The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I have completed the Necrolords covenant campaign on my Necrolords character. Surprisingly, I haven’t seen anything Ogre-related there at all, be it in spirit form or otherwise. I figured of the four areas so far, Ogres would be most likely to end up in Maldraxxus. I mean, lots of fighting in defending the Shadowlands and glory to be gained in an arena would likely sound appealing to Ogres in general.

I’ll still keep an eye out for anything Ogre-related there, and in Shadowlands in general. It’s possible whatever area we go to next in Shadowlands could yield some results, and at some point I’ll likely explore the Maw more (albeit begrudgingly) to see if there are any Ogre spirits trapped there.

I’m still wondering if we’ll run into any of the Stonemaul Ogre spirits involved in this quest:

Guess we’ll see where the next big patch takes us in the Shadowlands. Hopefully we’d see living Stonemaul and Dunemaul Ogres to help us as well, of course.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Well we now know how QnA questions are being submitted via this link:

I went ahead and asked the following question:

“Since it has been awhile since we heard from the Horde Ogre clans (MU Stonemaul, AU Stonemaul, and Dunemaul), can we get an update on how they are doing and what they are up to?”

Will it actually get answered? Likely not, but worth a try.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Hmm… Interesting. I’ll need to think of a question to ask.

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They are taking questions for the upcoming QnA on the forums in addition to what I linked before. I went ahead and posted the same question I submitted via the previous website, as I figured it shouldn’t harm anything.

The question and the post are as follows:

“Since it has been awhile since we heard from the Horde Ogre clans (MU Stonemaul, AU Stonemaul, and Dunemaul), can we get an update on how they are doing and what they are up to?”

Of course, I’d be surprised if my questions did get answered, but I figured there was no harm in trying. It would be nice to know what the Horde Ogres have been up to, since it has been very long since we heard from any of them, and the AU Stonemaul have kinda disappeared.

We’ll see what happens, but regardless, I’ll still continue to march for my support of playable Horde Ogres!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Very sad to see Activision-Blizzard has not realized their stock prices will go to the moon and world peace will be brought about with the announcement of playable Ogres.

In all seriousness I do hope the next go around of added races they finally put in Ogres.


Be a great spot to work them in, especially with the large male gladiator dudes using modified ogre animations. Make use of the older ogres, maybe add some new ogre models based on the newer animations…

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I thought I read that the male and female models of the shrouded Necrolords NPC’s utilized a modified Kul Tiran model. Would be neat if they did utilize Ogre animations to make way to implementing them into playable Ogre characters.

I do know they made new Ogre models and potentially animations for the ones you fight in Exile’s Reach. I’m personally of the opinion that the Ogre models and animations shared with most moonkin forms would be perfect to base them on. This is mostly because they have their own dance and can ride mounts and such.

Obviously, implementing that Ogre model into a playable race model might be more complicated than that, as well as putting armor graphics and such on them, but those models and animations still have some Ogre personality I’d like to see translated to Ogre PC’s.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Yeah, that’s what people were saying but when you go into the model viewer and look at it, the males are definitely ogres. The females are the Kultiran females.
The skeleton soldiers are male Kultirans and the necromancer guys are Zandalari.

I’ve seen others saying the ogres for Exile’s reach got some updating.

The maldraxxi gladiator dudes seem to have more of a player-like fighting stance compared to the older ogres. It’s part of why I’ve wondered if something is in the works. Might not be though.

Any idea what the ogres from exile’s reach were called? Could look them up in the viewer.

The maldraxxi dudes have no dance animation compared to the female which does as they use the full kultiran female animation set. Finish out the animations and give them the ogre dance, and it’d probably work pretty nicely.

The regular ogre animations have always seemed a bit more rigid. The bottom of the body moves very little. They just stand in place and move their arms around with very little body movement. Sorta makes sense with them being big brutes, stand and take it and smack back…but having more body movement like with the maldraxxi gladiators looks a lot nicer visually and putting your bulk into the attack makes it more devastating. More action to it too. Leaves me wondering what an ogre model rigged to the maldraxxi animations would look like.
That’s something I dunno how to do.


That would be the Darkmaul Clan. You can find a list of some the mobs here:

Interesting to see what all they did with the Maldraxxus NPC’s and animations. Would love to think they might utilize some of that into playable Ogre models. Guess we’ll have to see what happens in the future if we get lucky enough to get playable Horde Ogres.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Darkmaul didn’t pull up anything.
Using the list I was able to find the shadowcaster which is just a color variant of a draenor ogre.
Searching another spot, looks like “Ogre necromancer” which is used for Gor’groth is just a recolor of the “Ogrehighmaulking” which was Imperator Mar’gok. So the models weren’t new just recolors. It’s interesting looking at how the second head behaves. It looks like the main head is moved to the side and the other added on and the animations for it are usually pretty close to the main head with the positioning sometimes mirrored.
The animations look like the regular old ogre animations with the feet planted.

It leaves me wondering how far along the Male kultiran animations were when BFA launched.

It’s also interesting seeing the evolution of various animations.
People are often claiming the male kultiran animations were completely new. Starting from scratch is a poor use of resources when you can take something and use it as a starting point and work from it to save time and resources.

The kultirans definitely share a development path with the orcs which also makes sense when the Mok’nathal uses that animation set.
Some of the animations between the male kultiran and male upright orc are pretty close and some are almost the very same except mirrored.

So hopefully they’re keeping the animators busy fleshing out this modified ogre rig the Maldraxxi use into a playable ogre set. Would be great to finally see them playable.


Well folks, Blizzconline has shown off stuff for the next patch as well as had their QnA. Nothing Ogre related shown off, which I guess makes some sense given we’re still in the Shadowlands currently, and no Ogre questions got answered, not that I expected my questions to get answered at all.

Despite that, I’m still planning to continue marching for support for playable Horde Ogres and also playable Horde Saurok. It seems like we might have to wait for another expansion to get the chance to do so.

I did see a theme of mentioning getting feedback from the forums. Whether they actually do or not, I can’t say, but it can’t hurt to keep going. I’m also still planning to explore other avenues of showing support also.

Regardless, I’m still hoping it won’t be an extremely long time before we finally get playable Horde Ogres. I’ll continue marching my support for them as best as I can in the meantime.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I came across a wiki for Hearthstone that lists Ogre art on each of the cards that are in the game, located here:

The artwork in here is pretty awesome. Interesting to note is there is a card for a “Dunemaul Shaman.” I didn’t see any Stonemaul specific cards, MU or AU, unless I missed it somehow.

There is also an Ogre Ninja card, which is pretty amusing. I’d happily take Ogre Rogues as a race/class combo if it meant finally getting playable Horde Ogres!

Just some neat artwork I wanted to share, Some of these would make for some really neat customization ideas, so it’s good to be able to share stuff like this!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I’ve been going through the Kyrian covenant campaign on yet another character. Without spoiling specifics, you do go back briefly to Azeroth to see the Scourge wrecking havoc on the general area you visit. It did make things seem dire, and I can only assume that the entire world (of Warcraft!) is being affected.

Given the severity of the situation, I wonder if the Stonemaul clans can hold their own in Dustwallow Swamp and Feralas, both of which which likely have a lot of dead things in the area that would suddenly rise. If they can’t, either they would run off to Thunder Bluff, which is closer, or get to Orgrimmar to help defend both areas until we fix the problem somehow through the Shadowlands.

This line of thinking does have me hope we do see how the world (of Warcraft!) has been affected during Shadowlands. It would put a bit of weight and importance of our role as champion of -insert faction here- and that many people are relying on us to save the world (of Warcraft!)…again!

I imagine the Stonemaul Clans could get overwhelmed with the Scourge and need to flee, but they would be good assets in the defense of Thunder Bluff or Orgrimmar. I’ve talked about the idea before, but I felt that seeing at least a hint of how dire things are back home, I should at least comment on it again.

As for the Dunemaul Clan, I assume the same thing could happen. The ones still at their home could get run out of Tanaris and make their way towards Thunder Bluff and Orgrimmar, likely transported there by Megs Dreadshredder. She wouldn’t want them to just get slaughtered, since she is using them to do…stuff, and besides, it would help earn the Dunemaul (and her by proxy) earn favor with the Horde since it’s unclear whether the Horde knows about the Dunemaul Clan joining them or not.

And as I said, the Stonemaul Clans and Dunemaul Clan helping to save a capital city would help earn them more brownie points to work towards becoming full members of the Horde! Sounds like a great reward for helping to save a capital city to me!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


A positive thing I will say about Shadowlands is that I like the Theater of Pain in Maldraxxus. That would be the area on the map as opposed to the dungeon, of course.

There is something about going there and fighting with others, PC’s and NPC’s, to take down big bosses in order to get prizes (a potential mount on your first kill and anima from the Bet on Yourself quest) and also glory that is pretty fun to do.

As such, I’m hoping the idea gets used in the future. A good way to do this is to create a brand new Stonemaul Arena to help raise Horde moral and offer some entertainment! There was one in Draenor, so the AU Stonemaul can work with the MU Stonemaul in order to get one set up. I’m sure the nearby Goblin town of Mudsprocket would see gold pieces in their eyes as well with this idea and help out in the name of good wi-err, capitalism!

I’m guessing the arena could be in Dustwallow Marsh somewhere, and there could be a combination of big monsters to fight and also gladiator groups to fight against too. Give out some neat loot that could rotate every now and then to keep interest in coming back, and it’s something that would be pretty amazing in my opinion.

It could also be WoW’s version of the Trial of Blood, where Rexxar had to fight Kor’Gall in an arena to take over the Stonemaul Clan. Such a thing could be part of a micro holiday as well, since there are other trials that the Stonemaul Clan utilizes within their culture. Something to type about in a future post!

Just a fun idea I wanted to share. Honestly, building a grand arena would be fitting, given that there are several Roman themes used with Ogres, and it would likely make the Stonemaul Ogres well liked within the Horde. Plus, it’s a neat thing players could come to for something different when they need to take a break from questing.

Big money! Big prizes! I love it! :moneybag:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Just wanted to bump this amazing thread and to say I’m disappointed Ogres are still not playable…

This Blizzcon was such a disappointment, I’m all for new races, Ogres is high up there for me and literally after them saying no to more customisations I’m thinking maybe next expansion we will get something nice…

I feel like Shadowlands isn’t gonna be a great expansion for me… I’m always cheering for more races and choices in WoW.

One day I’ll be an Ogre Shaman…one day…


I know right? Longest requested Horde race and they’re still not here.

Yeah… just… yeah…

Honestly they have their priorities in all the wrong places.

Its good and well to design things for content of course, but players want both customization and AR’s.

Blizzard stands to make a lot more money by letting players have more options and more story at the same time. For a company with so much money its ridiculous that they can’t have a team working on each one.

Me too. I’m playing now only because of friends. I’ve lost ALL faith in blizzard at this point.

But lets just… try to have some hope.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I do think the potential for new races in general is still there for future expansions. They’re great marketing tools and act as a cash cow with services like race changes and boosting.

Still, part of me is a bit concerned with how development is going for Shadowlands. It seems to be taking a bit longer than normal to have anything to show for what is coming next, and dropping new customizations that were promised for the expansion is a bit worrying.

While I still enjoy the game currently, as I said before, I’m hoping the game gets back on course with regards to feeling like Warcraft again. Shadowlands, in all honesty, hasn’t been a favorite of mine primarily because of the afterlife setting. Not to mention there are several unresolved storylines and infamous NPC’s still out there plotting stuff that would work well as expansion ideas that I would like to see continue.

Anyway, I’m still playing the game, and as such, I’m still planning to continue my march of support for playable Ogres and Saurok on the Horde, as well as help support other races people want playable that would be neat to see.

That said, I’m going to temper expectations going forward with future expansions. I want to remain positive, but at the same time, it’s a bit frustrating to see potential for world building and character creation options being squandered for reasons unbeknownst to us.

I’m still hoping somehow our playable race requests feedback are being taken and considered. This especially after touting how they have allegedly been getting feedback off these forums. It remains to be seen, and they’ll need to actually start showing something in that regard long-term for people in general to believe that. It’ll likely be awhile yet before we see anything with the next expansion to also see if any feedback is being shared.

Still, I continue to hope to be able to create my male Stonemaul Ogre Warrior on the Horde someday. Hopefully, we’ll see them playable sooner than later.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


So something I want to do for playable Ogre idea inspiration is to look at Ogres in other MMO’s and media and see what is done with them. It’s something that could potentially help with racial ideas, since it’s something I’ve been wanting to add to the main post of this megathread.

On a related note, I bought a Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Seraphon (lizard men) Battle Tome a few days ago for a semi-good price both because I was interested in making a Seraphon army for fun someday but was also wanting to look at it for Saurok idea inspiration. As it turns out, I came across the Ogor Mawtribes (Ogre Kingdoms) Battle Tome also for a semi-decent price, with an Ogre army being another army I was interested in building someday also (surprise surprise).

It should arrive soon and it’ll take a bit for me to look at it to see if it inspires any playable Ogre ideas. I did also come across a series of lore videos on YouTube that goes over the lore of the Mawtribes, complete with some really neat Ogre artwork. If you need something to listen to for a good length of time, you can find the playlist here:

Ogor Mawtribes lore video playlist on YouTube

When it comes to idea inspiration, it helps to look at what was done for other Ogres in different universes. You never know what you can come up with for playable Horde Ogres, and it’s a good way to build up ideas such as racials for them.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Ogres in a lot of genres are relatively the same. Mindless brutes of muscle and hunger.

Wow’s version while usually also dumb have always been a little more nuanced than most I’ve seen in other media. Having once had their empire and the two headed ones with their magics.

Be interesting to see what you find.

Very neat!


I think that’s my favorite thing with WoW Ogres is that they’re so much more than “big dumb brutes”. They had a sprawling empire that could rival the Zandalari and a mastery of magic to rival the ancient Highborne. My headcanon is that education was reserved for the nobles, magically inclined and military officers, and so many Ogres are dumb as a result of it. I just really like how Ogres had such a unique and structured society.