The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I realized that you can go to the Maw Assault from your Covenant Sanctum if you’re of that covenant. I think it takes you close enough that getting into combat isn’t too much of a worry. Especially with stealth as an option.

I may consider taking screenshots in the future at least for the Necrolords one. I know I need to get better gear for one of my Rogues to do the assault, and it’ll depend when I have the time to do so. Also, I will have to remember what the cut scenes are in each of the covenant assaults to see whether it’d be worth it to do it with the Glyph of Disguise illusions.

Though I still keep some hope that we’ll be able to do these Maw Assaults as actual Ogre characters and other races we want playable someday! :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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All this talk about dragons having some role in the next expansion makes me hope that we’d see the MU Stonemaul Clan play a part in helping to beat up any evil dragons.

Getting some revenge on any remaining evil dragons that were involved in making the MU Stonemaul Clan lose their home would be a good loose thread to tie up. Mostly, it was us champions who did a little bit (unless beating up Onyxia takes place during Cataclysm), and the MU Stonemaul Clan didn’t really get to partake in revenge against them that I am aware of. It’s something I would love to see occur in the game as a bit of closure for them having to go through losing their home.

Of course, we don’t know who the big bad will be next expansion. I do feel like there may be evil dragons involved of some kind, so I’m sure the Horde Ogre clans would love to beat them up regardless. Still, is there are any remnants of the evil dragonkin that drove the MU Stonemaul Clan away from their home, then it would be good to see them get some revenge. Not to mention that it would make a great pre-patch event to an expansion, along with giving us playable Horde Ogres finally. :smiley:

As of now, I don’t know what to expect for the next expansion. Hope will always remain, though!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


A few days ago, Mike Ybarra made the following twtitter post about upcoming news for Warcraft and other Blizzard games:

“Blizzard is a big studio and we have talented and growing teams supporting live games as well. Over the coming weeks, you’ll be hearing more on that from Warcraft and Overwatch. Diablo will follow. Stay tuned!”

I’m hoping that this means the next WoW expansion will be announced within the next few weeks. Whatever gets announced, I’ll be sure to report it. If anything Horde Ogre related comes from the next expansion, I’ll be sure to report any findings here also.

As always, I keep hope of seeing playable Horde Ogres announced when it comes to new WoW expansions. If we are dealing with dragons, then I do hope that the MU Stonemaul Clan at least plays a part in it while helping the Horde. Especially since they have some unfinished business with any remaining dragonkin who were part of kicking them out of their home.

Much as I try to temper expectations, I’ll always keep a part of hope with me for a playable Horde Ogre announcement!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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While I’m going to expect more likely a 9.2 release announcement, heres hoping that its an expansion and it adds a whole bunch of new ARs. :stuck_out_tongue:

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While I don’t expect to see a batch of 10+ playable races again like with BfA, it would be amazing to see another round of allied races that were requested a lot.

Of course, I would hope to see Ogres and Saurok on the Horde side, but I’d also be happy to see others get the races they’ve been requesting for some time as well. New playable races are something that lasts throughout a game’s lifespan, and both new playable races and new customization options would be a good way to show that Blizzard is listening. Of course, to show they are listening is a long-term effort, but it’d be a good start IMO.

All we can do is just keep hope as time goes on and keep up the support. We’ll see what happens when it happens. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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Just a few ARs being added would be nice. Though the dream for me is Blizzard just going for broke (maybe not immediately at release) and adding in every race thats already part of the Alliance and Horde and then further adding in some of the ones you see requested a lot.

I’m a bit torn at the moment on which races I would put at the tipitty top of my list…Ogres and Saurok and Sethrak and Furbolg and Alteraci and Kelfin and San’layn(/Dark Ranger) all are high hopes for me.

But then theres things like Ethereals, Saberon, Arakkoa, Proper Wildhammer, Revantusk, Tuskarr, Taunka, Frostborn Dwarves, Tortollan, Jinyu, Ankoan, Hozen and so many others.

I digress.

I agree that its unlikely we’ll really see a huge amount if any AR’s in the next expac. But I dream.

One could say…

I dream big. :cut_of_meat: :japanese_ogre:


Just came back to the game after a nice break and am here once again to show my support for playable Ogres!

They should’ve been a thing from the start imo. Such an iconic Horde race.

My top 5 would be: Sethrak, Arakkoa, Saberon, Naga, and Dragons. Guess I just really want to see more beast-like races lol.


Nothing wrong at all with that!

I’d support (or do for most of those) all of em.

Kinda curious to see how Blizzard would get two of those done actually. Especially with the talk about the next expac and how “dragons” might be a race if the leak is to be believed.


I personally think that leak screams of fake, but really hope that the playable Dragon part of it makes it to the game.

If they do manage to become a thing, I hope it’s not just the Black Dragonflight though. I’d like to see all the flights become playable and have their own unique racial abilities. Like maybe Bronze Dragons could have a racial similar to that one Mage ability where they shift back in time to a few seconds earlier.


I’m fairly sure at least most of it isn’t real.

If dragons do become playable in some fashion it would be really odd to me if at least the five main flights weren’t playable.

Just doing Black Dragons would be a bit of a pity. Cool. But there’d be so much more you could do with the rest…


Right? I could talk about the potential for playable Dragons forever, but I don’t want to derail the Ogre thread too much lol.

Here’s to hoping that both Ogres and Dragons eventually become playable. I’d love to see them in the game.


Here here!

I long for the day I get to play my Ogre Monk trying to find enlightenment and a future for their people. (Possibly with two heads but probably just one.)

:cut_of_meat: :japanese_ogre:


You’re not derailing the thread. Dragons do play an important part to the MU Stonemaul Clan at least, so it does potentially relate to the topic! :dragon:

If I were to rank my top 5 most wanted races, they would be the following:

  1. Saurok (Horde) :meat_on_bone::crocodile:
  2. Ogres (Horde) :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:
  3. San’layn (Horde :wine_glass::bat:
  4. Saberon (Either) :cut_of_meat::tiger2:
  5. Kelfin (Horde) :japanese_goblin::trident:

They’re what I currently have character slots saved for in case they do become playable, which would make my day.

There are plenty of neat races I’d love to see playable in general. I just wish we could get that 50 character limit per accounts raised, as I’m dangerously close to the cap and don’t want to delete anyone.

As for the “leak” itself, I don’t really believe anything until I see official announcements. It’s really hard for me to comment on stuff fairly unless I actually see it announced and see it in action in-game. If that whole playable dragon “leak” is true, I’d need to see it in action before I could really judge it, granted I have some concerns about it that I’ve posted about before somewhere. At present, I’m wanting to keep an open mind and not entirely dismiss the idea.

As I mentioned before, it seems like “leaks” get the general theme of an upcoming expansion right, but none of the details are correct. Chances are we’ll see something dragon related next expansion, but what that is is up in the air. Maybe Dragon Isles will be involved in it, whether it’s a small role or the main place we go to. Honestly, I’ll be happy to be back in the living world (of Warcraft!).

Something I will touch up in more detail in my Saurok megathread at some point is with regards to my thoughts on an actual dragonkin race, where it’s something like Dragonborn from D&D. I’m not entirely against it, so long as Blizzard doesn’t go “Here you go! A reptilian race!” and never consider Sethrak or Saurok as a result of that. Otherwise, I’d be fine with it, though dragonkin races don’t quite scratch that itch for my love of lizardmen races.

As I said, I hope that the next expansion’s announcement is sooner than later. The chance of seeing Horde Ogres at least come back into the story involving dragons is a good way of bringing them into the spotlight again. Not to mention that if I see a new rep for the MU Stonemaul Clan, I will prioritize raising that ASAP. < - <

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Hello my fellow future Ogres

I just found out that total war Warhammer 3 is introducing playable Ogre kingdoms Racepack. A good way to get our Ogre fix until wow introduces Ogres as playable race

Here is the trailer…it looks mind-blowing

It will be available on game-pass


Yep! They’re currently a pre-order bonus for getting the game, which I think releases in February. That trailer has me wanting to make a Horde Ogre drinking song, which I’ve been working on for quite some time.

I’m interested in the game, though I’ll likely wait for it to go on sale on Steam in the future. I assume Ogre Kingdoms will be able to be purchased in the future, which I think the series has done that before with pre-order factions. When it comes out, I’ll be looking for videos on all the units and such to share for Horde Ogre idea inspiration.

As I said before, it’s cool to see a game series celebrate Ogres in a grand fashion. Still hoping to see WoW do that with their Ogres by announcing them as a playable Horde race in the near future!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


You can get it for free on game pass :slight_smile:

If Ogres become playable…I want to Burp like the one shown in that trailer :sweat_smile:


Game Pass is a neat concept, though I don’t know if I’d get a lot of use out of it since free time seems to get smaller and smaller. Getting employed will likely lower that free time even more. It is something I’d consider in the future though, especially if it might give me a sub to both WoW and ESO. :smiley:

I’ve linked this video in the previous Ogre megathread, but I thought I’d share it here. This shows a comparison between Ogre models in Warcraft 3 and Warcraft 3 Reforged for some of the Ogre units in the game:

Thought I would share this for Ogre armor/customization idea inspiration!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

So some exciting news happened recently about some features of WoW becoming cross-faction:

While some things are only one faction still for now, such as guilds, it makes me wonder if this could open the door in the future for things like that to change.

Guess it means we’ll have to explain to our Horde Ogre allies that we work some with the Alliance on some things. They’ll have to know when it’s ok and not ok “ta bash da lie-ence!” in certain situations. :smiley:

Also, it does seem like they’re considering fan requests in general. Gives me a bit of hope they’re looking at the customization and new playable requests as well. We can only hope!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I already said this in the San’layn thread (and a few others) but hopefully this rash of Blizzard listening to player requests suggests theres a much higher chance we’ll get our Ogres before too long.

:cut_of_meat: :japanese_ogre:


I’m hoping so as well. Especially since Horde Ogres have been requested for so long.

I do think in general, there is a lot that needs to be done in order to get back trust and popularity again. There are many pieces to that puzzle, whether it’s stuff like more customization options or testing the wars with cross faction stuff like we’ve seen before, but my hope is that fan requests for things will be given serious consideration. Many things can be done with the game that would make a lot of people happy and be something of a long-term investment for the game.

Horde Ogres are something I feel like would be a long time coming. Moreso with the excitement of seeing two-headed customizations and even female Ogre becoming a thing in-game aside from a mention or two. They aren’t THE solution to all of the game’s problems, but I think if done right, they would generate a lot of excitement from people and would be a good way to show good will, among other fan requests becoming a reality.

We can only hope that if they’re considering long time requests, that playable Horde Ogres will be among those requests! :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: