The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

When it comes to female Ogres, I don’t think they should be prettied up to become a waifu race. I also don’t think they should intentionally be designed as if they fell from the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.

Instead, I want to see what makes an Ogre an Ogre applied to female Ogres. Something that is strong with a savage look. A bit like female Orcs, only kicked up a notch or two. It’s something that would be unique enough to offer for those interested in such a character, as opposed to yet another pretty race.

As I mentioned, I don’t expect female Ogre players to be plentiful. However, having it as an option helps with the world-building, in addition to offering more of a diversity in the playable race department. Some players would make a female Ogre character as a bit of a joke, but some would make a serious female Ogre character. Especially on RP realms, I’m sure. As such, you would be able to attract such players with that offering who might not have much interest in the other races.

I have to wonder about the thought process of Everquest 1 when they designed their female Ogres and Trolls. Looking at the game, it seemed like they were more concerned with designing a world as opposed to “what players want” in a race. Even if barely anyone played female Ogres or Trolls in that game, there were still several NPC’s that at least make the game feel more like a world. I recall there being some interesting stories from a few of these female Ogre and Troll NPC’s if you talked to them as well. I’m sure something similar could be applied to female Ogres in WoW, with memorable NPC’s and quests.

Female Ogres are going to be part of the marketing hype that would be involved with a playable Horde Ogre announcement. No matter what is done, there likely will be the “Eeewwww” type of comments that go around on the internet. Instead of trying to limit or avoid that, I would just embrace it and make sure that Ogre characteristics are applied to female Ogres. It would be there as an option if people want it, and if you design female Ogre NPC’s well, maybe you’ll change a few minds of players in viewing them not being that bad as they become the norm.

It’s just how I honestly view female Ogres in general. Make them more waifu-like, and it’s just a banal addition that doesn’t add much. Make them more like actual Ogres, and it adds much more to the game in more ways than one.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Agree to disagree on this?

Orc Females were already “waifu” versions of male Orcs. Look at the exaggerated proportions, the silhouette, the sheer personality of the males… and the females are just a typically-attractive-human-girl-in-cosplay version of that. The model updates made it even worse, essentially removing the “ugly” snarling faces. I don’t want Ogre females to follow this path.

They should embrace the ugly. Go for an utterly bombastic, imposing, memorable design. Not “hot amazon with a horn.” Theradras is a good starting point. As for popularity… they’re never going to be popular. Just as Dwarf females will never be popular. Muting their design to something typical will only reduce that popularity further as there will already be options for that aesthetic.

I do not want to question if a female Ogre is just a big Orc, or a Kul Tiran, or a male Ogre, or whatever else. I want brave, extreme design here. A chance for Blizzard to truly show that they can design women without objectifying them by making the stereotypical human ideal of attractiveness a core tenet of their design, as they did with literally all other female designs (Tauren included!).


What I meant with that text was moreso that it shouldn’t be entirely the focus on designing female Ogres. What makes an Ogre an Ogre should be the most important aspect to me. How they look aesthetically should be applied to that vision afterwards.

I do agree that between beauty and ugly, that female Ogres should lean more towards ugly. That is more fitting to Ogres in general, and to pretty them up in any form lessens them as Ogres and misses the point, as you mentioned before. It doesn’t make any sense to make them beautiful and would hardly add anything to the game as opposed to having them be more on the ugly side.

I do feel going that direction would just do much more for the game in the long run. Both for players interested in that type of character, but also for female Ogre NPC’s. I feel that beautifying them just hinders more than it would help.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:



My support for playable Ogres.


With Brewfest currently going on, I wanted to go over an Ogre-related part of it. It’s not a Horde-specific Ogre, of course, but still something interesting.

During Brewfest, one of the vendors there that is selling their brew is this guy:

You’ll notice this a Gordok Ogre, which is of the Gordunni Clan. They sell in both Horde and Alliance Brewfest areas, and seem to act surprised when people actually want to buy from them according to the textbox that occurs when you right click them to buy from them.

There isn’t too much more to this vendor, but it is something I wanted to share as a for-fun thing. I assume if the Gordunni became part of the Horde, via an idea I’ve talked about where a Stonemaul Ogre becomes their leader and thus the Gordunni become part of the playable Ogre faction, this Ogre’s clan name would likely change to another neutral clan. Otherwise, this guy would likely stay in both Horde and Alliance as a Gordok vendor.

When it comes to Brewfest, I always imagined an Ogre mug to be a something like a barrel with metal handle on the side in order to pick it up and drink it that way. It’s something that would be amusing to see and rather fitting in general. Maybe it’d make for a cool toy in-game!

Anyway, this is just something for fun I wanted to share. Maybe stop by and visit this guy and check his wares out if you go to do Brewfest stuff. It’s good to see Ogres part of Brewfest in some fashion (I wonder how this Ogre was able to apply as a vendor and be accepted, come to think of it), even if it isn’t specifically Horde-related Ogres. Maybe the Dunemaul Clan and the MU and AU Stonemaul Clans could brew up some interesting concoctions to share there someday.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


So will these Ogres take the same path as Pandarens that you get to choose a faction or what? If not will one clan join Alliance and another Horde?

How will this pan out?

I’d imagine the Ogres would just join the Horde and there would be a new neutral clan for brewfest… or the Gorduk would just continue to operate as neutral for the festivities.

Peace even in war can occur for holidays.


This might actually get me playing Horde. Seriously.


Though interested if Alliance would get a clan of Ogres. But who knows. At this point to give a boost to alliance players population a alliance ogre might be a boon for them to balance faction imbalance.

If you’re referring to the Gordok Ogre I linked, they don’t have anything to do with playable Ogres in general. I assume they were just added to add some variety to Brewfest I assume and has nothing to do with playable Ogres in general. The Gordunni Clan at present is a neutral Ogre clan that is hostile to Horde and Alliance.

I was moreso speculating if the idea of having the Gordunni become part of the playable Horde faction came to pass. It isn’t a guarantee, but there are ways to make it work and fit a storyline of getting Dire Maul for the Horde.

I’ve talked about it in several posts, and this post is where I go in a bit more detail about the idea:

It wouldn’t be the sole playable Ogre faction, of course. Just an idea if Blizzard went with the multiple factions route of the playable Ogre faction.

I firmly believe that Ogres are a Horde race, and if anything, the MU Stonemaul Clan need to be part of it or, if there is only one faction that makes up the playable Ogre faction, a combined MU and AU Stonemaul Clan would need to be it.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I want to preface this by saying I am not telling you not to request it…

I don’t really see why any ogre clan would join the Alliance especially given that the Ogres are already a part of the Horde, just not playable.

No ogre clan has really any reason to join the Alliance no clans have shown an interest and again…

The Horde already has at least two clans of Ogre possibly three with some fairly easy reason to bring in a fourth.

Just don’t really see why it would go down like that. Kinda like how its highly unlikely for Sethrak to be Alliance.

No race will ever tip that scale. Thats not what caused the issue in the first place.

It was a racial in MoP that started that trend towards Horde dominating across the board in endgame. Blizzard took too long to fix it and when they did it was too late. No one had a good reason to go back, and from then on players went where it was easiest to get the guilds.


Ether way I support playable Ogres even if they are Horde. :+1:


I think the only ones I could see kinda shifting towards Alliance would be Ogri’la Ogres… but they don’t have a good reason to change from neutral. Then again that could work either way. lol

I actually have a story among my fanfiction that I write where one of my Alliance toons actually took control (accidentally) of an Ogre clan and has them as members of his semi-neutral-more-alliance-than-not faction. So I get wanting to see em Alliance.

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That sounds interesting. Maby if Alliance is trying to make peace treaties with them in a story I could maby see it work. I don’t know I guess we have to wait and see.

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I want a playable Dagg please. Ogre Rogue. Would switch my blood elf to a Dagg asap.


As it turns out, that Gordok Ogre vendor I linked previously is in Brewfest both on Retail and in TBC Classic, where he was added during TBC. Interesting to see they’ve been doing business in both Horde and Alliance areas since then. A shame that they don’t seem to have much self esteem in their wares selling.

In relation to this vendor, there is a Gordok brewmaster in the Dire Maul dungeon:

If you keep him alive and become the Gordok King in the dungeon, you can buy from him. There isn’t much of interest to buy from him, though as I said, he has much more self esteem:

“Kreeg let you look at Gordok hooch. Ogre hooch best of all hooch, and Gordok hooch best of all ogre hooch! Maybe you buy some from me, ya boss?!”

With regards to the Horde Ogre clans, the Blood Elf in Brackenwall Village calls the MU Stonemaul Clan’s ale “sour.” This is shown in the following quest:

“The ogres here are useful for little more than crude jokes, sour ale, and bouts of headbutting”

Maybe as a Blood Elf, their tastes are a bit more refined. At any rate, maybe the Horde Ogre clan brewmasters would continue to innovate their creations over time, potentially make some popular drinks, and and then be popular within the Horde as a result. I’m sure the three different clans would have different types of drinks they make and could learn from each other or have friendly competition.

I would guess that brewmasters would be a popular tradeskill for Ogres in general to look into. It makes me imagine that Ogre Brewmaster Monks would be fairly popular in Ogre clans also. I mean, you are combining drinking with fighting, and I would assume Ogres would love to be able to combine both in a practical manner.

Anyway, just some interesting observations I wanted to share for fun. Especially since Brewfest is going on.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Just what the Horde needs. More ugly.

You misspelled awesome.


A week from this Saturday will be the 9th of October, which will be the one year anniversary of this megathread!

Unfortunately, due to being busy with RL obligations, such as trying to find employment, I don’t think I’ll be able to organize any in-game event for it. I’m still planning to make a post that day, but I do want to figure out some other stuff to do for our anniversary. I’ll see if I can figure something out.

If anyone has any ideas or even some Ogre stuff you want to share, please feel free to! It’s always cool to see Ogre fans come together and share their passion and interest for playable Horde Ogres. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I formally do not stand in the way of Orges.

For good reason :yum: