The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Since I mentioned it, I wanted to go over the idea of the racial of choosing your Ogre clan and what clans it could potentially involve. This is assuming that Blizzard would go the multiple clan route for playable Horde Ogres.

Currently, the Ogre clans in the Horde are the following:

Stonemaul Clan (Our Universe)
Stonemaul Clan (Alternate Draenor Universe)
Dunemaul Clan

I’ve mentioned in the old Ogre megathread the idea of the Gordunni being added to the Horde’s ranks. Now, considering they’re enemies that have been causing the Horde trouble, how would this work?

The Gordunni are lead by the King Gordok, who if killed, the slayer of the King Gordok becomes the new King Gordok. This is actually shown in-game when you run the Dire Maul section with the Gordunni Ogres, where you can become the King Gordok. You get rewards that get higher in value if you manage kill as few Ogres as possible on your way to the King Gordok boss.

Now, with regards to the Stonemaul Ogres, one of the loose ends that needs to be tied with them is with Dire Maul, as aside from helping with the Gordunni threat, they were to help the Horde take over Dire Maul:

"You kill Gordok leader, you new ogre king. If you king, then ogre leaders like Kromcrush and Kreeg that survive pay you big tribute and you stop Gordok invasion. If you do that, then me very happy ogre and we take Dire Maul FOR DA HORDE!!!

Go, little -insert race here- ! Kill ugly Gordok ogre king and maybe dis be new Stonemaul Hold! Yar!"

So one idea I had was to tie this in to Mok’morokk, where he goes to Dire Maul (said to be empty during the Traveler book series for…reasons. Guessing the Stonemaul had some emergency or something to not be able to take it over) to camp out and figure out what to do. The Gordunni, having left in the Traveler series, would come back, Mok’morokk would then challenge and take over the leadership, which then causes problems for the Horde in Feralas.

Now, slaughtering everyone there would work…but it’s not quite what I would want. I feel like having one of the Stonemaul Ogres, likely Draz’Zilb since he is magically inclined and could help Blood Elves and Nightborne study the area, could end up taking leadership as a permanent Gordok King. After the Traveler book series, the Gordunni decided only Ogres could become King Gordok if I recall correctly.

It solves a few loose ends while ending on a more lighthearted note. The Horde could utilize the Gordunni to ruin Alliance lands (epic dance party to distract the Alliance, perhaps?), since they were ruining the lands of Feralas and know how to damage stuff, and Mok’morokk could be relegated to “Master of the Ogre Outhouses” and would be used to keep the Ogre latrines clean. Sounds a bit more fun than just slaughtering everyone…especially when you talk to the Gordunni Ogres after becoming Gordok King. Makes me feel bad for killing them.

I’ll go more into detail with this line of thinking in a future post, but with this idea, you’d have four clans within the Horde to utilize the clan buff racial idea I mentioned. I don’t know if any other clans would join up, and it doesn’t seem like there are any other candidates for the most part, but you never know.

I’d have to think of what each clan would have to offer for such a racial buff. I’m sure there are things they specialize in that would work well as small buffs, though I’d have to really think on it.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre: