want, for example, a two-headed Ogre Warrior but can’t.

In terms of world-building, I understand that it makes sense to lock two-head customization to specific classes, and if that is done, it is less work with getting armor graphics to fit on both heads.

At the same time, I know two-headed Ogres would likely be a popular customization option, so I personally would want people to make the Ogre of their dreams. I don’t know how it would be taken if two-headed Ogres could only be for magic classes.

If non-magic class Ogres can get two-heads, then likely something can get explained in-game to go more in-depth on the process of how Ogres get two heads. Maybe if two-head customization is something you unlock with a questline, like with the Night Warrior questline.

I think opinions would be helpful here, as it is something to think about. Note that I am thinking about this in the context of a player race as opposed to a NPC race and world building, so I’m not really sure what the best direction is. I know offering two-head customization options would be best in making as many people happy. Definitely something to think about.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


That works too, I suppose it doesn’t need to be just casters. Maybe only classes that use no magic at all, like warriors, couldn’t use two heads? Or they could just not restrict it. I’m not married to the idea of casters only, I was just remembering lore I read about the two headed ones.

At any rate, I’d still like to customize them independently of each other.


Since we do see some one headed ogres use magic here and there I don’t think they should be restricted by class but I do like the Racial shifting based on number of heads.


One headed Ogres should be an option for every class. There are plenty of Ogre magic users with just one head, so that makes sense.

If Blizzard went with two head options for all classes, they could go into more detail about the process of it. There is bits of lore of how two headed Ogres came into being, but that can always be expanded or edited to fit any Ogre class having two heads, even if it they’re non-magical classes.

It is something I look at from a world building and game design point-of-view, though. If this was back in the days of Everquest 1, we could see Ogres with two-heads only with magical classes because that seems to be the pattern with a likely reason why this is. Nowadays, something like that could be given to all classes as a result of a change of design philosophy.

A reason I wanted opinions is that I don’t really have a stake in this, since my Ogre character would only have one head. I want there to be two-headed customization options since people do want that, though I do feel that it should be for all classes so people can make what their Ogre the way they want.

I do realize that if the option if opened for all classes, you’d likely see the majority of Ogre players with two heads. Not a particularly bad thing, since I’m sure making a two-head customization option would be a huge undertaking in the first place. At least then, players would be happy to make what they want and there still would be the one head option for those, like me, who want that.

Still makes me wonder if this would be something at launch with playable Horde Ogres or if it would be something you unlock like with the Night Warrior questline. Regardless, I do hope two head customization options would be available for those that want it in some fashion.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Tossing in my support once again for Ogres. Many Horde players over the years have expressed the desire for them. I think this would get tons who are interested in monsters to hop in and play again, especially if we return to Azeroth in 10.0.