The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Posting this in both my megathreads, albeit with slight changes to go with the megathread’s theme.

As most people likely have heard by now, the next patch comes out February 22nd for the US and February 23rd for Europe:

Seeing the place we go to during this patch, I can’t imagine anything Ogre related in it. It does sound like we’ll be getting a 9.2.5 patch, so if somehow we go back to Azeroth during it, maybe we could see how people are faring while we’ve been gone or something. If I noticed anything, I’ll be sure to report it.

Most excitingly though is that it seems like this is the last major patch of Shadowlands, so we could be seeing an announcement of the next expansion in the near future. Hopefully sooner than later. While I don’t know what to expect, though it seems like Dragon Isles may be involved somehow, I’ll always hope to see playable Horde Ogres as a part of the expansion’s features announcement.

Seeing as we’re likely going to beat up the Jailer and how we’re likely going to win (just a sneaking suspicion), I do feel like the Horde will owe me big time yet again for saving the world (of Warcraft!). Maybe I’ll try to petition the Horde Council in person or something to get some new members to the Horde. Making the Horde Ogre clans official full members would be at the top of my list, of course. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Please Blizzard… I want my Ogres !!



Just a suspicion huh?

Should have happened ages ago!

Let us have ogres blizzard!!!


Call it a hunch, but I feel like we’re going to win the day in that battle. :smiley:

Very much agree. Still hoping we’ll see playable Horde Ogres happen someday!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Is it toggleable?


We all are.

Someday big guys.



I just don’t think Ogres can work as a playable race. They’re too big. And if you make them smaller, then they’re just really not Ogres anymore, they’re weird Orcs. I mean, maybe they’ll be able to find ways around this but I feel like it would really tax the limitations of this game. It’d be difficult to make it work.

Personally speaking, I think I’d prefer to see Mok’nathal in. Make them suitably ogre-like but you circumvent a lot of the size issues. You could also make some lore about some Mok’nathal having two heads or being cyclopean like their Ogre progenitors. My two cents.

I respect your opinion on this, but personally I don’t see the issue. In WC3 Tauren were bigger than Ogres, but they shrunk them down to be playable in WoW.

I can’t speak for everyone, but I would personally be very happy with playable Mok’nathal.


Also, ogres vary in size greatly. So we can just play the small ones.


Count me down as wanting both ogres and mok’nathal.


Just think about Ogres interacting with Vulpera. How freaking hilarious would that be ? Ogres casually hanging out with Vulpera, Shal’dorei… Reason enough to advocate for their addition to the playable cast.

God I want them so bad


Bump for justice. I need this and darkspear heritage armor to be happy.


I can’t believe it’s 2022 and we STILL don’t have playable ogres. Arguably the most iconic/best unit from Warcraft 2 (with upgrade to ogre-mages for bloodlust) and they’re the only race from that game that’s still not playable. This level of negligence should be a crime.


As I mentioned before, I don’t really view size as an issue. Playable Ogres should be at least Tauren size, if not a bit bigger than that. I don’t expect them to be gigantic like you see in NPC models, but decently sized is a must IMO.

Of course, size is a bit weird in the game. A lot of NPC’s are bigger than they would normally be in-game. I remember Jaina towering over people back in the days of Classic, for example. Not to mention that in lore, Ogres are suppose to be Tauren size, and we see some Ogres around that size and other heights in-game. It is really inconsistent as a result.

Also as I’ve said before, I don’t want any race to become playable as a compromise for another race people want. If Ogres become playable, it shouldn’t exclude Mok’nathol or vice versa, for example. Especially since they’re completely different in personality, culture, and so on. But I do support both, of course!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Agreed, I’d love for both to be playable eventually.


I often wonder why people think this would be the case?

Or why folk sometimes assume that because a race has no female model it wouldn’t be possible?

I know theres a few others but I’m too tired right now to remember them, but little nitpicky issues like that as the reasons we can’t have a race or not.


People forget that there aren’t females for many races until there simply are. IIRC, about half of the playable races in Vanilla WoW only had male units in WC3, Worgen didn’t have women until Cataclysm, Pandaren girls were an enigma until MoP, etc.


And more recently, female Nathrezim were introduced in SL and Incubi are coming in 9.2… that’s a phony problem really.


That problem is:


Which is true. Some of the current playable races never had a female model at all. When they became playable, they made the female models and we saw them appear in the world (of Warcraft!). Even candidates for playable race status like Gilgoblins use to be all males before the Kelfin appeared with female Gilgoblins. It’s rather silly to say -insert race here- can’t be playable because no females exist in game when they can just be created and appear.

I see no reason why female Ogres wouldn’t be treated the same. We already know they exist, between Ogrezonia, the female Ogre mask, and Tharg’s wife being mentioned in-game. With playable Ogres, we’d see female Ogre NPC’s start to show up either as NPC’s or likely among enemy Ogres who exist to be jobbers for quests.

Speaking of female Ogres, I do think female Ogres would bring in some fresh air for those who want to play a female character that isn’t another barbie doll waifu. It’s something I’ve talked about before several times, but I think that it does better for the game to give an option to be a gruff and savage character as opposed to adding yet another prettied up race. Sure, not a lot of people will play them, but having that option does wonders for those who would want to play that type of character as well as for world-building purposes.

Anyway, I’m sure we’d see female Ogres if Ogres became playable. Either they would appear with no fanfare and we’ll act like they always were there or we’d get a brief mention of Ogrezonia of where they came from. The important thing is getting playable Horde Ogres in the first place!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: