The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I thought I would take a look at several Ogre-related toys in the game. Unfortunately, a few of these aren’t easily unobtainable, having been tied to the WoW card game. I’ll start with those first:

Both of these come from the WoW card game and act as an illusion for a red skinned Ogre, the first one having one head and the other having two-heads. I assume it uses the older Ogre model as opposed to the WoD Ogre models.

Sitting around for a rare spawn to appear? Want to have some fun, get something tasty, and have something others can join in? Then the Ogre Piñata is for you!

Give it several good smacks, and you’ll be in candy heaven as you get to munch on some delicious pink gumballs! (Please don’t actually eat the gumball, as you will likely be in for a rough time on the can).

Fun for all ages and for all occasions! (Note, please don’t attempt to beat up actual Ogres for candy. They’re much sweeter than candy would ever be, and you really don’t want to consume their innards. It doesn’t taste like candy at all. Trust me on this one. Please be kind to the Ogres.)

As I mentioned, these aren’t really obtainable in the game any more (Wowhead comments say the piñata is occasionally on the black market auction house. Not sure if true) unless you happen to come across some unused codes from the card game…which I imagine would be harder to find as time goes on.

As far as I know, those are the only unobtainable Ogre toys in the game, so let’s see what is available:

This Ogre illusion has been shown off a few times and mentioned in this megathread. It drops off this guy:

However, something to note as mentioned before is that the drop rate for this item seems to have been significantly lowered. Originally, it was a high chance, and now it seems like you’d have a better chance of finding a cat willing to take a bath now. It’s unclear if it is a bug or what, but keep that in mind if you attempt to get this toy.

This neat toy will summon a seesaw to your location. Most of the time, it’s just a regular seesaw, but in areas where flight is enabled, sometimes Lunk, that Ogre you quest with in a couple areas in Cataclysm, will appear on one end.

When that happens, you can attempt to jump on the other side of the seesaw to see if you can move him upwards. Note that such a feat can’t happen, and you will fly through the air as Lunk laughs with you at your silly attempts. I mean, really, moving an Ogre? Ridiculous!

Warning: Attempting to move Lunk may result in injury, humiliation, loss of self esteem, potential amnesia, involuntary exploration of outer space, or potential death. Please be sure to wear a helmet and parachute and also notify next of kin before attempting. Darkmoon Faire and its related businesses are not responsible for damages as a result of somehow making Lunk angry. Please be nice to Lunk. He is a treasure and deserves to be treated with respect.

Accomplished a big task in-game and need to throw a party to celebrate? Want to become the most popular member of your guild? Well, you’re in luck with this brewing kit toy!

Just insert the following material, and you’ll be partying as hard as an Ogre would:

-Gorgrond Mineral Water
-Mild Spices
-Highmaul Hops

Note: Please drink responsibly and be of the legal Azerothian age to drink. Over consumption may result in prancing around Orgrimmar in a chicken suit singing songs about Merlin the happy pig. If injury or death occurs, please consult your local friendly Holy Priest for assistance. Bagzak_Inc is not responsible for major hangovers, bad investments, unwanted marriage proposals, and any other forms of embarrassment.

So far, that is all the Ogre-related toys I can find. If I missed any, please share and I’ll be sure to add them!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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Since the Ogri’la Ogres were mentioned a few posts back, I wanted to add in my thoughts on them, which will be my own personal opinion. I really don’t see them becoming a part of the playable Ogre faction at all.

The thing about the Ogri’la Ogres is that they have their own goals since having gained a form of enlightenment. If they have an interest outside of their residence, it may be to either gather as many apexis crystals to find a new place to settle (assuming Outlands is slowly breaking apart) or possibly helping assistance with world-ending threats.

Since their interest is to continually seek enlightenment, I don’t see how jumping into a faction war would help them attain their goals. If anything, I see them more bonking the Horde and Alliance on the head to get them to knock it off and focus on protecting Azeroth. I mean, the world (of Warcraft!) has been nearly ended multiple times, and likely there will be more attempts later on. I feel like The Orgi’la Ogres would be more concerned with that as opposed to fighting and dying in some kerfuffle between the Horde and the Alliance, likely feeling above that type of thing.

That’s honestly how I feel about the Ogri’la Ogres. Could something be written for them to be the playable Ogre faction? Likely so, but as I mentioned before, there are three Ogre clans within the Horde already, with the MU Stonemaul Clan being the most important. I’d prefer they get the focus if Ogres became playable, with the other two Horde Ogre clans, becoming part of it as well.

I do wonder if we’ll run into the Ogri’la Ogres again in the future for something, likely as a neutral faction for a quest hub of whatever is going on in a storyline. If we do, I’ll be sure to cover it.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


It’s worth noting that Ogri’la Ogres are potentially incapable of fighting. Apexis crystals make Ogres more intelligent and pacifies them. You have the peacekeepers but beyond that I don’t think Ogri’la monks would be able to show aggression.


We know there are three clans of Ogres within the Horde and that the Horde is fairly open to working with Ogres in general, provided they do their part of the agreement and don’t hinder the Horde in general. Sadly, not all Ogre clans are smart enough to realize that cheesing off the Horde isn’t the best idea ever, and there are two clans in particular that kinda had it coming to them as a result.

The first one and most notable one is the Dreadmaul Clan:

These Ogres weren’t good Ogres. During Vanilla, they sided with the Burning Legion in order to be granted eternal life…assuming they stayed in the Blasted Lands. They since captured a hero of the Horde and his companions, making them slaves. Needless to say, they were up to no good afterwards and had very low moral fiber.

The Horde was obviously not amused by their actions, and as a result decided getting Dreadmaul Hold, an old Orc city, back from the hands of the Dreadmaul would be a good start. And so, during Cataclysm, they invited, using some strong persuasion, some of the Dreadmaul Clan into indentured servitude to get them to…do stuff of some sort for them.

The Dreadmaul Clan, not happy with the health benefits, decide enough is enough, and with the Iron Horde invading during the WoD pre-patch, and somehow take back Dreadmaul Hold and side with the Iron Horde. Obviously, we defeated the Iron Horde, so who knows where the Dreadmaul Clan is and what they’re up to.

The subjugation of the Dreadmaul Clan was needed because the Dreadmaul was no good. They were full of evil Ogres, so negotiations would have been as successful as an elephant riding a hummingbird. It isn’t like the Horde subjugated all Ogre clans, seeing as they have three clans within their ranks, so they are willing to work with Ogre clans when they aren’t going to be a pain in the butt.

A good example of this is the other clan that the Horde attempted to work with, called the Dustbelcher Clan:

During Vanilla, the Dustbelcher Clan was hired to help the Horde get the Sign of the Earth, which would have been used to open the prison of two of Deathwing’s lieutenants. The Dustbelcher Clan get the item…but for whatever reason, decide to break their contract with the Horde and keep it for themselves. Maybe they thought would make a good display piece. Maybe they thought they would make a lot of money selling it on Ebay. Or maybe they thought it’d make a good football. Who knows?

Obviously, the Horde was again not amused with this decision, and so the leader of the Dunemaul Clan suddenly came down with a severe case of revenge and regret. Obviously, the Dustbelcher Clan kinda had it coming to them, but it is interesting to see that the Horde is willing to work with Ogre clans. Maybe the MU Stonemaul Clan made a good impression on Thrall at the time.

Speaking of which, the quest for beating up the Dustbelcher Leader has an interesting bit of text when you go to turn the quest in as progression text (reminder that this was during Vanilla):

“Tho’grun’s betrayal… is there any wonder why the ogres are part of the Horde no longer?”

A bit of a weird comment, since the MU Stonemaul Clan should’ve been part of the Horde. Maybe the comment was referring to Ogre of the past no longer part of the Horde, maybe the MU Stonemaul Clan weren’t officially part of the Horde for whatever reason during Cataclysm and just allies (something that should be fixed as they deserved to become full members), or maybe the questgiver didn’t know they had Ogres part of the Horde.

This quest I think was removed when Cataclysm come out, along with that thieving boss Ogre of the Dustbelcher Clan, so unless I’m mistaken, neither that quest nor that line of dialogue appears in Retail. If the line of dialogue did appear in Retail, it’d be wrong since the MU Stonemaul Ogres had more of a role in Cataclysm.

Anyway, as you can see, the Horde is open to working with Ogre clans, provided they don’t do something stupid like break their promises or contracts with the Horde. Had the Dustbelcher Clan actually followed through, they would likely be much happier and healthier and not…well, having their clan mostly dead.

And as I said, there are three clans of Ogres within the Horde. Sure, they’re kinda forgotten (sadly), but it isn’t like they’re getting mistreated or under duress of any form. At the very least, the MU Stonemaul Clan are proud to be apart of the Horde, and they seem really excited and happy about it.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to write a rough draft proposal of making the Horde Ogre Clans full members of the Horde to present to the Horde council. They already owe me several favors from saving the world (of Warcraft!) and call it a hunch, but I have a sneaking suspicion that they’ll owe me another one after we deal with the Jailer.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Still want my ogre sumo monk.

:cut_of_meat: :japanese_ogre:


This was sort-of confirmed back in Cataclysm. When you do the Protectors of Hyjal daily quest, the protectors who appear to help you clear out Sethria’s Roost can be notable characters instead of generic NPCs.

In addition to heroes from the Alliance, Horde, Cenarion Circle, Argent Crusade, etc. one of the characters who can appear is Mog’dorg the Wizened. As you progressed through the quest, he’d say a few things:

I heard Azeroth needed saving. May I lend a hand?

We ogres are not all bad.
You have the support of Ogri’la.
We are friends of the world you call Azeroth. I am happy to provide any assistance that I can.

It is time that I returned to Ogri’la. I hope you do not forget about us, as we have not forgotten you.

At the time, it seems they’re content to remain in Ogri’la, and have no interest in taking sides, and I’m fine with it staying that way.

Honestly though, it’s one of my favorite dailies in the game. It was such a small detail, but it helped sell the image that all of Azeroth (and even parts beyond) was stepping up to deal with the threat of Ragnaros and Deathwing.


I remember reading about that quest, but I have never actually done it in-game before. I do agree that it does add a lot to see different factions on Azeroth come together to help fight against world-ending threats. It is fitting for the Ogri’la Ogres to have an interest in that regard.

I do think that the Ogri’la Ogres should remain as a neutral faction. Their path is that of enlightenment and possibly to help protect the world (of Warcraft!) when needed. Petty faction kerfuffles really don’t fit them, in my opinion, and as I said before, we already have a perfectly good Horde Ogre clan with two others to back them up in the playable faction.

If Outland is supposedly slowly crumbling away, I do wonder if they may pack up and move elsewhere. I also wonder what would happen to the Bladespire and Bloodmaul Clans. Seeing as I kinda became their king, I’d like to lead them to safety…preferably within the ranks of the Horde, of course.

Speaking of those clans, I found out there both have their own banners.

MU Bladespire banner:

AU Bloodmaul banner:

It’s neat to see other Ogre clans have a different banner. I figured I’d share them to show off what Ogres can come up with. I’ll have to see if any other Ogre clans have different banners, though most on Azeroth at least seem to use the same banner design that the MU Stonemaul Clan used.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Bringing this up for people who would like to see playable ogres. Hoping we see them someday, and some good news for ogre fans :slight_smile:


On the subject of banners, it’s a shame the Stonemaul banner given to you for a quest in Dustwallow Marsh gets destroyed. I’d be tempted to take it back to Orgrimmar…

…and place it in this space here. Ah well. Maybe someday, we’ll see a Horde Ogre banner there.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I’ve given my thoughts on the idea of if Ogres were playable in Vanilla and Cataclysm, and the one remaining rumor to comment on (aside from potentially BfA), would be Warlords of Draenor.

I don’t recall where the rumors started or came from. At least I don’t personally recall seeing any at the time. I don’t really remember when they started, since features like new playable races were announced at the time the expansion was announced. Still, I’ll comment on that possibility.

In terms of the playable Ogre faction…I really don’t know what they would’ve done since we went to an alternate universe.

If they introduced the MU Stonemaul Clan as the playable faction finally, likely it would’ve been to assist with the Iron Horde invasion and come with us to AU Draenor. That would’ve been the simplest way to implement them.

If not the MU Stonemaul Clan, it would’ve been an AU clan of some sort. I can’t imagine them being at the beginning of the expansion, since we didn’t go to AU Draenor yet, so maybe it would’ve been much later we would’ve gotten them. Likely, they would’ve had the Bladespire Outpost, since it was originally planned to be much bigger than it actually was.

The only issue I can see with an AU Ogre Clan is that they would need a reason to come back with us after WoD was done. Considering the ending for WoD…I’m not sure how that would’ve played out. With the MU Stonemaul Clan, maybe they would’ve been better as contacts for a friendly AU Ogre clan perhaps and would come back with us after the fact. It’s hard for me to see an AU Ogre Clan come back with us for some reason.

I’m sure it would be possible to write an AU Draenor Ogre Clan allying with the Horde and somehow coming back with them after the fact, but it does seem like the MU Stonemaul Clan would’ve been easier to write for, would make more sense, and of course have a good reason to stay with us on Azeroth, seeing that is their home.

In terms of the storyline as a whole…I don’t see much changing. There would still be the Iron Horde, there would still be enemy Ogre clans, and I don’t see a lot changing aside from Bladespire Outpost being a Horde-friendly outpost as opposed to it being inhabited by Ogre jerks. The Frostwolves we work with could be dubious to any Ogre clans we worked with or brought with us, but could’ve warmed up to them.

It’s hard for me to see WoD as a huge opportunity for playable Horde Ogres, given how it’s set in an alternate universe. I’d be curious to see what would’ve been done if we did get playable Horde Ogres then, which would’ve made the expansion much better IMO. At the very least, the MU Stonemaul Clan still has a decent chance of being part of or THE playable Ogre faction if we get lucky enough to see them playable.

Anyway, I wanted to comment on those rumors a bit. Don’t have a lot to say on it, but it’s still an interesting thought. If anyone has any thoughts on it, please share! I’d love to have discussions on it in case I’m overlooking something.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I suppose since I mentioned it, I’ll write a bit with if playable Horde Ogres became a thing during BfA, though there isn’t too much for me to comment on.

In terms of story, not a whole lot would change. Then again, a lot of races that became allied races could be replaced with almost anything else and nothing much would change in the story. Go figure. If anything, maybe the MU Stonemaul Clan would’ve sparked some bad memories for Jaina, since they played a role in helping the Horde attack Theramore and kill her father, which could’ve been interesting and helped Jaina’s motives against the Horde at the time.

Since Etrigg was big on collecting debts, someone would’ve likely brought up the idea of the MU Stonemaul Clan owing the Horde a lot for saving them multiple times. Seeing as the Horde needs troops and Ogres would be pretty invaluable in a war, that would likely have given way for an unlock questline.

Of course, we’d have to do some stuff to get them able to assist us. I’ve written a scenario a long time ago in the previous Ogre megathread in 3 different parts. I’ll have to gather them up and post them in this megathread at some point, and while some of it is workable still, I did type it up before the patch with Nazjatar even came out, so it is a bit outdated. Around the time it was announced at Blizzcon, come to think of it. Maybe I’ll do a rework of it and also do a Dire Maul scenario I’ve been meaning to do for awhile.

The biggest questlines to work with this would’ve been to officially get their home back again in Dustwallow Swamp and/or get Dire Maul for the Horde. Both of which would help to tie up several loose questlines. Moreso if you involve the Dunemaul and AU Stonemaul Clans in the unlock scenario. They’re the best locations for an unlock scenario and would make the most sense.

After the fact, we’d likely see Ogres as grunts in the war, whether they help the Horde in some areas or act as jobbers for Alliance in world quests, at least they would’ve been utilized and playable. As I mentioned, it’s really odd how the Horde doesn’t utilize members within their own ranks, but will instead go to an alternate universe to tell the AU Mag’har Orcs to stop what they’re doing and come fight and die in a war in another world, likely not being able to return home after the fact. The fact that we didn’t see any Horde Ogres at all, even as NPC grunts, is baffling. Things I’ll likely grumble about for a long time, I’m sure.

Sadly, BfA’s theme was pretty much “missed opportunities.” We didn’t see any Horde Ogres at all, and with Shadowlands getting into the spotlight and taking several years as the focus, I’m left wondering when they’ll come back into the picture again.

As I said, I don’t have a whole lot to comment on for Horde Ogres in BfA. It’s a big missed opportunity and an extremely disappointing no-show in general, and I’m sure I could rant enough to write a thesis paper on it. I’m hoping we’ll see the Horde Ogre clans pop up at some point again, hopefully leading them into becoming playable.

On a more brighter note, tomorrow is October 9th, 2021, which will be this megathread’s 1 year anniversary! I’ll make a post for that day at some point and figure out how else to celebrate it. Us Ogre fans have been marching for playable Horde Ogre support for many years, and I personally don’t have any plans to stop anytime soon!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


This was one of the things I disliked about how limited the AR’s were.

If the Alliance and Horde truly needed troops they should have immediately pulled from the races they were already allied with making those ARs.

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Today marks the 1 year anniversary of this megathread! Huzzah!

It seems like it was just yesterday when BfA was the main focus and I started marching in support for playable Horde Ogres. Time really flies, doesn’t it?

Playable Horde Ogres have been something I’ve personally wanted since I first joined the game shortly after BC released. I had quit Everquest 1 after years of playing it, and looked to recreate as many of my EQ characters in WoW within reason. One of my favorite characters was my Ogre Berserker. The idea of being a raging Ogre that smashes everything in his path was really fun to play and even do light RP as.

At the time, I was new to the Warcraft franchise. Seeing that expansions with new races would be a high possibility, I looked into the races of the world and thought about potential ones that could come. I knew that Ogres had some part of the Horde, which the MU Stonemaul Clan did since Warcraft 3, and I figured they would be an eventuality. Moreso when we got Goblins during Cataclysm, which I felt was a missing piece of the Horde that got added.

I made an Orc Warrior with the name of my previous Ogre, with the idea that I could reroll in the future if Ogres did become playable. However, it wasn’t a good fit for my character, so he eventually just became a placeholder. I really felt that playable Horde Ogres were an eventuality, so I waited…and waited some more…and waited even more…and fast forward to today, I’m still waiting.

When BfA came, it was an interesting time. The allied race system seemed like a lot of potential and even brought me back into WoW, where I quit after hating WoD and really disliking Legion. I came onto the forums to see the speculation of what would be next, and that’s when I discovered the different race support megathreads, filled with passionate players supporting various races they wanted to see become playable.

I loved the concept and went to see what megathreads were created, since it was a really good time to gather feedback on races people wanted to see become playable. I didn’t see a Saurok megathread at the time, which I eventually created, but I did find the previous Ogre megathread. I saw that it wasn’t as active as other megathreads, and thus I braved the active minefields that was the official WoW forums to add in my support for playable Horde Ogres.

For the majority of BfA, I worked hard to research the Horde Ogre clans, offer ideas, wrote scenarios, and other similar things and also making this Ogre megathread to continue the support. Sadly, the Horde Ogre clans made no appearance at all during BfA, and Shadowlands was announced which was very disconnected from anything familiar with Azeroth as we knew it. I’d be lying if I didn’t feel a bit discouraged, but then again, we don’t know what the future holds, so being able to show off support I feel is still important to do.

In the event that we are lucky enough to get playable Horde Ogres, I take no credit whatsoever. Ogre support has gone on by various people since the game itself launched, and to be honest, I’ve no interest in fame. I considered what I do to be a small part of the overall effort, and if anything, I regret not really knowing what direction to go in order to evolve my support. I honestly do this because of my passion to see races I want to become playable a reality.

I will say that if playable Horde Ogres become a reality, I’ll be revamping this megathread to report on all the details I can find. I might even try to support a launch party in Orgrimmar is at all possible, taking screenshots of the event and sharing them here. There is also sharing our Ogre characters and talking about their involvement in any storylines. It’s something I hope becomes a reality someday, as it would make for a great and memorable time.

I’m sure I could go on and on, but I’d like to close with a thank you to all those who have helped support playable Horde Ogres in some fashion, as well as thanking everyone in the race request megathread communities for giving me inspiration to get off my butt, roll up my sleeves, and gain the courage to maintain my Stonemaul Ogre and Saurok megathreads. Without all of you, I may have remained a lurker and just kept silently hoping to see my playable races, but now I have a voice of some sort. Maybe it’s more of a squeak than a loud roar, but it’s something. I’ve enjoyed my time in all the different race request megathreads, and I plan to continue being part of several of them. I honestly hope to see people get their dreams come true with the races they want to see become playable.

I’ve always taken the stance that anything I do on here may not lead to anything, and that playable Horde Ogres are not a guarantee. However, as I’ve felt since doing this, it’s better to have something than to just silently hope. You never know if the seeds we plant will grow into something wonderful.

And for the Horde Ogre clans, there will always be a Darkspear Troll that will always keep them in mind, and will do their best to make sure they are not forgotten. Perhaps someday, we’ll see them become full members, and I’ll continue to dream of the day that I can see several Ogre players walking around in Orgrimmar as champions of the Horde…well, ok, likely they’ll be flying around on mounts, but my point is I want to see the day they appear on the Horde side of that character creation screen. Hopefully someday that will become a reality…until then, I march onward to support them as a playable Horde race as best as I can.

As always, dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


With Hallow’s End coming up, I wanted to go over the female Ogre mask since I don’t think I did a post for it in this megathread.

As you may know, there is a female Ogre mask in the game, which is the only in-game representation of female Ogres in any way I am aware of. This is what it looks like:

It’s sold by a couple of mask vendors, which sells masks of other races as well, both playable and NPC races.

The mask I think was added shortly before Cataclysm. I seem to recall the masks being a big deal since the vendors at the time only sold masks of playable races. Somehow, I assume via datamining, people discovered masks of Goblins and Worgen, who became playable during Cataclysm, and to allegedly throw off suspicion, masks of other NPC races were added which included Ogres, Naga, Vrykul, and Murlocs. I’m not sure if this is true at all, but this comes from rumors I’ve read before.

The female Ogre mask itself is pretty exciting to think about (No, not like that you perverts. Get your minds out of the gutter < - <). It shows off what female Ogres could potentially have looked like in the game, especially if Ogres became playable during Cataclysm. Granted, it’s hard to see from just the face to see if it would be a perfect fit or not, but it still is something.

If something like this could’ve been made, surely a full female Ogre model wouldn’t be too out of the realm of possibility, right? Sure, this was just a small item with one face texture, but someone had to think up a female Ogre face for it. It wasn’t like they went “Ewww, no” and just made a male Ogre mask. Granted, there may not have been too much thought in decided to make a female Ogre mask here for a holiday, though it had to be agreed on in some fashion and someone had to willingly make it.

I personally don’t see female Ogres as an obstacle to playable Horde Ogres, which would be rather silly if it is in my opinion. As I said, they would bring in some much needed variety in the female models and offer the option to be something ugly and savage for those wanting that. Not a huge number of course, but world-building to me is an investment that lasts a long time.

Now, is this mask’s looks a fit for female Ogres? I’d like to hear what others think. If it isn’t, what doesn’t make it fit? I think that discussions of the best look for female Ogres would be important for helping thinking up designs of female Ogres in general.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I don’t think I’ve talked about this here, but I wanted to list what I think could be a list of potential Ogre customization options. Something we could realistically see with playable Ogres.

I assume if you go two heads, you can customize each head separately.

-Male and Female options

Eye Color
Eye Number (Two eyes, one eye)
Head spikes (Different types of spike, a broken spike, or no spike at all)
Hair type (could be female-only possibly)
Hair color
Number of heads (1 or 2)
Skin Color

-Male only

Beard colors

-Female only

Accessories (Bone hair tie, bone through nose)
Jewelry (likely primitive, such as being made out of bone)

If anyone has any ideas of customization options, please share! I’m sure I’ve missed something that would fit well in Ogre player creation!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


i’ve been trying to convince classic season of mastery devs to include playable ogres and high elves. since its vanilla, ogres would start in orc starting zone and high elves would start in human starting zone. :smiley:


Seeing Ogres in Classic would be interesting, though I personally want them playable in Retail primarily. There have been rumors of a Classic+ direction that Blizzard may go on, though I assume it may be more in the direction of content like dungeons and raids as opposed to new races with older models. Guess we’ll see what happens if Classic+ becomes a thing.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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Aye. Retail would be far better to have Ogres in. (Though I’d be happy for our Classic brethren if they did get them.)

Still the Classic format wouldn’t give me my Ogre Monk Sumo Wrestler. >:[


Happy 1000th post! And boo classic! They shouldn’t waste customization resources on an outdated version of the game! I’m very much against the idea of classic getting anything new. Should go to only retail or both but never just classic. Think if they did they I’d perma quit.


no no, what comes after vanilla? tbc. and after that, san’layn. pester! pester. hehe

all angles.